Published on Saturday 22 June 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T3W1

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to school and I wish you a great start to the term. 

This week, we celebrate leadership as we mark Youth Day. In particular, I want to focus on the leadership role we play as teachers. Teachers are also leaders because we play the same roles as organisational leaders:

1. Inspire and motivate: Encourage students to learn and grow.

2. Set goals and expectations: Establish clear objectives and standards for their students.

3. Guide and support: Provide guidance, feedback, and support to help students achieve their goals.

4. Facilitate learning: Create an environment that fosters learning, exploration, and discovery.

5. Role-model behavior: Demonstrate positive values, attitudes, and behaviors for their students.

6. Build relationships: Develop strong relationships with students, colleagues, and parents.

7. Make decisions: Make informed decisions about instruction, assessment, and classroom management.

8. Communicate effectively: Communicate clearly and effectively with students, parents, and colleagues.

9. Lead by example: Show enthusiasm, passion, and dedication to teaching and learning.

10. Empower students: Encourage students to take ownership of their learning and develop their own leadership skills.

As you can see, teachers are very much leaders, and play a vital role in shaping young minds, fostering academic achievement, and preparing students for success in life.

Have a great start to the term and happy leading your students!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Term 3 Opening Admin Matters

Term 3 Timetables

By: Timetabling Team  

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:  Term 3 2024

Information Details: 

Dear all,

There are some minor changes made since the briefing at the Staff Meeting. Please refer to the updated documents (version 2). The documents in the Staff Management folder have also been updated. The safety duties schedule is also included. The Google documents will be removed after 2 weeks. 


Thank you.

T3 Safety Duties.pdf
Timetable 2024 - Briefing for Staff (V2 UPDATED 21 June).pptx
2024 TERM 3 TT V2 UPDATED 21 JUN-Classes.xlsx
2024 TERM 3 TT V2 UPDATED 21 JUN-Teachers.xlsx
2024 TERM 3 TT V2 UPDATED 21 JUN-Resources.xlsx

Online School Master Calendar

By:   VPs

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: -

Dear everyone,

As shared at our pre-Term-3 Staff Contact Time, our online ICON School Master Calendar has been updated. Do take time to peruse and note the various dates and programmes/events.

Thank you.


ICON School Master Calendar

Term 3 Weekly Focus for Students

By:   VPs

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: -

Dear everyone,

Below are our Term 3 weekly thematic focus:

Term 3 is particularly meaningful in these aspects:

Term 3 Week 1:


Term 3 Week 2:


Term 3 Week 3:

Term 3 Week 4:


Term 3 Week 5:


Term 3 Week 6:

Term 3 Week 7:


Term 3 Weeks 8 & 9:


Term 3 Week 10:

Together, we make a better Stephenian, Lasallian & Singaporean experience for our boys!

Thank you and many cheers again!


Special Features

Project Men for Others 


Relevant Levels:   Primary 1 - 6

Date and Time of Event:   Semester 2

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues, 

As shared during Contact Time, we will embark on Project Men for Others this Semester. 

Please collect the resources from the team if you've not done so. 

You may find the following documents in attached link. 

1. Task Instructions Appendixes. 

2. Task Slides 

3. Teachers' Briefing Slides 

4. Students' Briefing Slides 

We will be sharing this more with the students during Assembly coming Monday, 24 June

Please log in promptly into the morning assembly zoom link by 12.55 p.m.


Thank you.

Term 3 Project Men for Others - Teachers' Briefing
Appendices_ Instructions and Task details

Student Leadership Week

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: Term 3 Week 1 (Mon-Fri)  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having our Student Leadership Week in Term 3 Week 1 to celebrate and affirm our student leaders to also inspire others to be proactive and lead themselves and/or others.

Key pointers: 

We look forward to a great week ahead.


Thank you.

Activity 1 Introduction.pptx

Student Leaders' Investiture

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: T3W1, Fri, 28 June, 0735-0830  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having our Student Leaders Investiture on T3W1, Friday, 28 June, from 0735-0830 hours.

Timetable will be suspended and form and co-form teachers will be with your form classes throughout the event unless you have more than 6 consecutive periods or more than 8 total teaching periods for the day.

