Published on Saturday 6 April 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W4

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

My heartiest congratulations to our Brass Band for attaining a "Distinction" in the SYF Arts Presentation. Their  many months of hard work has finally paid off.  The boys rose to the occasion did the school proud. 

The next few weeks are going to continue to be difficult and stress filled weeks. Many teachers will continue to be away while the heat wave continues to add stress to an already difficult classroom. Nonetheless, despite all our difficulties, let us reflect on the quote for this week by Helen Keller. So let us face our troubles with joy and optimism and let's encourage and help each other.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. - Helen Keller

I would also like to wish all our Muslim colleagues a happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Student Programmes

English Literary Week Launch & Assembly

By:  English Department / EL Lit Week Team

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event: 8 April, Monday, 12.10pm (Week 4)

Information Details: 

(1) Assembly Movements Arrangements:

P1 to P4 students are to proceed to the hall at 12.10pm with their bags for assembly. Please get the boys to have their snack break slightly earlier so we can move them to the hall on time. Dismissal will be from the hall. Assembly will start at 12.20pm. Please refer to document for seating plan.

P5 and P6 students are to log in to zoom using the usual morning assembly zoom link by 12.20pm

(2) Assembly Programme:

There will be 2 segments to the Assembly Programme:

We will be celebrating English Literary Week in Week 4. The theme for this year is Adventure. The launch will be held on Monday, 8 April 2024 and there will be an exciting assembly programme. P1 & P2 

Students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character while P3-P6 students are encouraged to come dressed in a book jacket. 

Teachers, join in the fun and come dressed as a book character too! 

P5 & P6 FTs please take note: The film, Spycat and the Paper Chase, which the author will play after ending his talk, is unlikely to stream properly over Zoom screen sharing. Seeking your help to download the film into your school laptop from this folder  I:\2024 EL Lit Week ( Spycat and the Paper Chase School Talk version - No credits) before the assembly and play natively when the author gives the go ahead signal to start playing. 

Here's what you can expect for assembly:

12.20pm - Briefing on P5 Prefect Exco Nomination by Elias
12.30pm - Introduction to English Literary Week
12.35pm - Photo taking of boys and teachers dressed up as book characters/book jackets

12.40pm - SL's reading of book excerpt
12.45pm - Overview of activities to expect for Lit Week
12.50pm - Author Talk by Darren Lim (Author of Ace Agent Spycat)
1.20pm - Get ready for dismissal 

Thank you!

EL Lit Week Launch, 8 April 2024

P5 Prefect EXCO Nomination 2024

By:  CCE - Student Leadership Development Team

Relevant Levels: All

Date and Time of Event: 8 April, Monday 12:20pm - 12:30pm  (Week 4)

Information Details: 

As presented above, we will be having a 10 minute announcement during Monday's assembly programme (12:20pm-12:30pm) with regards to the P5 Prefect EXCO Nomination.

The nomination for the various appointments in the Prefect EXCO will be weighed by the following parties involved with varying weightages:

We will send out the nomination link for teachers soon.

Thank you.

VIA Ambassadors' Briefing 

By:  CCE - VIA Team

Relevant Levels:   P3-P6

Date and Time of Event:    8 April, Monday, 12pm - 12.30pm. (Week 4)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

Please take note that P3-P6 VIA Ambassadors will be attending a briefing prior to WLOS assessment next Monday, 8 April, during FTGP Period (while the rest of classes will be following Assembly Movement arrangements as above). 

Please remind the P3 - P6 VIA Ambassadors from your class to gather in the PAL room at 12pm. They will proceed to do assessment for various classes and be back in your class at 12.30pm. 

Thank you!

English Literary Week Activities

By:  English Department / EL Lit Week Team

Relevant Levels:   All levels

Date and Time of Event:    8 to 16 April (Weeks 4 - 5)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Here are the activities lined up for EL Lit Week:

English teachers, you can refer to the  attached slides for more details about each activity. Do encourage your class to participate! 

8 April: English Lit Week Launch

There will be an assembly programme in the hall (please refer to previous announcement for details)

Lower Primary (P1-2): Storytelling by Parent Volunteers (11 & 12 April)
Pupils will enjoy a storytelling session in the library by Parent Volunteers who will share books on adventure with them. 

Middle Primary (P3-4): myON Reading Challenge (8 to 16 April) 

To encourage our middle primary students to read more and utilise the myON digital library platform, they will participate in a reading challenge from 8 to 11 April. Pupils who read books on the myON platform during these days, will be entitled to the rewards which they can claim on 15 and 16 April. 

If any teachers have book character costumes to loan for a dress up for P3 to P4 students on the 15 & 16 April, please approach Melissa. Thanks!

Upper Primary(P5-6): Book Sharing and Book Spine Poetry Contest (8 to 16 April)

Upper Primary pupils will enjoy videos on recommended reads created by their peers during 1 English Period. Additionally, pupils will participate in a Book Spine Poetry Contest in the library during recess on 15 April, Monday. 

Other Activities

11 & 12 April: Book fair and author signing during recess
Ongoing until Week 6: Book Hunt in the library

Thank you!

