Published on Saturday 19 Aug 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T3W9

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for all your hard work last week in conducting the PSLE orals and GEP screening. As we continue with the Prelims and Term 3 tests, I want to thank you in advance for working hard together to mark the upcoming scripts, and for preparing the boys over the months in their learning leading up to the assessments this week.

With the PE likely to continue, we've had to change our Teachers' Day celebration as we need to hand over the Hall and Canteen to the Elections Department on Wednesday 30 Aug at 2pm and the whole school on Thursday 31 Aug also at 2pm. So, to have a proper celebration, we have shifted our Teachers' Day lunch to a High Tea on 30 Aug, and we will continue to have the Teachers' Day celebration as planned on 31 Aug from 7.30 to 10 am. Do try to be around from 10 to 12 am so as not to disappoint the ex-Stephenians who I expect will come back to visit.   

As I reflect on the quote for the week, I want to challenge all of us to be a source of optimism for our boys and colleagues, and even in the most seemingly hopeless situations, to have a growth mindset and choose to fill our minds and hearts with optimism rather than negativity. This proactive choice for optimism is what leads our boys to begin to believe in themselves and ultimately leads to us making a difference in their lives. I leave you with the quote for this week which I hope you find the moments to reflect with your boys:

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. 

~ Helen Keller

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Teachers' Day High Tea (Rescheduled to 30 August, Wednesday)

By:     SWBC

Relevant Levels:   All staff

Date and Time of Event:   Wednesday 30 August, 3 pm to 5 pm 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We are re-scheduling our Teachers' Day Lunch to a High Tea on Wednesday 30 August. This is because a number of us have to report to the polling centres in the afternoon on 31 August. 

The details of the High Tea are as follows:

Date: 30 August 2023

Venue: Holiday Inn @ Singapore Orchard City Centre, 

            11 Cavenagh Road (S229616)

Time: 3 pm – 5 pm 

School will provide transport for all staff to the Holiday Inn. The bus will leave school at 2.15 pm. Please respond to the link below to indicate Y1 for one-way transportation, Y2 for two-way transportation, N for not taking bus.  Kindly do so by 23 August 2023.

Thank you!

Teachers' Day High Tea.pptx

PSLE LC & Written Exam Briefing 1 (Zoom)

By:  CPE (Sheikh) & IPE (Belle Taw) 

Relevant Levels:  All staff

Date and Time of Event: T3W10, Monday,  28 August, 2.15pm to 4.00pm  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

With the PE happening, leading to the change in the date of our Teachers' Day celebration, therefore our PSLE Briefing 1 for LC & Written Exam has been rescheduled to 28 August, Monday from 2.15pm to 4.00pm

The briefing will be conducted via zoom and will be recorded for colleagues who would miss it due to official reasons. There will be 2 segments to this briefing: 2023 PSLE Overview and Briefing for Invigilators.  Do alert Belle Taw if you are not able to attend this meeting prior so we can send the recording to you.   Thank you.

Topic: PSLE LC & Written

Time: Aug 28, 2023 02:00 PM Singapore

Meeting ID: 383 240 1839

Passcode: PSLE

Mathematics Prelim Exam 

By:     Mathematics Dept

Relevant Levels:  P6 

Date and Time of Event:   21 August 2023

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please see attached documents for the invigilation timetables as well as common marking. 

Please collect and return papers from the Conference Room. 

For the Returning of Paper 1 and Collection of Paper 2 (between 9 to 9.30 a.m.), we will go to your class instead as you might be held up in class as it is also the snack break for the boys.

Common marking will be in the former Staff Room on Level 2.

Thank you very much for all your help!

P6 Prelim Maths Invigilation Time Table (updated 17 August) FOR STAFF.pdf
2023 P6 Maths Prelim Exam Common Marking (21 August).pdf

Edusave Character Award (ECHA) 2023

By:     Year Heads

Relevant Levels:   All Levels

Date and Time of Event: From Term 3 Week 9 onwards

Information Details: 

ECHA recognises Singaporean students who show consistent, exemplary behaviour and would serve as role models to others.

Do look through the slides for more information and timeline on ECHA.

Thank you!

ECHA 2023 teachers.pptm

Hazards Posed by Toys that Do Not Meet Safety Standards

By:     AM

Relevant Levels:   P1 - P6

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: Hazards posed by toys that do not meet safety standards

Dear Staff

Please find attached the advisory from Consumer Product Safety Office (CPSO) regarding the “Hazards posed by toys that do not meet safety standards”.


