Staff Bulletin 2022T2W9

published on Saturday 21 May 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have finally come to the final week of the Semester and our well-deserved June holidays is upon us. There's quite a lot of information in this week's bulletin so do take some time to read through.

What has been on my mind in recent times is also the staff culture that we desire and I thought I'd leave this short story for you to ponder.

The Guru meditating in his Himalayan cave opened his eyes to discover an unexpected visitor sitting there before him - the abbot of a well-known monastery.

"What is it you seek?" asked the Guru.

The abbot recounted a tale of woe. At one time his monastery had been famous throughout the western world. Its cells were filled with young aspirants and its church resounded to the chant of its monks. But hard times had come on the monastery. People no longer flocked there to nourish their spirits, the stream of young aspirants had dried up, the church was silent. There was only a handful of monks left and these went about their duties with heavy hearts.

Now this is what the abbot wanted to know: "is it because of some sin of ours that the monastery has been reduced to this state?"

"Yes," said the Guru, "a sin of ignorance."

"And what sin might that be?"

"One of your number is the Messiah in disguise and you are ignorant of this." Having said that the Guru closed his eyes and returned to his meditation.

Throughout the arduous journey back to his monastery the abbot's heart beat fast at the thought that the Messiah - the Messiah himself - had returned to earth and was right there in the monastery. How was it he had failed to recognize him? And who could it be? Brother Cook? Brother Sacristan? Brother Treasurer? Brother Prior? No, not he; he had too many defects, alas. But then, the Guru had said he was in disguise. Could those defects be one of his disguises? Come to think of it, everyone in the monastery had defects. And one of them had to be the Messiah!

Back in the monastery he assembled the monks and told them what he had discovered. They looked at one another in disbelief. The Messiah? Here? Incredible! But he was supposed to be here is disguise. So, maybe. What if it were so-and-so? Or the other one over there? Or . . .

One thing was certain. If the Messiah was there in disguise, it was not likely that they would recognize him. So they took to treating everyone with respect and consideration. "You never know," they said to themselves when they dealt with one another, "maybe this is the one."

The result of this was that the atmosphere in the monastery became vibrant with joy. Soon dozens of aspirants were seeking admission to the Order - and once again the church echoed with the holy and joyful chant of monks who were aglow with the spirit of love.

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Celebrate The Arts: Aesthetics Progrmmes, ARTsCycle and Artists of the Term (Term 2)

By: Aesthetics department

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 23 May, Monday

Information Details:

Dear FTs, for next Monday's assembly programme, we will be having a video presentation of the following PAM Programmes:

  • Celebrate the Arts: ARTsCycle

  • Music programme: Mother's Day Jam-mania

  • P3 LLP "Game for Life"

  • Artists of The Term

"Artists of The Term" features the best curriculum artworks done by our student artists from each level this term. Each student artist will be presented a token from the art department (6 levels X 3 winners) via their form teachers.

NOTE: Form teacher, please present the token to your student in the presence of the whole class and congratulate him on the art department's behalf. (The token will be left on your table on Monday morning if you have a winner)

Please log in to zoom punctually and so we can start as soon as possible.

Meeting ID: 895 3214 7978

Passcode: AOTT2

FTGP - Father's Day


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 23 May to 21 June

Information Details: Dear teachers, Father's Day will be celebrated on 19 June during the June holiday. We want to encourage the boys to show their gratitude and love for their fathers or father figures especially on this special day.

A lesson will be shared through SLS (from 23 May to 21 June) for pupils to complete. Please share them with your pupils during FTGP and let's encourage our boys to spend some time and effort to show their dads that they love them too!

P3 Zoo Virtual Learning Journey 2022

By: Science Department

Relevant Levels: P3

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 23 May Monday

Information Details:

The Primary 3 boys will be going on a virtual learning journey to the zoo on 23 May 2022 (Monday). This programme aims to introduce them the various reptiles from our Singapore Zoo. It will be conducted in class during curriculum time from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

We would like to seek the cooperation of subject teachers who will be in class with them during these periods to help maintain discipline in class during the session. A laptop will be prepared for each class, you will not be required to bring your laptop for this session.

