Staff Bulletin 2022T2W7

published on Saturday 7 May 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have just a few more weeks before we can look forward to the June break, and I want to encourage you not to give up in the good work that you are doing. It is during these exam periods that the boys will act up a bit more, usually as a result of their own anxiety, so let us look at them through the eyes of faith and look beyond their surface behaviours to see their cry for help.

Yesterday, we held the first Lasallian Promotion Ceremony in person after 2 years, and I want to congratulate all promotees once again. It was quite heart-warming to see the strength of the Lasallian community coming together again and I was reflecting on our Lasallian value of community. In the time I have been here at St Stephen's, one of my biggest sorrow is the fractious community among the staff. In my conversations with staff from last year, I gather that it also weighs heavy on the hearts of many staff. It is inevitable that we will have colleagues on the staff whom we are closer to, whether because we came together as a batch, or whether we sit near each other, or perhaps we have more things in common, but it should not lock us into exclusive sub-groups within the staff. A disheartened colleague recently shared with me that some colleagues openly expressed disdain for particular people. Other newer colleagues have felt intimidated by other more senior ones. As I reflect on our Lasallian values, do we really value the sense of being a community? How can we build up trust with each other and heal old hurts and suspicions? In the 7 Habits, Stephen Covey writes about a hypocrisy most of us struggle with: we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour.

I believe we all want to and deserve to work in a place where all of us truly trust each other and are comfortable speaking from our hearts to everyone. I always carry the words of NIE A/P Low Guat Tin: if it is to be, it is up to me. This requires each one of us to desire such a work culture and bring forth 2 important virtues: humility and trust. The De La Salle family's shield, the motto is "Indivisa Manent" which means Permanently Undivided. A family doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be united and that makes us strong. Let us take care of our thoughts, words and actions, and strive to look at each other through the eyes of Faith and speak to and about each only with kindness and empathy. We get what we give.

"Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity will lead to peace." ~ Mother Teresa

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Common Marking for P4 & P6 MYE (All Staff)

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: --

Information Details: (Also emailed to all on 6 May through CES Outlook Email)

Dear everyone,

As alerted to everyone earlier, we will be having Common Marking for this year’s P4/P6 MYE, utilizing all staff (even if they don’t teach the levels), as these are full papers especially the P6 level, and with the time constraint we require all additional hands on deck.

To ensure that there is still parity of marking load, HODs will take into account the teacher's other levels' class WA marking load in their distribution of the P4/P6 load.

Below are other key guidelines:

  • All PAM teachers and SENOs are involved too to help mark or scan.

  • Every Teacher stays back (only) 1 day for MYE P4/P6 Common Marking, according to the yellow-highlight subject-day. Each teacher will then have the other 2 days to finish the WA class marking.

  • Exceptions:

    • If teacher takes both subjects at P4/P6, then the teacher will stay for both days as that's his/her natural class load too.

    • For teachers taking only P4 EL+SS, as their 2nd subject does not have WA/MYE marking, they will be marking P4 EL+ SC (=2 days)

  • HODs will be the presiding Chief Marker of the subject and distribute deploy the markers with their other levels' WA marking load taken into account as well.

The Common Marking Schedule for EL, MA and SC is here, with yellow-highlighted cells indicating the Subject that each teacher has to stay for, for Common Marking. For MT, please refer to HOD MT’s instructions.

The respective HODs will give you further instructions about the Common Marking for their Subjects.

Thank you for cheers!

P4 and P6 Common Marking MYE 2022.pdf

Term 2 Results Processing & HDP Data Entry

By: Meng Thong, Irene, Jansher

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -End of Term 2

Information Details: -Refer to email sent on 5 May 2022 and attached documents.

Notice for Term 2 Assessment Deadlines 2022 (for reachers).pdf
HDP Report Book Data Entry.pdf


By: Year Heads

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -Term 2 Week 8 to Week 10

Information Details: -

WHAT: This is a revamped version of the former Star Pupil Award as we aligned to the new school vision, mission and values. Please read the powerpoint slides for an overview, procedure of nomination and timeline of programme.

WHY: To recognise outstanding Stephenians in each class who exemplify the school values. To encourage positive behaviours and good learning attitudes among the students

HOW: Use the link belo for the nomination form. (Note: different links for Odd Level & Even Level)

Star Stephenian 2022.pptx

We Love Our School PD 2


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Information Details: Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for attending Session 2 of We Love Our School PD session. We focused on 'Analysing and Reflection' on classroom cleanliness. We hope that you have a better understanding of the criteria and standard of a "A" grade classroom after the sharing. You may refer to the slides again here:

Moving forward, in Week 9 Session 3, we will focus on the last segment of the Lasallian Reflection framework - Commitment and Act. We will continue the discussion and sharing on KISS (Start and Stop), and put routines in place. Do also take some time to look through Padlet, there were many wonderful ideas shared and we can adopt for our own classes too. Together, we can keep our school clean!


By: PE /CCA DePt and P3 Year Head

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 12 and 13 MAY 2022

Information Details:

As part of PASSIAN, the P3 pupils will be experiencing Game For Life ( after MYA ). We hope to develop a Growth Mindset and Leadership Skills in all pupils. This programme will be conducted by an external vendor and teachers in the classes are to assist the instructors in managing the P3 pupils. The attached PASSIAN Framework is for your reference.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Stephen Tan and Belle Taw

Class Photo Taking Sessions

By: Communications Committee

Relevant Levels: All Classes

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Refer to Schedule

Information Details: Dear colleagues, please refer to and take note of the photo-taking schedule. At least one FT or subject teacher should be present for the session. If you are an FT but your name has not been included in any of the timeslots, please let Rajes or Mrs Sandran know.

Do remind your pupils to be attired in their school uniform and tie for the session.

Male colleagues should also be wearing their ties.

If there are any clashes or if you are unable to make it for your session, please inform Rajes or Mrs Sandran by this Friday, 13 May 2022.

Thank you.



TEACHER LEADER Conversations

By: Teacher Leader Council

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Information Details: -


How have you included Assessment Practices in your Classroom?

This is how we would like our school to move forward. at the teacher and school level.

Have you started?

HAPPY Moments (Teacher Strategies)

Weekly Practice of one assessment routine in our classrooms

PLT Sharing (WDS/Subject Specific)

Weekly sharing of what went well or what did not go well for our assessment routines

Visit the school sharing folder if you are looking for resources



By: Project Refresh Team

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Information Details: -


(2nd Call for Suggestions and Ideas)

Last year Team members reached out to ask for your input.

To help us to move forward, we have created a Padlet to help us capture your ideas and suggestions for the 'refresh' of the staff 'work and rest' spaces at SSS.

Do not miss this opportunity to have your voice and ideas heard before we start to consolidate the plans.

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.