Staff Bulletin for 2023 T1W5

1Published on Saturday 28 January 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Recess Play , PE/CCA  & NSG Updates 

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I hope that you continue to enjoy the CNY festivities and I want to thank the SWB for planning and organising the lo-hei and lunch. In a flash, we are already reaching the middle of Term 1. Our CCAs have started and our remedials will begin shortly and the busyness of non-COVID times will be upon us. In our busyness, let us remember to treat each other with kindness and help each other to succeed. Let's be the Transition Person in our teams and communities and continue to deposit in each other's Emotional Bank Accounts through our kindness and love languages. 

Now that we have introduced the 7 Habits to the boys, I notice during my walkabouts that some teachers are starting to use the 7 Habits language and concepts with your boys. I want to encourage you to continue to use the 7 Habits language and be exemplary in living out the 7 Habits. Let us take every opportunity to shape the habits and character of our boys to be effective and successful Stephenians. I leave you with this quote from the writings of our Founder, De La Salle, in how he encouraged the early teachers to focus on the character formation of their students: 

If you want the instructions you give those whom you have to instruct to be effective in drawing them to the practice of good, you must practice these truths yourselves, and you must be full of zeal, so that your students may be able to receive a share in the grace which is in you for doing good...

- from De La Salle's Meditations for the Time of Retreat

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire! Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7 Habits @ SSS T&L:  Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

As we follow the students' encounter with 7 Habits in our morning flag-raising reminder, we could apply it to our T & L (academic and non-academic) too. Habit 2 'Begin with the End in Mind' is a good reminder for us to always think about why we teach, what we teach, what our students learn & do, and what our students become.  

While we are more familiar and used to see the 'end in mind' as the subject or topical lesson objectives, we must also not loose sight of how all the various lessons and topics connect together towards the total education of each child.  With that education of the 'whole' in mind, we could, as educators, seek strength and steadfastness in that higher and original purpose that we first came into teaching with:  what is that 'end in mind' we have for our students, be it as a school, as a subject / department / committee, as a class, as a CCA, as unique individuals and as a Lasallian community?

We are all familiar with the Lasallian clarion call for our students: 'Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve', and our Lasallian Mission sets out our purpose and our way.   

Enabling all Stephenians in a Lasallian Community

to Learn how to Learn and to Learn how to Live;

Empowering them to become

Men of Integrity and Men for Others.

Our Lasallian School Values of 'Faith, Service, Community' and our Stephenian School Motto of 'Credere et Servire - To Believe and To Serve' emphasise an undergirding faith and steadfastness, to imagine greater possibilities and a better world, and to contribute to making it happen.  

Finally, most applicable specifically in our daily work, other than individual subject-topical objectives, are our Stephenian Outcomes mapped to our School Vision. Let us identify and take each relevant outcome that applies to our subject(s)/area(s) as our guiding end-point mantra. A good question to ask ourselves is how each of our subjects, lessons, experience-programme and/or assignment brings our students closer to that outcome.

Living in Faith

Leading in Service

Learning as a Community

For the Glory of God

That man is fully alive - that each Stephenian lives his life to the fullest, as an individual, as a member of the community, and the impact and good that he does and bring about for others.

These overarching visionary end-goals and specific student outcomes are, in a way, the long-term 'end in mind' that guides our programmes, lessons and activities, and the invitation to us is to apply this in our lessons and activities for students in our very own subjects and classes.

As we begin this new year, let us each think about how each of us can keep impacting our students in our pastoral care & guidance lessons, our CCE lessons, our subject lessons, our CCAs, and in various school experiences that we create,  with that 'end in mind', always.

Thank you.

School-Based Assessment 2023 - Semester 1

By:    Assessment Team

Relevant Levels:   P1-P6

Date and Time of Event: Semester 1

Information Details: 


Dear Colleagues,

The assessment plans for Semester 1 can be found in the following folder for your reference: S:\@HOLISTIC ASSESSMENT\School-Based Assessment 2023\Assessment Plans for PG\2023 Semester 1 Assessment Plans

Please do note the changes for this year and the assessment for P3 to P6 for Term 1 will be weighted at 10% and Term 2 at 15%. 

These information has been uploaded on Parents Gateway in the event you received queries from parents. If you require any further clarifications, please approach your respective IP heads. 

Thank you.

Emergency Preparedness Assembly Talk

By:    Safety Committee

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6   

Date and Time of Event: 30th January ,1 pm (log in from 12.50 pm)

Information Details: 

Hi everyone,

As planned in the calendar, we will have our first Emergency Preparedness Exercise next Wednesday, 1 February from 8.10 am to 9.00 am. The boys would only know that the exercise will be carried out in the same week.

To prepare them for the Exercise, there will be an Emergency Preparedness Assembly Talk next Monday (30 January) afternoon.

Monday (30 January) Afternoon Assembly Talk

FTs are to start logging from 12.50 pm. 

The talk will start at 1.00 pm.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 897 5232 3391

Passcode: 30Jan

Thank you.

ICT Hardware Asset Verification 2023

By:   Ed Tech Comm

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event: 8 Feb to 10 Feb 2023

Information Details: 


Dear Colleagues. 

ICT support team is conducting an annual ICT hardware asset verification exercise. 

During this verification, all the ICT hardware that you loan from the school are to be sighted by our ICT support team (Siddiq/DERiduan/DEFarhan) and you have to endorse the loan form for loan extension of the ICT hardware/equipment. 

Henceforth , school will do this exercise annually to for audit compliance.

 Please bring the school issued ICT hardware that you have loaned out :

1) SSOE2 computer

2) School iPad and Apple Pencil

3) Voice Enhancer

4) Any other ICT item/s you have signed out/loan out from school to 

Venue : School Library

Date : 8 Feb for Primary 1&2 FTs 

             9 Feb for Primary 3&4 FTs 

                10 Feb for Primary 5&6 FTs & MT Teachers

Time: 10am till 4pm

Thank you.

Recess Play, PE/CCA & NSG Updates 

 By:   PE/CCA Department 

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event: 30 Jan to 20 Feb 2023

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

1) Due to more preparation time required, the recess play for the P1s and P2s will start in Week 8, from 20 February 2023 onwards.

2) Please read two chapters of the Safety Handbook on RAMs and PE/CCA safety via the google drive for updates as we are gearing up for the NSG season as well as the NAPFA challenge for the P4s and P6s.

3) One of our P6 pupils from Track and Field CCA, Xander Kane Neufeldt of 6E, has been selected for the oath taking segment for the National School Games Opening Ceremony which will take place on Thursday, 2 February at 3.00pm at OCBC Area Hall.  The Guest-of-Honour is our Minister of Education.    

Thank you and God Bless !  

Stephen, Jansher & Sherwin 

7 Chapter 5 - Safety in Physical Education and Co-Curricular Activities.docx
4 Chapter 2 - RAMS_Jul2022.docx


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.