Published on Saturday 22 July 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T3W5

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

As we enter yet another busy week, let us also pause to pray and support colleagues who are bereaved and unwell. Let's keep them and their families in our prayers. This week, we have the Prelims Oral exams in the afternoons, and I want to thank you in advance for supporting the P6 boys and the EL and MT departments in helping them have a good experience in their EL and MT orals.


Term 3 is also the time when we see boys starting to act up more. With the busyness and stress that we might be feeling, let us remind ourselves to also be extra patient with them, being firm yet showing kindness. Let's be there for each other, and in your moment of distress, do remember that we are also here for you. If nothing else, remember this quote of the week by our founder:

Often remind yourself that God is with you. 

~ St John Baptist de La Salle

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Cyberwellness Assembly

By: PSR/Cyberwellness Team (Shahidah)

Relevant Levels: All Staff and Students

Date and Time of Event: 24 July 2023, Monday (1.00pm to 1.30pm)

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

On Monday, 24 July, there will be a Cyberwellness Assembly programme - Smiley's Cyberwellness Journey; a collaboration with POSB.

It will start promptly at 1.00pm.

Primary 1 to Primary 3 classes will be in the Hall. Students will proceed to the Hall at staggered timings (see below) and be seated by 12.55pm. Students will sit in pairs; put their bags in the middle (single line). Kindly refer to the seating plan attached.

Primary 4 to Primary 6 classes will watch in the classrooms via Zoom. Teachers will login at 12.50pm. Please use the Zoom login details as the Morning Assembly.

You will receive the Cyberwellness Booklets and Smiley Name Label Stickers in your classroom by Wednesday, 26 July. Please distribute them to your pupils.

Thank you!

Cyberwellness Assembly_Hall Seating Plan

P6 PSLE Booster Programme

By:     SWB & P6 YH

Relevant Levels:   P6 teachers

Date and Time of Event: Starting 25 July to 26 Septemtber  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

P6 PSLE Booster Programme aims to provide additional academic support and a conducive environment to P6 boys without home support.

The identfied boys will be supported intensively through the P6 PSLE Booster Programme starting next week on 25 July till 27 September on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2pm to 4pm.  They will be using the 4C classroom for easier monitoring due to proximity to our Staff Room.

These boys are expected to apply self-directed learning with the supplied resources (work of the day). There will be a deployed staff who will provide consultation to this small group on a need basis.  Please find the schedule shared here.

Thank you!

SWB dept & P6 YH

P6 PSLE booster attendance list.xlsx

Read for Books 

By:     EL Dept

Relevant Levels:   Whole School

Date and Time of Event:   28 July 2023 (Friday), 7.35 am to 7.50 am (15 minutes)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We will be participating in Read for Books, an initiative by NLB. 

After morning assembly, every class will Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) for 15 minutes. Students can read anything, from ebooks to magazines, in any language . Teachers in the classrooms will read with their classes too (PE teachers can make use of this time to promote biographies if you like!).

You can share the slides with your class before reading. It includes a countdown from 15 minutes but you will have to click to change the slides manually on your own. Or you can use your own timer. 

Please take a couple of pictures of your class reading and at the end of 15 minutes, upload your pictures and update the number of students present in the following drive by 9 am (We need to collate the numbers and submit to NLB by 31 July. Please help.)

Thank you!

Read for Charity Sharing for Staff Bulletin.pptx

ECO-Green Update

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:   P4 to P6

Date and Time of Event:    31 July 2023, Monday, 12 to 1 p.m., CCE (FTGP)

Information Details: 

Dear Teachers,

We are very pleased to inform you that for our first collection for the SembEnviro Plastic Waste Collection Competition, we submitted a whopping 50kg of type 1 plastic bottles. This is much attributed to the efforts of our boys as well as many teachers who had encouraged their pupils to bring in plastic bottles from home to deposit into the Reverse Vending Machine.


We will be calling the Green Leaders from P4 to P6 to assist in the sorting of the rest of the bottles that we had collected in Semester 1 before we can submit them to SembEnviro. FTs, please inform them to go to the canteen on 31 July 2023 at 12 p.m. 

With the removal of the Reverse Vending Machine, we have noticed a decrease in the number of bottles that our pupils are recycling.  We would like to appeal to teachers to continue to encourage their pupils to recycle their plastic bottles in the bins provided in the canteen in the interim period before our recycling corner is completed. 

For and on behalf of the ECO-Green,

Nicole Venturi

National Day Celebration 2023 

By:     CCE and PE Department 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event: Tuesday,  8 August 2023    

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Our National Day Celebration will be held on Tuesday, 8 August 2023 at the school premises. The theme for this year's celebration is "Onward as One. " School will function from 7.30 am to 10.30 am.  More information will be provided during Contact Time.    

Thank you and God Bless !

Danielle and Stephen 

21_7_2023 Overall National Day Celebration 2023.xlsx
21_7_2023 Overall National Day Celebration 2023.xlsx

P6 Prelim Exam Schedule

By: IP HODs    

Relevant Levels:  P6

Date and Time of Event: 17 August to 24 August  

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please refer to the attached for the 2023 Prelim Exam Schedule. 

Thank you!


2023 P6 Prelim Assessment Schedule (updated 21 July 2023).pdf

Checklist for School Cockpit Entry & Post-Assessment Schedules (Semester 2)

By:  Data Management Committee   

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:  Semester 2 

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please refer to the schedules attached for both Term 3 and Term 4. We seek your co-operation to ensure that the deadlines are adhered to. Please note that there will be no printing of draft results slips for checking. Hence please do ensure that all results are entered correctly.

Thank you!


Notice for Semester 2 Assessment Deadlines 2023 (updated 21 July).pdf


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.