Published on Saturday 13 July 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T3W4

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you (especially Rozita) for the fun welcome back. I hope you also enjoyed the fruit party last week.

First of all, I would like to welcome Khairi who has joined us as a PE teacher. Do find time to speak to him and show him around. 

According to discipline data, Term 3 is when boys start to act up more. Perhaps it is because they are more familiar with each other, or maybe because they are more stressed about their academic progress, having done not so well, or perhaps are realising that they do not have much time left to learn what they should have learnt. In any case, let us be more vigilant and reiterate our expectations and procedures, and at the same time exercise patience and perseverance in dealing with them. We will sometimes feel that things are not working but do not give up and let this week's quote of the week inspire us.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. 

~ Confucius

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Special Features

Racial Harmony Day - Commemoration Week

By:   NE Committee 

Relevant Levels:   All Teachers

Date and Time of Event: 15, 16,18 July 2024 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 15 July marks the start of our RHD commemoration week! 

(Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day & National Day are the 4 key NE Days that embody the vital tenets that defines SG, the SG Identity and the SG Way. Through our school NE experiences, we mould, truly, the future of our nation.)

Please find details below:

The theme this year is ‘Singapore: Our Multicultural Mosaic’. It reflects how each community, while having the space to express its own identity as part of Singapore society, also intertwines with others to depict the unique cultural diversity that characterises Singapore life. The overall picture may change with time as our society evolves like all societies do, but the hues will continue to complement one another because of our long-shared history and heritage. This is Singapore's bespoke approach towards multiculturalism and social cohesion, where the experiences of every individual matter and add to our diversity.

1. Do come to school  on 15 July, dressed in ethnic attire, to celebrate with our students and staff!

2. 12:00-12:30pm: RHD Classroom activity with Kindsville Booklets [refer to slides attached]

12:30pm-12:45pm: FTGP [Stephenian Circle]

12:45pm-1:25pm: RHD Zoom Assembly [Please login to assembly zoom at 12.40pm]


3. Recess Activities with PVs on 16th and 18th July for all students. Do encourage your students to participate!

4. RHD SLS packages “Our Cultural Mosaic” have been shared to your classes.

5.  P4 Teachers, do take note that there is an Orange Ribbon RHD A4 Poster to complete along with FTGP book pg51


6. Please refer to the attached for relevant classroom slides 

Thank you.

Racial Harmony Day_2024_P1 and P2.pptx
2024 Racial Harmony Day P3 and P4 (1).pptx
2024 Racial Harmony Day P5 and P6.pptx

Open Classroom (OC)

By:  TLC

Relevant Levels:   (All Teachers)

Date and Time of Event:    

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We want to thank the following teachers who have hosted Open Classroom (OC) : NAT, Azizah, Yiqun, Timothy DC, Stephen, Puwen, Haslindah, Li Shan, Sheikh and Cherlyn. 

We welcome teachers to sign up to be participants and also to be hosts of the OC. 

Let's keep our Sharing and Learning going:

Learning as a Community, Inspiring as a Fraternity!

Everyone can share! If you like to also open your classrooms, do let the teacher leaders or CK know, and also input into the google spreadsheet.

If you have not gone into an OC yet, there are still OCs available this Semester, here is the link for our OC.

Thank you.

OC Excel Booking

PD On The Go! - Teaching Hacks! 

By:  TLC

Relevant Levels:   (All Teachers)

Date and Time of Event:    

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Brisk Teaching

Did you know that Brisk Teaching can help us create a deck of slides in seconds? Please see the following link. You may also approach our friendly TLs for help but do you know who they are? 

Thank you.

Student Programmes & Matters

Recess Play

By:  PE & SDT

Relevant Levels:  Pri 5 & 6 

Date and Time of Event:  Starting from Week 4

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that the Recess Play location and activities for Primary 5s and 6s will be at the Stephenian Green, Outdoor Basketball Court, Playground and Science Garden starting from week 4. The field will be out of bounds to them. Please refer to the slides for the Recess Play information

Thank you.

Pri 5 &6 (Semester 2 Recess Play)

Habits in Action (Term 3)

By: CCE - Student Leadership  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6   

Date and Time of Event:  Term 3  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

The Habits in Actions nominations can be found here in this Google Slides.

We encourage teachers to submit your entries when you catch students displaying the 7 habits in school!

These entries will be curated and shared on the morning announcements slides by the Student Leadership team during morning assembly. 

Thank you.

T3 Habits in Action

Prelim Oral Examination 2024

By:   EL and MT Departments

Relevant Levels: P6  

Date and Time of Event: 24 and 25 July 2024, 2.30pm to 5.30pm   

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Please note that the Prelim Oral Examination will be held after school on Wednesday, 24 July, and Thursday, 25 July. As this is a big cohort and we are short-staffed, we seek your understanding that the deployment is as such. We truly appreciate everyone for your help these two days.

If you are available on both days but somehow we've missed you in the deployment, please do let us know.

Thank you.