Our P3 Science teachers will be roving to assist in any technical issues.

As this session will be held straight after Mother Tongue lesson on that day, we would like for all P3 Mother Tongue teachers to release the boys back to their form classes 5 minutes earlier (at 10.25am) than usual so that they can settle down and start the zoom session promptly.

Please find the schedule attached for your reference.

Finally, we would like to thank you in advance for all your help and support. Thank you.

Charmaine & Chrispian

On behalf of Science Department

Project Germination: Green Bonding Activity

By: VP

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 24 May 2022, Tuesday

Information Details:

Dear everyone,

As shared during Wednesday's PD, we will be having a Green bonding activity afternoon next Tuesday 24 May, 2:30pm - 4pm, for all staff (unless on official duty).

Through this session bringing all staff together in a green, learn and bond activity and wind down at the end of Term, we also begin our whole-staff onboarding our school's new ALP on Sustainability Stewardship. The first small step based on this is also our P2 PAL - Project Germination will roll out for the P2 Level in Term 3, and through this activity, our P2 PAL teachers will be readier to guide and walk with the boys in this project journey.

Going forth, over the next months and years, and through our various suject areas and levels, we will in our various teams come together to imagine, conceptualise and construct together the various experiences and lessons to bring our ALP's robust learnings to our boys.

The men of integrity and men for others whom we are developing our boys into - stewards and servant leaders, begin with us here as we enrich their learning tapestry. Together as one Team Stephenian, let's weave our various threads and mosaics together into that rich Stephenian experience for our boys. At at this end of term, we the staff shall work hard and play hard!

Many cheers and enjoy!

Games Day!

By: SWB/PE Dept

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 25 May 2022, Wednesday

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

It’s Games Day next Wednesday afternoon!

We have organised some popular games such as badminton, ultimate frisbee, and floorball. Come, let us celebrate as the term draws to a close and have some fun together!

All staff are invited to join us. See you in the hall next Wednesday at 2.30 pm!

Games Day.pptx

Ascension Thursday 2022

By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 26 May 2022 Thursday

Information Details:

Next Thursday, 26 May 2022, is the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. This is the day Jesus Christ rose to Heaven, on the 40th day after his Resurrection, Easter being the first day. It is a holy day of obligation so we will be having mass for all Catechism classes from 0735 to 0830 in the Hall. Father Gabriel will be celebrating the mass.

All boys are to leave their bags in the form classes once they reach school. Thereafter, boys in Catechism classes are to go to the Hall and boys in Ethics classes are to go to their Ethics classrooms. Teachers are to report to the venues according to the Google sheet by 0715.

Teachers in the Ethics classes, please go through the lesson on Gratefulness with your classes.

Ascension Thursday Deployment

Ascension Thursday Ethics Lesson.docx
Ascension Thursday Ethics Lesson 2022.pptx

Use Your Hands Campaign


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 27 May 2022 and 27 June 2022

Information Details:

Dear teachers, as shared earlier, we will be having our Use Your Hands Campaign on the last day of Term 2 and first day of Term 3.

Please remind your pupils to bring rags/wet wipes and their love for their school to clean up the classrooms.

You may use the slides to guide your pupils through the objectives (slides 1 to 11) and the last 10 to 15 minutes to reflect on the activity (Slide 12).

As we will be painting the classrooms during the June holidays, please also remember to take down all items that have been put up on the walls and doors and the areas that will need to be painted over. Let's do our best here otherwise our OSO colleagues will have to take it down for us.

S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\Values-in-Actions\School-Wide Programmes\UYHC\2022

We Love Our School PD


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Nil

Information Details: Dear colleagues, We have completed the last PDs for We Love Our School last Wednesday. 18 May.

