Staff Bulletin 2021T3W3

for Term 3 Week 3 beginning Monday, 12 July 2021, published on Friday, 9 July 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

  1. Thanks especially to the P1-P3 teachers for helping to boys to settle into the new fixed seating routine during recess.

  2. As we begin this term with the focus on Optimism, I would like us to find every opportunity to introduce our boys to the idea of Growth Mindset and use the power of 'yet'. Do take some time to watch this video by Carol Dweck who has been credited for her work in Growth Mindsets.

  3. Behaviour Focus for Boys:

  • No talking when face mask is off

  • Proper wearing of face mask (must cover mouth and nose fully)

  • Enforcing nametags on uniforms

Racial Harmony Day 2021

By: CCE Department

Relevant Levels: Primary 1 to Primary 6

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 9 to 21 July 2021

Deadline to Note: 19 July 2021

Information Details: We will be commemorating Racial Harmony Day on 21 July 2021, a day designated as an official reminder of the race riot in 1964 to teach our Stephenians the importance of maintaining racial and religious harmony in our multicultural and multi-ethnic Singapore. Please take a look at the slides and come dressed in ethnic attire on 21 July 2021!

RHD 2021.pptx
RHD Letter.pdf

SSS Guide to Good Curriculum Unit / Lesson

By: VP / Edwin

Relevant Levels: All

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Continuous Improvement Work In Progress

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

Dear everyone, here are the Guide (explanatory) and Template (application usage). Hope you have found the session useful as an overview/refresher.

Please do try to use / explore / reference them in your Unit/Lesson planning this Semester, be it individual lessons, PLT team work or in peer coaching. The Guide synthesises the various STP / SLS PS / e-Ped / HA aspects and hopefully will give us:

  • a common frame / lingo in discussing our T & L

  • useful frames to improve our units and lessons, eg the 6 Learning Experience Frames etc

  • a guaranteed baseline for our boys as we add on our guru/diva sparks to our lessons

It is a buffet spread - please pace and use it according to your needs. Do freely give feedback anytime to improve this Guide for our ease and clarity of usage. Thanks again everyone for being on this collective journey as we improve our T & L together!


P.S. Clarifications:

1) This is still work in progress: we use the whole of this Semester to improve it as we try it out.

2) This Template is not a Lesson Observation Template, but a planning template. For Lesson Observation, continue to use the current Lesson Observation template.

SSS Guide to a Good Curriculum Unit _ Lesson.pdf
SLSP-SSTP-Based Unit-Lesson Preparation Template UPDATED.docx

Quick Guide for Peer Coaches

By: Teacher Leaders Committee

Relevant Levels: All Teachers

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: Immediate and On-going

Deadline to Note: Term 4 Week 5

Information Details:

Not sure what to do, ask or observe for peer coaching? Fret not! Here's the quick guide for peer coaches to get started with peer coaching. All are encouraged to start the peer coaching journey in Term 3 Week 3. Peer Coaches are to take the initiative to approach their coachees.

Quick Guide for Peer Coaches

Student Management Matters III@ T3W2 - SMM, TT Tokens

By: Student Management Committee / Yasmin

Relevant Levels: All Levels / FTs to follow-up

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: IMMEDIATE & on-going

Deadline to Note: N.A. / Constant Reminder-Check

Information Details:

Please ensure the following SMM are put in place as part of the daily routines in and out of class. Slides are shared during the morning assembly on proper use of masks and the use of tokens during movement.

Student Management Matters Term 3 Masks & Trace Together Tokens.pptx

Student Management Matters IV@ T3W2 -Levels of Consequences

By: Student Management Committee / Yasmin

Relevant Levels: All Levels / FTs to follow-up

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: IMMEDIATE & on-going

Deadline to Note: N.A. / Teacher's Reference

Information Details:

As shared in email, teachers may refer to the SSS' document on the discipline levels of consequences for minor and major offences. Do approach the Discipline Committee for guidance and support when managing cases.

SSS Discipline Consequences 2021.pdf

Class Dojo Matters

By: ICT / Murni

Relevant Levels: All levels

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Ongoing

Deadline to Note: 30 July 2021

Information Details:

Please read the PDF on Class Dojo matters for your necessary follow up .

Thank you.

Class Dojo Matters.pdf

Academic Progress Updates for Parents via Class Dojo

By: IP Management Committee

Relevant Levels: All EL, Math, Science and MT Teachers

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item taking place: Immediate

Deadline to Note: 11 July 2021

Information Details:

We have come to the end of Term 3 Week 2. Please send a progress update on what you have covered in the last 2 weeks to parents via Class Dojo.

Below is the text template that you can use:

Dear Parents,

We have come to the end of Term 3 Week 2. This is what we have covered in the last 2 weeks for <Subject>:


Assignments (include page numbers):

Recommendations for further reinforcement at home (if any):

CCA Matters

By: CCA / Jansher

Relevant Levels: P3-P5

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Ongoing

Deadline to Note: 14 July 2021 (12pm)

Information Details:

The previous semester, we were fortunate that there were no Covid cases among CCA students.

However for this semester, there will need to be updates to comply with the SMM and keep our students as safe as possible. Please follow to the timeline below:

Wk 3 [14 July, Wed 12pm]:

i. All CCA OICs (with more than 16 students not including P6s in their CCA enrolment) to update their CCA subgroups in school cockpit by 12pm. (Pls refer to the PDF attached on how to do it if unsure).

ii. CCA OICs to indicate in the excel sheet the days the subgroups will be coming for their CCA.

iii. CCA OICs to indicate the fixed groups of 5 the student will be in the excel sheet.

Wk 4 [19 July, Mon or later depending on the date MOE release latest regulation]:

i. SH CCA to plan and provide the canteen seating arrangement and lunch timings to all CCAs OIC.

ii. CCA teachers to pass info of all seating arrangements during their week 4 e-CCA sessions to students in anticipation for week 5.

iii. CCA teachers to put up the seating arrangement document on their respective CCA notice board for students to refer to.

Thank you for following up.

Steps to edit CCA subgroupings in Schoolcockpit.pdf
CCA Sub Groupings & Grps of 5