If so, please see if your form/co-form teacher is able to cover for you or else do inform Elias as soon as possible.

Location of event with no wet weather: Stephenian Green (P1-P6)

Location of event with wet weather: Hall (P3-P6 in hall, P1-P2 to log into school's personal Zoom meeting room from classrooms)

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196

Password: Assembly

Staggered announcements will be made over the PA system from 0715 hours on the day to inform all staff and students to move to either the Stephenian Green (desirable weather) or Hall (wet weather) for morning assembly followed by the Investiture. 

Students may bring their storybooks and water bottles to the venue.  


Thank you.

Investiture 2024 Seating Plan

Student Programmes & Matters

Start Right Term 3, 24 June, Monday

By: SDT Team

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: 24 June, Monday

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

 Welcome back! Please see "2024_Term3_Start Right_Timetable" for Monday's Start Right schedule as normal timetable is suspended.  Do note that another Just-In-Time version with relief plan will be sent out on Monday morning itself.        

Do note that the level specific resources for CCE Check-in, Peer Support, Zone of Regulation, Classroom Mgt Plan_Target & Action Plan, Leader In me Class Activity & Eco Green can be found in S drive/ level folder/ 2024/ Sem 2_ Start Right. 

Do approach the SDT team if you have any queries.  Do rest well over the weekend and have a great start to Semester 2.

Thank you.

2024_Term3_Start Right_Timetable.xlsx

Term 3 Discipline Check

By:   Discipline Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   24/6 to 5/7

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

Back to school discipline check  will be conducted in Term 3 Week 1.

Please check your class students for long hair, long nails, inappropriate attire and name-tag.

Take the first three days of Week 1 to complete the check and give the boys till the following week to get them corrected.  

Key in the name of boy/s with offence/s in the goggle sheet:

If they have been corrected by Week 2,please indicate 'Yes' in the last column. If not, please follow up with the parents and update the sheet when it has been addressed.

Thank you.

Term 3 Discipline Check 2024

Attendance and Temperature-taking Exercise 2 (ATTEx2)

By:   Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event: 3 July (from 7.15 am)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

The second Attendance and Temperature-taking exercise (ATTEx2) for both staff and pupils will be conducted in Term 3 Week 2, Wednesday (3 July) .

ATTEx aims to maintain schools' preparedness to re-activate the attendance and temperature-taking regime should there be a need to and educate pupils to take personal responsibility for their own health and practice social responsibility.

In addition to announcement that will be made to the pupils (via morning announcement) and parents (via parents gateway),we need your assistance to remind the pupils to have a working thermometer for the exercise. In the first ATTEx,we observed about 95% of the pupils had a working thermometer.

Let's strive for 100% of our pupils to have their working thermometer on that day.

Do refer to the attached document for more information of the exercise.

Thank you.

Sem 2 Temperature Taking Exercise 2024.docx

Staff Programmes & Matters

Discipline PD 

By:   Disc Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   21/6

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

During the Positive Discipline PD session earlier, Mr Goh brought us through our founder,St John Baptist de La Salle's approach to discipline. Many of us could resonate with the approach and timely for us to reflect how we have dealt with disruptive behaviours.Have we really taken the time to listen and understand them?  How have we addressed their behaviours? Why are the pupils still disruptive? 

In our engagement with the pupils, remember not to be too firm or too gentle as we will likely lose the ability to connect with them. It is not harshness or blows that establish and maintain good order.  

As members of the Lasallian community,we work together and support one another to bring a positive educational experience for the boys.The pupils can feel the heart in you.

Thank you.

Discipline PD 2 (1).pptx


Neuroscience of Learning, BCE & Mindfulness

By:   VP

Dear everyone,

Thank you for being a wonderful 'class' at our earlier session on the Neuroscience of Learning.

Hope everyone has gleaned much from the sharing on the slides and content presented by MTT / Educational Support Mdm Koh Seok Hwee earlier at the E7 SDT Cluster Engagement & Sharing.

Here are some of the key concepts and points from the sharing.

Let's explore and deepen, with greater intentionality, the design and delivery of our boys' lessons and learning experiences!

Thank you and many cheers!



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.