Staff Bulletin 2023 T1W2

Published on Monday 9 January 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

As I write this, we are in the eye of a storm caused by the bus transport situation. Nonetheless, I am very heartened and encouraged by the support and sacrifice you have made to contact the affected parents on Sunday evening. We will continue to work with Yeap Transport to ensure that they perform to the expected service level, but do let us know if there are individual cases that need special attention to resolve. 

As we begin our formal teaching this week, I wish you a good and enjoyable academic year as you bring the joy of learning to the boys.  I leave you with this quote:

I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.

~ Socrates

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh


By: Irene   

Relevant Levels:   All levels and teachers

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that there were a number of changes in deployment and resources for 2023. Please download your latest class and personal timetables in the staff management folder.

The timetables will take effect from 9 Jan 2023 (Week 2). Please inform the Timetabling Team if there are any issues or concerns. 

Thank you. 

Start of School Year Mass

By:     Catholic Teachers

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event: 12 January 2023, 0735 to 0830

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

Happy New Year! We will be celebrating mass as a school to start the year and ask God for his blessings for a great 2023. 

P5 and P6 boys will be in the hall for the mass while the rest of the levels will join through Zoom. P5 and P6 boys will put their bags in their classrooms when they reach school and go to the hall for morning assembly. 

P5 and P6 FTs, please look through the Google Sheet (Hall Seating Plan tab) and inform your pupils by Wednesday, 11 January, of the row numbers they will be seated in. You may use Monday's ( 9 January) FTGP to share with the boys. Should there be any boys' names that had been unintentionally excluded, please inform Danielle.  The boys do not need to sit in the number order but they need to be in the correct group (Ethics or Catechism) and correct row number. They have been arranged such that each row will have a maximum of 30 boys and Catechism boys can be in the front of each row. 

We seek all teachers' assistance in helping the boys to learn, grow and be respectful during the mass, whether in the classrooms or the hall, by reminding them of the expected behaviour as and when necessary. 

Timetable will be suspended from 0735 to 0830 and at least 1 FT is to be with the class. If you still require relief such that you do not have more than 6 periods in a row, please inform the Relief Team by 9 January. 

Thank you. 

Start of School Year Mass 2023.xlsx

Inaugural Service

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event: 13 January 2022,

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

We will be having our Inaugural Service to welcome our new students and staff to the Stephenian Family! 

P1 FTs, please encourage your pupils to be on time for school that day and attire will be school uniform with tie.

New staff to be inaugurated, please be in formal attire. Gentlemen, please put on a tie: 

If you have not been inaugurated but your name is not in the above list, please inform Agatha or Veronica by Monday, 9 January.

Please refer to the Google Sheet for more details.

Thank you. 

Inaugural Service 2023


By:     CCE and MTL 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to  P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Weekly

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please find the CCE (MTL) resources through the links in the Google document. You will need to log in to OPAL to access the resources

Thank you. 

CCE (MTL) Resource Links

Ethics and Catechism

By:     CCE 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6 

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Thursdays, 0735 to 0800

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

This year, Ethics and Catechism lessons will be on Thursdays from 0735 to 0800. We have shifted the lessons from Tuesdays to Thurdays as there will be 2 Thursdays (Ascension Thursday and Maundy Thursday) every year where we will have activities during Ethics and Catechism periods. This is will help minimise disruption to the timetable. 

Ethics and Catechism Deployment:

Ethics resources: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\Ethics\2023

Ethics worksheets will be placed on the Ethics Teachers' tables by Week 2. 

Catechism resources:

We will be having our Start of School Year Mass this Thursday so Ethics and Catechism lessons start in Week 3. 

P1 to P6 FTs, please inform your pupils of their Ethics and Catechism groupings and venues before 19 January. You may use Monday's ( 9 January) FTGP to share with the boys. Ethics and Catechism class lists have been prepared by the Data Management Team (thank you!). You can find them in School Cockpit and in the sharing folder S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Ethics and Catechism Name Lists\2023\School Cockpit 2023. 

The 1 period of Ethics and Catechism period a week can sometimes be too short for every pupil in the class to have his voice heard. Come Week 3, we will have pupils report to their Ethics and Catechism classrooms every Thursday once they reach school. Ethics and Catechism teachers will be in their Ethics and Catechism classrooms by 0715 to log in to Zoom for morning assembly and start the lesson immediately once the Zoom meeting ends. Attendance will be taken through SCMobile by the Ethics and Catechism Teachers. If you notice any issues with your class lists, please inform Danielle or Meng Thong by the end of Week 2. Do not edit the name lists in the sharing folder as we need them to be reflected in School Cockpit. In the future, we could also assign our Ethics and Catechism boys learning packages through SLS. 

P1 to P6 Ethics and P3 to P6 Catechism teachers, pupils can reuse a file from home to keep their worksheets. 

Thank you. 

Resource Booking System (RBS)

By:     Ed Tech Comm 

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

1) Please note that the school will continue to use the Resource Booking Service (RBS) for booking of special rooms in the school for teaching and learning.

Please click on to access the booking page.


To book the classrooms / special rooms in the school, please follow the step by step guide attached.

2)  For bookings of ICT hardware eg. Laptop Mobile Cart, iPad Mobile Cart,  do continue to use the Google Form.

The link for Google form as follows:

Do approach Siddiq if you have any queries or need any assistance on the matter.

Thank you. 

RBS Guide.pdf

RBS Guide

Sale of Classroom Decorations Items on 11 January

By:     YH Team

Relevant Levels:   All staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 11 January 2023, 10am to 2pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

In supporting you in making your classroom conducive and posiitive, please note that vendor, "September 21 Enterprise", has been linked up to set up a booth in our PAL room for 1 day only.  The billing of your purchases with this vendor on that day can be done via e-invoicing to school as a bullk purchase, so there is is no need to pay first and make claims later.  The budget still remains at $80 for both FTs including those purchases not billed under this vendor.

Date: 11 January, Wednesday

Venue: PAL Room

Time: 10am to 2pm

Thank you. 


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.