EL Lit Week - Additional details for EL teachers

SG International Friendship Day & Fortnight

By: CCE - NE Team

Relevant Levels:   All Levels

Date and Time of Event:    8 - 19 April (Weeks 4 - 5)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

SG International Friendship Day (IFD) is celebrated yearly in schools on the 3rd Friday of Term 2 - 5th April 2024. In our school, we will be having an IFD fortnight over the next 2 weeks: via SS in Week 4 and leading towards Recess Activities in Week 5.  

Diplomacy and international friendship is one of Singapore's core existential pillars, hence IFD being one of SG's 4 major NE events - Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day & National Day. At our school level, international friendship is one of our Lasallian signatures too, in developing our students into Lasallians who connect with others across the world to together make it a better place. (See extracts below.)

The IFD theme this year is "Singapore in Asia" with a focus on our ASEAN Community. We aim to nurture in our students the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different peoples in ASEAN and beyond. Below is a summary of what you can look forward to!

1. Week 4: There will also be specially curated lesson packages for Social Studies teachers to deliver during their lessons in Week 4. Lesson resources will be placed in the SS sharing folder.

2. Week 4-5: SLS Packages- P1-P2, P3-P4, P5-P6 will be disseminated by Social Studies Teachers to their students for the duration of IFD 5-12th April.

3.Week 5: Recess Activities (Week 5) Knowing ASEAN (iPad Activity)

Attached here is also a pdf for Kindsville Issue 2 - International Friendship Day Issue, for everyone who is keen to find out more.

Extracts from

International Friendship Day is celebrated in schools every year to encourage young people to connect with communities that are different from their own. It is part of a larger United Nations effort to promote a culture of peace between countries, important to small nations like Singapore as we work to safeguard our sovereignty from external threats.

“We aim to be a friend to all, but an enemy of none. This is especially so for our immediate neighbourhood where peace and stability in Southeast Asia are absolutely essential,” said Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan in a town hall meeting in 2017.

“Each of us has different ways of doing things. It is therefore vital that we should know what these ways are and why they are being done that way and not our way. A great many countries in the region have as their national slogan: Unity in diversity. It is a good slogan for ASEAN. But for this slogan to become a reality there must be greater understanding of one another. And there can be no understanding without knowledge about one another,” said S Rajaratnam, Singapore’s first Minister for Foreign Affairs and Labour, on 22 Dec 1970.

We Are Lasallian:

We are one, but we are many

And from all the lands of earth we come

We share a dream, and sing with one voice

I am, you are, we are Lasallian

Happy International Friendship Day and Fortnight ahead!


NE/SS Committee


Kindsville - International Friendship Day Issue 2024

Hari Raya Puasa Celebration Assembly

  By:  Hari Raya Puasa Celebration Committee

Relevant Levels: All staff and students

Date and Time of Event: 15 April, Monday (Week 5)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues, 

We will be celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri on Monday, 15 April 2024 with a concert from 12pm to 1pm. All staff are highly encouraged to put on the Malay traditional attire on this joyous occasion. If you like, do take time ahead to prepare your attire in style! :D

We will share more details on the Celebration Assembly in the next Bulletin.

Thank you and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir & Batin! 

National Physical Fitness Award  (NAPFA) Challenge 2024

By:  PE Dept

Relevant Levels:   P4 and P6

Date and Time of Event:  22, 23, 25 & 26 April (Week 6)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

P4 and P6 boys will be doing NAPFA during curriculum hours in Week 6.  In drawing up the schedule, the PE team considered various contraints and permutations to minise curriculum disruption.

PG info to the parents will be sent out next week and the boys will be briefed by their PE teachers.

Do refer to the attached slides for NAPFA days and timings. Reporting time for each class is 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Pupils are also allowed to wear sports shoes to school on NAPFA days. 

Thank you!

NAPFA 2024 Staff Bulletin.pptx

Staff Matters

Staff: De La Salle Award 2024

By: Chor Kheng (SSD / Teacher Leaders Committee / Staff Well-Being Comittee)

Relevant Levels:  (all staff)

Closing Date For Submission:  12 April, Friday (Week 4)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues, 

We would have witnessed countless acts of faith, service and dedication to our community. Now is the time to recognise and celebrate these efforts by uplifting one another through our votes. Together, let us show our appreciation for our inspiring colleagues who embody the very essence of our school values. Every vote counts, so let's make our voices heard.

Please access the link for voting :

Thank you.

DLS Award 2024

Operations & Administration

Operations: Hall's Furniture Store Clearing and Upgrading

By:  School Operations Team and PE Department

Relevant Levels:   All Teachers

Date and Time of Event:  19 April Deadline  (Week 5)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that both the Furniture Store Rooms in the hall (beside the stage) will be undergoing upgrading works in week 6 onwards. Additionally, the electrical room outside 1C classroom will also undergo minor upgrading. Please claim and remove or deploy for use any items belonging to you or your department within the next 2 weeks, by T2W5, 19 April. 

You can refer to the images of the items in the furniture store on the right. Please note that any items left in these storerooms will be discarded if not removed by 19 April. Do not place any of these items behind the stage as a safety walkway clearance space is required. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Furniture Store Room 1 (right image)

Furniture Store Room 1 (left image)

Furniture Store Room 2 (right image)

Furniture Storeroom 2 (left image)


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.