To recap, we have covered the Lasallian Reflection Framework of See and Experience, Analyse and Reflection, Commitment and Action over 3 sessions of PD sessions in Term 2.

Through your sharing, we have come to recognise the areas that we need to improve on in our classrooms, including making it a routine to clean up after every lesson. We have also set clear goals and many of you expressed your confidence during our check-in at the start of Session 2. We explored deeper - Analysing and Reflecting concrete examples of Grade “A” classrooms.

“KISS Structure – Keep & Improve”, we take your suggestions and introduced the “Instruction sheet” that will be rolled out in Term 3 as part of the reflection process of Commitment-and Action.

Please refer to the slides attached to look through Session 3 PD content again. Rules have consequences, routines have reminders. Let's cultivate good habits through routines. The first step to starting something may not always be easy but let’s do this right and together!

SBS Transit Kindness Month


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 23 to 30 May 2022

Information Details: Dear Colleagues,

We will be celebrating SBS Transit Kindness Month this month of May.

Taking Public transport to school or work has been part and parcel of our life. However, many a times, we do not know the hardships and long hours of a Bus Captain. This May, we would like to encourage all Stephenians (staff and pupils) in joining to express our gratitude to our Bus Captains and Station Staff.

Please use the time during FTGP to share the SLS assignment with your pupils. The assignment will be published from 23 May – 30 May.

The SLS assignment includes a video and Padlet link to pen down e-notes of appreciation. These notes convey our thanks to the “Public Transport Heros’” and they will be sent to the SBS Transit Management to be shared with their staff.

Please use this opportunity to educate our pupils, beyond the school community to be “Men for Others”. A kind word of “thank you” or “good morning” as we board the bus brightens the days of others.

SSOE2 Seat Refresh 2022

By: Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels: Teaching Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item:

Information Details:

Just to give you heads up on the upcoming Seat Refresh of SSOE2 computers during the last week of the school holidays.

About 83 staff involved in this Seat Refresh. The ICT team (NCS and Micro2000) will be in our school on the following dates :

17 June (Fri): Unboxing of new EUCDs + Provisioning of new User EUCDs

20 June (Mon): Unboxing of new EUCDs + Provisioning of new User EUCDs

21 June (Tue): Unboxing of new EUCDs + Provisioning of new User EUCDs

22 June (Wed): Handover of new EUCDs of User Devices

23 June(Thurs): Handover of new EUCDs of User Devices

24 June(Fri): Handover of new EUCDs of User Devices) + Documentation

List of teachers involved and the handover schedule will be emailed out next week.

Teachers will loan out their new computers and return their current computers from 22 June to 24 June.

Excited to find out the modal of new computer you will loan out ? Look out for my email next week ....

Staff Learning Needs Analysis


Relevant Levels: All staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 20 May 2022 to 1 June 2022

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

As part of our professional development, we would like to map our individual learning needs. Please complete your LNA in Opal 2.0. It should take about 10-15 minutes. In doing so, you will glean a better idea of the kind of individual learning you would like to do for your professional development. Your RO will be acknowledging your LNA in the Opal 2.0 system.

Guide to do your LNA:

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Click on PD Plan (top bar next to Catalogue)

Step 3: Click on Learning Needs

Step 4: Check that Selected Year is 2022

Step 5: Start your LNA, and submit.

Your LNA is personal to you, so please answer the questions that would help you in your personal professional development. Feel free to approach me should you have any queries. Thank you.

June Holiday Work Schedule


Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: June Holiday Work Weeks

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

Please refer below for our June Holiday Work Schedule. Thank you.

June Holiday Work Schedule

Student WB Newsletter: May

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Information Details: Read on to find out about Peer Support and Relationships as we embrace all pupils as part of our Culture of Care. Click the link to explore additional information on PSR!

May Newsletter


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.