24 and 25 July P6 Prelim Oral Deployment 2024.docx
Floor Map of Main Building 2024 Prelim Oral.xlsx

Floor map of classrooms used for Waiting, Silent Prep and Testing Rooms

Class Committee (Sem 2)

By:  CCE - Student Leadership

Relevant Levels:  P1-P6 

Date and Time of Event: T3W5, 26 July (Friday)   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

As we embark on semester 2, should there be any class committee leaders who have been "approaching expectations " in semester 1 (especially for tier 2 student leaders - class leaders, line leaders, peer support leaders, VIA ambassadors) you may wish to re-assign them to another role.

For any new assignment of class committee roles, please do fill in in the column under "Sem 2" and please help to share the relevant training slides to the respective boys via SLS. You may find the relevant slides in the link below.

Class Committee Training Slides: 

Class Committee Roles 2024: 

Thank you.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Read For Books

By: Library Committee

Relevant Levels: All  

Date and Time of Event: 26 July 2024, 7.40am   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We are reading as a school for the annual Read For Books by NLB. We will be reading straight after morning assembly on Friday 26 July 2024 for 15 min. The deck of slides attached is also a timer for the teachers in the classrooms to play. Please do remember to take pictures of your class reading, yourself too, if possible!

You can save your pictures in this link here.

Thank you.

read for books for bulletin.pptx

Staff Programmes & Matters

Teachers' Day 2024 - Prep

By:  CCE - Student Leadership 

Relevant Levels: All teachers  

Date and Time of Event:  26 July, 2pm  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Every Teachers' Day, many students will begin to look for you to show appreciation, and sometimes, they might not be able to find you even until the end of Celebrations.

As such, as we approach Teacher's Day, the Student Leadership Committee is planning to appoint one prefect per teacher to assist in gathering and collecting items of appreciation from the classes you teach, for these students who may not be able to find you.

To facilitate this, we kindly request that you provide a list of all the classes you teach here: 

Do also inform us if we’ve missed out your name in the list.

Please complete with the necessary information by Friday, 26 July at 2pm.

Your timely cooperation is greatly appreciated and will help ensure a smooth and organized Teacher's Day celebration. 😊

Thank you for your support.

Staff PD Prep: Understanding Insights on Working Memory for effective learning

By:  Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:    17 July 2024 (2.15 - 3.30pm )

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

In preparation for the Staff PD on 17 July, please watch the following video on working memory before the session.


Thank you.

Explore Education and Career Pathways for Students

By:   ECG Coordinator 

Relevant Levels:   For teachers P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:    22/7/2024 and beyond

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

We would like to share with you that ECG branch has refreshed the Education and Career Goals for the pupils. 

There are 3 key Ideas:

1) Discovering Purpose 

2) Exploring Opportunities

3) Staying Relevant  

More information on ECG can be found on or the files as attached. 

Do take a browse, as we begin to help our students discover the world and their passions and aspirations, and finally leading towards the annual P6 ECG Talks as part of their post-PSLE finishing modules.

Thank you.


Parent Engagement through building good relationships

By:   SH Partnerships

Relevant Levels:   For all Teachers 

Date and Time of Event:    22/7/2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We work very closely with parents for throught the growing pains and joys of our students. It takes a village to raise a child - the adage we are all very familar with.

Here are some key MOE resourses to share with all. 

Thank you.



Appreciation Note for Stephenian Samaritan Pack


Relevant Levels:  All 

Date and Time of Event:  Semester 1

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all the dedicated staff,  students, parents and ex-students who generously volunteer their time every Saturday morning each month, in Semester 1 for the Stephenian Samaritan Project. Your selfless efforts in packing groceries for needy families in our community not only make a huge impact on those in need but also inspires others to join in creating a more supportive and caring community. Thank you for your invaluable contributions and for exemplifying the spirit of kindness and service. 

After a break for the June Holidays, the Stephenian Samaritan Pack with 好人好事 Hao Ren Hao Shi - HRHS is back in Semester 2! Attached sharing some photos of your contribution in the programme!  

For staff who would like to join in this meaningful act, here's the link:)

Hope to see more of you joining us, 

Thank you!

Samaritan Pack

Admin and Ops Matters

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tool - Implementation for Schools

By:  Ed Tech 

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:    

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

In 2023, ITD announced that it would be implementing 2 data security tools for users to protect data and prevent unintentional data breach incidents - Azure Information Protection (AIP) tool and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool.

In November 2023, AIP tool was implemented where school users label and classify their documents according to Data Management Policy Guide.(eg Official Closed, Sensitive Normal etc).

This year, ITD will be implementing DLP tool for school users. The purpose of DLP tool is to alert/block school staff when there is a possible unintended sharing/emails with classified and/or sensitive data. The DLP tool deployed to schools is Forcepoint One Endpoint.

The deployment of DLP and its policies will be progressively enforced in 4 phases :

Phase 1 - Deployment of Forcepoint DLP.

Phase 2 - Enforcement of DLP policy 1 for Internet browsers. 

Phase 3 - Enforcement of DLP policy 2 for email client (CES).

Phase 4- Enforcement of DLP policy 3 for Portable Storage Media and Printing.

ITD will communicate the implementation dates for each phase of DLP prior to its commencement. Please pay attention to these communications when you receive them in your email. 

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.