Published on Saturday 27 April 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W7

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear colleagues

Thank you for all your help during the last few weeks, when many of us went out for NSG, SYF and CBS MT Story-Telling Competition. It is heartwarming to see that despite the tiredness on the faces of our teachers, I also see the cheerleader rooting for our boys to shine. 

During the CBS MT Story-Telling Competition, our Guest-of-Honour, Bro Collin Wee, shared an interesting story about a match stick.  He is indeed a wonderful storyteller...a skill we all must strive to master!

Bro Collin CBS MT Storytelling 2024 Matchstick story.MP4

It will be a few more weeks of running in high gear before the June holidays, so let's cheer each other on and support each other. In all our moments of joy, tiredness, busyness, anger and disappointment, let us live the words of our Founder, which is my favourite quote of the week:

Never speak to anyone except with kindness. 

– Saint John Baptist de La Salle

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Featured Specials

Honours and Founder's Day 

By:  Honours and Founder's Day Committee

Relevant Levels:  All staff

Date and Time of Event:  Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

The Honours and Founder's Day will be held on 15 May 2024 at St Stephen's School from 8am to 1.30pm. The Guest-Of-Honour is Bro Collin Wee.

Please see the google link for details. More information will be shared at a later date.

Thank you and God Bless ! 

Yiqun, Teresa and Stephen 

1.1) Staff Honours day 15_5_24 .xlsx

Staff Bonding Day 


Relevant Levels:  (all staff)

Date and Time of Event:  24 May, 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for our staff walk cum barbecue. Please click on the link below to indicate your attendance. Kindly do so by 3 May as we need to ensure that there is enough food and drinks for everyone. Looking forward to seeing you all there for a good time of bonding and relaxation!

Thank you.


Semester 1 Conduct Grade

By:  Disc Comm

Relevant Levels:  All staff

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Hi colleagues,

As you prepare the conduct grade for Semester 1, here are some reminders:

Conduct Grade is a representation of a pupil's conduct and behaviour and is given at the end of each Semester.  

All pupils start with a 'VERY GOOD' conduct grade. This will then be adjusted upwards or downwards to either 'Excellent' or 'Good'.  

Do note that a pupil can only receive a 'Fair' conduct grade if he receives Warning Letter/s from school.

Thank you.

Conduct Grade_Semester 1_2024.pptx

Student Programmes & Matters

Issue 2-Kindsville Times & A-Ok!


Relevant Levels:  Primary 1 - Primary 6

Date and Time of Event:  Week 7

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Issue 2 of Kindsville Times (P1-P4) and A-OK! (P5 & P6) has been placed in your classroom. Please distribute it to your pupils during FTGP lesson this coming week.  

Hope that the PDF version of Kindsville Issue 2 has helped gain some insights in the discussion topic of building existential friendships with the ASEAN community as we commemorate International Friendship Day the last two weeks.

This issue also features fun activities to commemorate Kindness Day SG, which falls on the 17 May 2024. This is a special day in Singapore when we celebrate being kind by spreading kindness. Through the engaging activities in the booklet, pupils learn to show gratitude and appreciation to people around us. Some fun experiences include the making of 3D Thank You cards and Singa Kindness Poster Contest.  

Together, we envision a future where acts of kindness become second nature to our boys and with your support, we can instil the values of kindness as they grow to become Men for Others.

Thank you.

5 ways of expressing Love-  Mother's Day & Father's Day


Relevant Levels:  Primary 1 to Primary 6

Date and Time of Event:  6 May, FTGP lesson (Week 8)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

This year, we celebrate Mother's Day on the 12 May and Father's Day on 16 Jun. 

It's a special day to express our love for all the Mother and Father figures in our lives. 

Everyone receive and express love in our own way, beyond just gifting. 

In celebration of both Mother's Day and Father's Day, we will be taking the FTGP lesson on 6 May, to focus on Understanding the different methods of Love Communication to strengthen relationships with their parents. 

Attached are the 5 ways of love languages that will be shared in the FTGP lesson package given to you (week 7). 

In the lesson, pupils will be doing a Handmade Flower Bouquet with written notes for their Mother or Mother Figures. Please kindly inform your class of this activity and they are required to bring a pair of disposable chopstick and glue for the craft work. 

More ideas of celebrating Mother's and Father's Day will also be shared with the various levels through SLS on 6 May. 

Thank you.

Staff Programmes & Matters

ClassPoint Installation and PD Registration

By:  ICT Dept

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event:  08 May 2024

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We will be having a PD session on ClassPoint on 8 May for all teachers.

We are hoping to meet the training needs of all teachers. Hence, please click on the following link to indicate your level of use with ClassPoint by 2 May 2024: 

For the session, you will need to bring your laptop with ClassPoint installed, and redeemed premium subscription. This will enable us to have a fruitful learning session.

For the installation and redemption guide, you can go to:
S:\LOW KAI MING, ROYSTON\ClassPoint\Installing classpoint.pptx

If you need help with account creation and redemption, please feel free to approach the EdTech Committee members or our ICT Manager. 


Thank you.

Not seeing anything above? Reauthenticate

Operations & Administration

iCON2 Data Management & Housekeeping 

By:  Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:  All staff

Date and Time of Event:  Before 1 June 2024

Information Details: 

iCON 2.0 Data Management and Housekeeping.

Dear Colleagues,

 ITD is currently reviewing the storage limits for iCON and will be imposing the storage limits. For us users of iCON2.0, we are to conduct regular data management and housekeeping of our iCON storage space. Please be reminded to ensure that your iCON storage space (Google Drive, Gmail and Photos) utalization is maximum 10GB by (before) 1st June 2024.

Please find time to check your iCON storage utilization this coming week and do the necessary housekeeping. Up till date, there are 50 over St Stephen’s staff whose iCON storage space utilization exceeds 10GB, thus these officers need to reduce their iCON storage space.

How to manage my ICON Storage Space (Google Drive, Gmail and Photos)

Refer to the attached staff guide on how you can manage and reduce your iCON storage space, Practice DEAR (Delete, Empty, Archive, Review) .

You can also access this guide from the ITD emails to all iCON users.

Important Reminders:

1)      iCON should be used for teaching & learning purposes as well as storing non-classified & non-sensitive data.

 Remove personal, classified & sensitive files when housekeeping iCON.

2)  You can use Microsoft 365 Teaching & Learning (M365 T&L) OneDrive as an alternative platform for storing teaching & learning resources with non-classified & non-sensitive data


3)      For the storage of materials with classified and sensitive information, staff should use secured platforms like the iSHOP Shared Drives and My Important Files available on their SSOE devices


If you have queries/ need assistance on iCON2.0 Data Management, you can approach Ed Tech members : (Letchumi -ICT Manager, Murni, Royston, Leraine, Candy)

Warm Regards

Ed Tech Team


Thank you.



What A Wonderful World

Dear everyone,

This month of April, we have celebrated quite a few key International and SG Days:

As we come to the end of April, these 2 youtube videos seem like an apt epilogue, bringing forth the power of optimism, imagination, discovery, and a better world that we hope our boys will be able to experience, contribute to and co-create together, and keep our spirits and purpose high too: What A Wonderful World & Wonker (playlist).


Thank you.



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.