Staff Bulletin 2021T3W2

for Term 3 Week 2 beginning Monday, 5 July 2021, published on Thursday, 1 July 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. As per SCT, the Bulletin pools together the vital information on key events, school/level programmes aking place in the upcoming week(s) or key items/areas to note on student & staff matters, The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

The weekly Staff Bulletin will be published every Thursday so you could read and plan for the week ahead. The link will be sent out to all via the School Handphone as well as through CES outlook email so we could have 'da news' conveniently at our fingertips, even on the go, so to speak :D

Hope everyone will find this useful. If there are ways to improve the system or layout etc, do just let any KP or SL know! Also, should you have any items to share with staff, please approach respective HODs or Committee Heads, just as per SCT in the past.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

  1. Please extend a warm Welcome to Isabelle Tay, a beginning CL teacher who has joined us from 28 June.

  2. I would like to thank Si Yinn, Bertha, and Agnes for their work in the school as they will be leaving for their studies. I would also like to thank Thomas who will be leaving service and Han Ying who will be extending her NPL and will be posted to MOE's holding pool.

  3. Open Posting Exercise is open. We have advertised positions for PE, CL and ML teachers, as well as cross-level EL/SS and Math/Sci (HR only allows secondary teachers to apply for these 2 positions). Do let your friends know if they are interested to join us. We are also looking out for an ICT manager.

  4. Behaviour Focus for Boys:

  • No talking when face mask is off

  • Proper wearing of face mask (must cover mouth and nose fully)

  • Enforcing nametags on uniforms

Upcoming Event: Mother Tongue Language Fortnight

By: MT Department / MTLF Committee / |Ouw Li Shan

Relevant Levels: Staff Only (Presentation to the students will be done by the MT department during pre-assembly on 6 Jul (Tues) with updated slides, including the launch video which is not in this present Powerpoint version.)

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 6-19 July 2021 (Term 3 Week 2 to Week 3)

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Pls click on the attached Powerpoint and open with Google slides or download the PPT to read the notes. Elaboration of the programme is given in the notes section under each slide.

Thank you.

2021 Mother Tongue Fortnight Assembly Slides.pptx

Revised Term 2 Results Processing Schedule

By: School Cockpit Team / Shahidah

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Term 3 Week 1 - Week 4

Deadline to Note: Refer to attachment

Information Details:

Please note the different deadlines for the respective levels.

Thank you.

Term 2 Results Proessing Schedule.pdf

Student Management Matters I Setting the Tone - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

By: Student Management Committee / Yasmin

Relevant Levels: All Levels & Staff (FTs & Subject Ts)

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: IMMEDIATE & On-going

Deadline to Note: Regular Reminders to Students

Information Details:

Here is a set of slides all teachers can refer to when Setting the Tone and Expectations in class.

Please make reference to the Positive Routine Charts that is put up in each class. A copy is shared here.

All teachers are to consistently ensure that the following points are adhered to :

  1. Students are in proper attire;

  2. Students greet staff, peers when they arrive and leave school;

  3. Students bring a thermometer, with temperature taken each morning and recorded in their Students' Diary;

  4. Place the necessary items on the table in class in the mornings and do their silent reading; Reading broadens own's mind and knowledge, to open new worlds;

  5. Participate actively during lessons to learn and GROW to be successful learners.

Thank you.

Term 3 Setting the Tone_28 June 2021.pptx
Positive Routines Poster_A1.pdf

Student Management Matters II @ T3W1 TTT - Attire/Decorum, SMM, TT Tokens & Assessment

By: Student Management Committee / Yasmin

Relevant Levels: All Levels / FTs to follow-up

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: IMMEDIATE & on-going

Deadline to Note: N.A. / Constant Reminder-Check

Information Details:

The following information was shared during Week 1 TTT, could all FTs please remind all the boys and enforce in your respective Form classes:

1. Name tags - all boys must have their sewn-on name tags. Orders can be made online (via link & info given last term in PG, see attached PDF letter. If unsure pls refer to GO).

Nametag Order Form is at

2. SMM - all trs to enforce and ensure pupils follow strict SMM. Wipe down routines must be done diligently during change of periods. Fixed seating in class & canteen.

3. Trace Together Tokens - must be with the students at all times. To do a check on this for class boys. Plus: Boys going for morning breakfast MUST have their tokens with them.

4. Assessment- Please help get the class ready for the Term 2 SA assessment on 1st & 2nd July. Notice boards & posters to be covered. Fixed seating with no changes to seating positions.

Thank you.

Student Management Matters Term 3 Wk 1 (Attire and Decorum).pptx
Name Tag PG Letter (Updated 180321) (2).pdf

MOE Updates to Schools' LOA & AA Policies (COVID-19)

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All / FTs to note and follow-up whenever

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: On-going

Deadline to Note: Alert Year Head / SLs immediately whenever it happens.

Information Details:

All parents have received via PG MOE's Letter to Parents: Updates to Schools' LOA & AA Policies on 25 June. (Refer to attached PDF)

Form Teachers, please do read the letter for information to advise parents if they were to ask you what to do. We will also advise you again whenever you have a student arising, no worries.

As part of MOE’s screening measures, these students should not come to school:

  1. If students are staying in the same household as individuals on QO serving QO at their place of residence, for the duration of their QO, or while the individual on QO is awaiting transfer to General Quarantine Facility.

  2. If students or individuals (6 years old and above) in their household are unwell with flu-like symptoms.

  3. If students or their household members are required to undergo mandatory testing due to a COVID-19 cluster.

  4. If students are placed on AA, LOA, Stay Home Notice, or under a Quarantine Order.

Details, including when they are allowed to return, are in the MOE Letter's Annex.

Thank you and cheers.

MOE Letter to Parents - Updates to Schools' LOA and AA Policy.pdf