Staff Bulletin for 2023 T2W1

Published on Saturday 18 March 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a good break and are ready to start the new term. I hope that you enjoyed the Lasallian Formation Day and found it meaningful. As we begin the new term, I hope that you enjoy, along with our boys, the learning experiences when we begin on Monday. 

The staff lounge is finally ready after much delay and I hope that you find it a place to unwind while you are in school and have many memorable conversations with colleagues. We have doubled all the provisions as requested, and in consideration of our Muslim colleagues, we will dedicate some of the ovens and fridges to be pork-free.

It is also PB and Promotion season. You may have already noticed or received the PB notice for the 2022 work year. I hope that you also enjoy the PB that which should be paid out next week. Do take note of the changes to duties and deployments for the Term. Finally, for those who haven't done so, do find some time to meet up with me. 

“Your comfort zone is your danger zone.” 

~ Greg Plitt.


Have a great Term 2!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

20 & 21 March Experiential Learning (timetable/ deployment w relief & pre-trip zoom details) 

By:   SDT Team

Relevant Levels:  Whole School

Date and Time of Event:   20 & 21 March (Monday & Tuesday)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that on 20 & 21 March (Monday & Tuesday), the whole school timetable is suspended for the whole school Experiential Learning Programme based on staff availability & relief needs. There are 3 things below to note: 

1) How to use/ navigate the shared Google sheet on the top right corner:

i) Tab 1 (titled "20 MARCH DEPLOYMENT & RELIEF") shows the overall deployment plan based on staff availability 

ii) Tab 2 (titled "20 MAR") shows the detailed daily timetable across all 6 levels including the staff deployed for recess duties.  **Note: Pre-flag-raising & dissmissal staff safety duties will be as per normal 

iii) Tab 3 & Tab 4 are plans for 21 March.

2) Link for Updates on Parent Volunteers 2023 

Urgent: Form Teachers to update the Parent Volunteers live link above (click on title) to facilitate Security checks by our guards on Monday & Tuesday if you have not done so.

3) Pre- Trip Level Briefing Zoom Details

All the Learning Journeys will be having a pre-trip safety briefing and refreshers on instructions for the respective levels. Here are the zoom details for the respective levels' recurring zoom meetings:

Topic: P3 Level Briefing

Meeting ID: 863 3864 8918

Passcode: P3

Topic: P4 Level Briefing

Meeting ID: 895 8873 2039

Passcode: P4

Topic: P5 Experiential Learning Briefing

Meeting ID: 876 3395 2499

Passcode: P5

Topic: Primary 6 Experiential Learning Briefing

Meeting ID: 830 8422 5909

Passcode: P6

Timetable & deployment_Experiential Learning 20 & 21 March.xlsx

Term 2 Safety Duties

By:   Safety Committee

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event: from Monday, 20 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

There are minor changes to the Safety Duty List for Term 2. The changes are highlighted in yellow. As we have a duty of care towards the boys, do be punctual for your duty. 

For the first two days when school reopens, only recess duties are suspended. Do refer to the recess duty deployment sent out by the SDT team for Monday, 20/3 and Tuesday, 21/3.

Do approach Sheikh if you need clarification about your duty. 

Thank you.

Term 2 Safety Duty List 2023 16 March.doc

Morning Announcements (Term 2)

By:   CCE - Student Leadership (Elias)

Relevant Levels:  P1-P6

Date and Time of Event: Term 2

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

The morning announcements for term 2 and future terms for 2023 can be found on the home page of the Staff Bulletin.

We will begin to share the Habits in Action of Stephenians who has displayed the 7 habits.

Do share with us your stories of your students practicing the 7 habits at through the link below as well!

Also a reminder to key in your assessments for your class committee student leaders and CCA leaders by "checking" the required boxes.

Thank you so much for those who have already done so.

We will continue to do the same for term 2. Please have the face to face chat with your student leaders between Term 2 week 6 - week 10 during FTGP/own time to tell them their strengths and areas of improvement.

Morning Announcement Google Folder: 

Habits in Action Google Slides: 

Class Committee Confirmed Roles: 

Thank you.

Ethics and Catechism Term 2

By:   CCE

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Thursdays

Information Details: 

Dear EC teachers,

We hope that you had a great Term 1 with the boys in your classes and have had fruitful discussions to help them grow to be men of faith, service and community. Term 2's resources are ready and if you have any feedback on the lessons, please feel free to let Danielle know.

Ethics and Catechism Deployment:

Ethics resources: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\Ethics\2023

Ethics worksheets will be placed on the Ethics Teachers' tables by Week 1

Catechism resources:

Do remember to take attendance for your classes in SCMobile by 0815 after every lesson.

Thank you.

Ethics and Catechism Deployment 2023

Feedback on Recess Play and RAMS for PE and CCA 

By:   PE/CCA  & Aesthetics Department  

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event: 20/3/2022 to 24/3/2023

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

Recess play has started smoothly in term 1 due to the combined effort of the teachers, SPARK and PE leaders. Please go to the formSG at to provide feedback so as to help us to improve on the pupils' experiences in recess play.  

The PE and CCA department has updated the RAMs forms for general CCA and PE activities from term 2 onwards. Please refer to the link  at for your compliance as we are conducting your CCA and physical activities in term 2. 

In the event which an incident has occurred, please follow up with the pupil and parent and fill in the incident report form at

Thank you for your cooperation. 

Stephen, Jansher and Sherwin 


By:   CCE

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

You may have read in the news recently about how youths were targeted by terrorists groups on Roblox. How familiar are you with this online game platform which many of our boys are on? Do you know what are some benefits and risks associated with this game? Please read the attached infographic for more information. 

Thank you.

Roblox Info Sheet Final.pdf

Sports LLP Refreshed 3.0

By:   PE/CCA & Aesthetics Dept 

Relevant Levels:  Nil 

Date and Time of Event:   20/3 to 27/3

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

Sports LLP has undergone some modifications this year and we would like to invite you to choose the new name of Sports LLP via formsG at by 27/3/2023. The current name of Sports LLP is PASSIAN.

Thank you.


Daily Staff Attendance

By:   AM

Relevant Levels:  All Staff

Date and Time of Event:   On-going 

Information Details: 

Dear Staff

Please be reminded to login your attendance daily using the dedicated biometric readers at the General Office, HOD Room, Staffroom, Canteen & PAL Room. 

All attendance readers are labelled "For Staff Attendance". Please refer to attachment.

Please approach Christina, Rosshini or OM if you require assistance with the fingerprint.

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.