Staff Bulletin 2022T2W2

published on Saturday 2 April 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Also, from 1 April, all our AED(LBS) will now be known as Special Educational Needs Officers (SEN Officers). Do take note that due to a technical glitch, MOE will be pushing back the Subject Information Updating Exercise (SIUE) window by a week from 28 Mar to 25 Apr to 4 Apr to 2 May. It is with great joy that I share that the following officers will be receiving their promotions this year:

Promotion from 1 Apil 2022

  • Mr Brandon Joseph Yip Wei Wen

  • Mdm Qian Bingyun

  • Miss Loh Hui Yan Charmaine

  • Miss Nurul Amelia Binte Akhtiar

  • Mdm Tay Lei Yi

  • Miss Thia Lee Lian

  • Mr Jansher Khan

  • Mdm Anne Mary Puhaindran

  • Haslindah Binte Ab Rahman

  • Miss Pee May May

  • Miss Tan Nicole Anne

  • Miss Nurul Hidayah Binte Mohamed Yatim

From 1 October 2022

  • Miss Belle Koh

  • Mr Goh Si Win, Sherwin

Many years ago, when I met up with my classmates who were moving ahead in their various careers in banking, medicine, aviation, law etc, I used to leave those gatherings with a sense of being unaccomplished, poor and even somewhat envious. But over the years of working in different school environments, I've come to the realisation that it is not a cliche that teaching is the profession that gives rise to other professions. We are the only profession (other than parents) that intentionally undertakes the very critical task of ensuring that society is morally upright and stable. We ensure that people of the future live a life based on a common set of principles and values. The work we do, in essence, is of far greater importance than bankers, lawyers and doctors, even if we are paid far less. So we should not let others, or worse yet, ourselves, belittle the important work that we do, even though we may not be cash-rich. In fact, we must stand proud that we as educators have built up the lives of many fellow human beings rather than building up an investment portfolio. The riches that we generate is priceless and etched on the hearts of our students. Yes, it may be tough going and discouraging at times, but let's support each other and pick ourselves up and remember that....we are teachers.

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to the next. "

~GK Chesterton

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

On Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Follow-up to Wednesday's PD

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

Dear everyone, at Wednesday's PD session on restorative practice and PosEd, P opened the session with a sharing about some of the boys-centric aspects of student engagement, TSR and management. He shared from the book Reaching Boys, Teaching Boys, available in the Staff Resource/Reading Cupboard in the Staff Lounge, and urge all to give it a read, if at least the introduction chapter.

Attached here is a pdf of just the Introduction chapter, plus 2 other articles. You could download them for your reading pleasure. They are very readable, do take time to look through them, and reconnect with our personal mission that made us first come into teaching :D

Here are two extracts from the middle article "Relationships Play Primary Role in Boys’ Learning" -

"Teachers and boys alike attributed the greatest number of relational successes to teachers’ efforts to meet their individual needs, but almost twice as many boys as teachers attributed relational success to teachers’ mastery of their material, effective classroom management, and maintaining standards ... boys stressed their appreciation and admiration for teachers who established clear expectations, held them to high (but attainable) standards and, through various affective gestures, convinced them that they could succeed in meeting them."

"For their part, boys attributed relational breakdown to: • The perceived inability of teachers to present course material and performance expectations in a clear, compelling way; • The perception of teachers as aloof and uninterested in them personally; • The perception of teachers as inappropriately angry, judgmental, sarcastic, and authoritarian; and • The perceived inability of teachers to maintain order and to establish a civil, emotionally safe classroom climate. Boys’ negative accounts included little assumption of personal responsibility for the relational impasse; in their accounts of relational success, they frequently acknowledged the difficulties and challenges they presented to teachers."

We would also like to encourage everyone - do not be too disheartened about the 8% more recalcitrant boys, but to broaden the base of our good work to help the majority 92% of our boys grow in the goodness of character and heart to look after each other, build good social skills and SSR, to do good as one caring community. :D

In line with our Founder's Day & 170 Lassalle in Asia and our Lasallian Formation Day theme this year - To Dream is Our Way Forward, rallying and co-creating that better world, together!

P.S.: Boys need and respect order in order to thrive, even while ironically many boys are generally messy. Please do read the Newsletter in the Student Well-Being item below too about routines and order for the classroom - it applies to our boys in general as well. :D

Michael Reichert Richard Hawley - Reaching Boys Teaching Boys Introduction Teaser only.pdf
Michael Reichert Richard Hawley - Reaching Boys Teaching Boys article.pdf
Reaching Boys An International Study of Effective Teaching Practices.pdf

Student WB Newsletter: March

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details: Read on to find out about Setting Expectations and Routines as we continue our journey towards a positive classroom culture. Click the link to explore additional information on establishing structured routines for your students!