Th bookshop has already been informed not to sell round magnets, button/coin batteries previously sold in the school. Do inform the office if you find that the bookshop is selling any of the items described in the attachment.


Please also do not use the items mentioned in the attachment as teaching aids for your classes and also please assist to reinforce the hazards posed by these items during your lessons.


Thank you!

Notice on hazards posed by magnetic ball toys button batteries and water beads_english educators.pdf

Notice on hazards posed by magnetic ball toys button batteries and water beads

Class Committee (Term 3)

By:  CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias)   

Relevant Levels:   All levels

Date and Time of Event:  T3W9-T3W10 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We require your help in filling up the class committee google sheet by ticking the boxes of whether your class committee student leaders have been "approaching", "meeting" and "exceeding" expectations in term 3.

Please have a quick face-to-face feedback session with your student leaders who have been "approaching expectations" on how they can improve in their areas of growth by the end of this term.

Class Committee Roles: 

Thank you!

Class Committee Confirmed Roles 2023

P1-P6 VIA Ambassadors Training 

By:     CCE VIA

Relevant Levels:   P1-P6

Date and Time of Event:   Week 9, Mon 21 Aug , 12.15 p.m. - 1.30 p.m. 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

There will be a training conducted for all VIA Ambassadors Next Monday, 21 August during FTGP, in preparation for our SSS Kindness Movement in Term 4. 

Please send your VIA Ambassadors to the canteen at 12.15pm. 

We will also be gathering feedback from the ambassadors for the progress of We love our school Movement in their respective classes. Please do share your feedback with them so that they can bring it back to the team. 

Thank you!

P3 VIA - Project Buddy Clean

By:    CCE VIA

Relevant Levels:   Primary 3

Date and Time of Event:   Week 10 Monday 28 Aug, 9.30 a.m to 12 p.m.

Information Details: 

Dear Primary 3 FTs and Subject Teachers

In collaboration with NEA, the Primary 3 pupils will be participating in a Values-In-Action (VIA) Programme on 28 August.

Project Buddy Clean aims to inculcate positive social values and norms on cleanliness amongst students. The project leveraged peer influence and feedback to shape the behavior of students. It also helps to foster shared ownership and responsibility of common spaces through regular cohort-wide cleaning.

Please take note that the Primary 3 curriculum from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. will be suspended on this day.

P3 Form teachers will take over to conduct the lessons, guide our pupils in the cleaning activity at various allocated venues and engage them in the reflection segment. Relief will be arranged for your other classes during the time stated above. Do note that subject teachers of these classes maybe deployed for cover relief. 

Attached is the Programme Schedule

Please refer to the Google drive for other materials: 

(To play it during FTGP in Week 9 Mon 21 Aug)

Please view the recording of Teacher's Briefing and look through the lesson materials. You may share your concerns/questions with your Year Head, if any by Next Tues, 22 Aug and we will address it in the level group chat. 

Thank you!

Programme Outline and Schedule_17 AUG.docx
Buddy Clean Up P3 Schedule- 28 August 2023

Teachers' Day Celebration 2023 (31 August)

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias)    

Relevant Levels:  All levels 

Date and Time of Event: T3W10, Thu, 31 August, 7.35am - 10am  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be celebrating Teachers' Day on 31 August.

We will have 3 main blocks of events occurring which are:

During the prayer service, there will be a recitation of the Lasallian Teachers' Pledge in which all teachers will be standing where they are and reciting the pledge led by our School Leader.

During the teacher-student bonding time, please administer the snack break (10min) and there are 2 activities prepared for you or if you would like to conduct your own activities, feel free to do so as well: 

Morning announcements will be made to encourage students to give words of affirmation and or handicrafts as an appreciation directly to their teachers from T3W9, Friday, 25 August to T3W10, Wednesday, 30 August during the start or end of their subject teachers' lessons.

On the actual Teachers' Day Celebration, 31 August, students will only be allowed to pass any handicrafts / tokens of appreciation to their Form Teachers who will collect and pass them to the respective subject teachers at the end of the day. 

Topic: Teachers' Day Celebration 2023

Time: Aug 31, 2023 08:15 AM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 896 1995 7947

Passcode: teachers

Thank you and we look forward to a joyful and meaningful Teachers' Day Celebration!

Teachers' Day Celebration 2023 (Teachers' Copy)

Teachers' Day Celebration 2023 Programme Outline

Lasallian Teachers’ Pledge.pptx

Lasallian Teachers' Pledge 

(To be recited during the Prayer Service segment)


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.