Do complete these microlearning units (MLU) on OPAL to extend your understanding about building a positive classroom culture.

  • (SEN) Building A Positive Classroom Culture - Unit 1 Establishing Classroom Routines (7 mins)

  • SEN:se Online PD Unit 3.1 - Introduction to Building a Positive Classroom Culture (10 mins)

March Newsletter

Procedures on Morning Assembly in the Hall

By: Discipline Committee

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Week 3 onwards

Deadline to Note: -NA

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We will proceed with Morning Assemblies in the Hall by levels, following our announcements recently. Teachers involved will report to the hall by 7.15am. Please go through the enclosed slides and do take note of the SOPs in the hall.

Credere et Servire,


Procedures for Morning Assembly in the Hall_Term2_Week 3_2022.pptx

Project GOOD


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 8, 11, 12 and 13

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details: Brother Collin will be launching Project GOOD (Gift Of One Dollar) on Founder's Day. We want to encourage the boys to be a blessing to others by saving and giving $1 to this project. Money collected will go to Hope House. Parent volunteers will be in the canteen with the box for the boys to drop their money in.

Survey On Books & Files Check

By: SLs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: 5 April, Tuesday

Information Details:

Dear everyone, we would like to review the way we have been doing books/files check by RO/SLs - the purpose, the process, the usefulness of outcomes, and explore ways of making it better or achieving the purpose in other good ways.

In particular, rather than it being merely an Industrail-Revolution era form of quality sampling that is supervisory in nature, could we all reframe how we look at it and use it to improve our craft.

If you could take time to answer the following questions, to suggest how, in your own personal ideal ways, you would like it to really work for you and be of use to you, and other ideas you may have. Do give it some good thought and share your views with us, so we can together improve our craft and art of teaching as one fraternity, from within. :D

The Survey form link is:

You need to log in ICON to access the Survey link.

Looking forward to hearing from you, if you could complete the survey by 5 April, Tuesday, many thanks.

Student Leadership

By: Student Leadership Committee

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Monday, 4 April 2022 (FTGP Period)

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear Teachers, please note that the student leadership training for the 3 leadership roles of i) Class Monitor, ii) Line Leader and iii) Peer Leader will be conducted on Monday, 4 April during the FTGP period.

Students will be seated according to their classes with the SMM of 2m between each class and 1m between each students.

Do refer to the attach slides for the venues students should report to.
The slides used for the training can be found in the google drive link below

The class leadership badges will be given to the Form Teachers later this term. Thank you for making your selection and continue to train your students to be leaders.

Training Plan for the Students

Updated CCA Lunch and Dismissal (Term 2)

By: CCA Comm

Relevant Levels: P3-P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Beginning Term 2, Week 3 onwards

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear Teachers, please note that due to the changes in dismissal timing of students from class as well as relaxation of SMM, there will be an updated CCA lunch and dismissal plan starting in week 3.

Students allocated to the 1st CCA lunch timing will proceed to the canteen as usual using staircase 4 at 1.30pm.
Students allocated to the 2nd Lunch timing will now leave class at 1.30pm and be heading straight to the hall.
This will allow teachers to leave the classroom by 1.35pm for their breaks while keeping to the SMM and available seats in the canteen for students to have their lunch before CCA. We will like to also thank, Li Shan, Rajeswari, Cikgu Nor and Joo Eng for diligently looking after the boys as part of their safety duty in the canteen and hall since the start of this year.

Similarly, due to relaxation of SMMs, students can finally be allowed to go out of school for CCA training and be involved in competitions as well. As a result, the CCA sessions will be more fluid and many CCAs will be out of school with various dismissal timings. As a result we will no longer do a rotation system for CCA dismissal. Every CCA should have at least 1 CCA teacher on dismissal duty with 3 teachers taking charge of the traffic and the other CCA teachers taking charge of students at the foyer. Let's continue to work as a team to ensure a smooth lunch and dismissal process for the safety and welfare of the students under our charge.

Please refer to the slides attached.

Updated CCA Lunch and Dismissal Term 2 2022.pptx

Updated Prize Giving Duty (1/4/2022)

By; Prize-Giving Committee

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme: Updated Prize- Giving duty (1/4/2022)

Deadline: Nil


Dear Staff, please see google link (below)for the updated duty .

Thank you and have a blessed weekend.

Irene and Stephen