Staff Bulletin for 2021T3W8

published on Saturday, 14 August 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your hard work this week in conducting the PSLE Orals. I would also like to thank the National Day celebrations team (Si Lin, Ezri, Safarina, Cherlyn, See Ting, Danielle, Stephen and the PE and Music teachers) for planning and coordinating the programme and also would like to congratulate Puwen and Azizah on their National Day Awards.

We are also working to build on to our school's heritage and are looking for stories, photos and artifacts from ex-teachers and Stephenians. If you have come across any among your parents or ex-students, do forward them to the Heritage committee (Jaysree, Kareena, Shu Hui, Lishan, Jeffrey, Weixin, Tim D'Cruz and Stephen).

Do take note of changes to recess for P1 and P2 over the Prelims in the upcoming weeks.

To help our OSOs and security staff, do leave the school by 6.25pm every day as they would need time to lock up. If you do need to stay beyond 6.25pm, do let me or the VPs know so that we can make arrangements for you.

Example makes a much greater impression on mind and heart than words.

-De La Salle

National Day Awards

By: SLs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 9 August 2021

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

We would like to offer our heartiest congratulations to Azizah and Puwen, as well as our Principal Mr Goh, on their National Day Awards 2021!

  • Mdm Azizah Bte Abdul Razak, Senior Teacher, conferred The Long Service Medal, 2021

  • Mr Wu Puwen, Senior Teacher, Senior Teacher, conferred The Commendation Medal, 2021

  • Mr Timothy Goh Heng Liang, Principal, conferred the The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) and The Long Service Medal, 2021

The Investiture Ceremony will be held the following year (2022).

We will also hold the official Investiture Ceremony for Timothy D'Cruz's National Day Award 2020 - The Long Service Medal, during Teachers' Day / Staff Recognition Day Celebrations 2021.

  • Mr Charles Timothy D' Cruz, Lead Teacher, conferred the The Long Service Medal, 2020

The Investiture Ceremonies, usually held from April onwards for the previous year's NDA, have been decentralised due to COVID-19.

Congratulations to Timothy D'Cruz again as well!

Gifted Education Programme (GEP) 2021

By: Primary 3 Level

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 18 August 2021

Information Details:

Dear all,

The GEP Screening Exercise will be carried out for the Primary 3 pupils next Wednesday, 18 August 2021.

Timetable for the Primary 3 pupils will be suspended from 7.45 am to 11.45 pm. The Screening exercise will be conducted in the Primary 3 classrooms.

GEP Screening Schedule - English : 8.15 am to 9.30 am

Math : 10.30 am to 11.45 am

All P3 pupils will have their recess in class from 9.40 am to 10.10 am on this day.

All affected P3 subject/form teachers will receive a separate email regarding the process/movement of the GEP Screening exercise.

Gifted Education Programme 2021 briefing for staff.pdf

Staff Preference for 2022

By: VP

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: On-going

Deadline to Note: 20 August 2021, Friday

Information Details:

Dear Everyone,

It is the time of year again as we plan ahead for the 2022 Stephenian curriculum and experience for our boys. We have again further updated aspects of the Committees and CCAs in our continued journey towards the best Stephenian experience for our boys.

Here is the LINK.

Do give careful thought to your preferred choice(s) of Committees and CCAs, for impacting passion in the students and for your personal growth of experiences, skillsets and perspectives as well.

We will try to match your passions, strengths, experiences and preference choices with the respective committees and CCAs as much as possible, but we seek your kind understanding too if school needs require you elsewhere. Together, for our boys.

All teachers must submit the staff preference form. Please take these few days to consider and indicate your preferences. The closing date for submission is 20 August 2021, Friday.


RHD Tokens for Classes


Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: -

Deadline to Note: 20 August 2021

Information Details:

Dear teachers,

Thank you for your support for our Racial Harmony Day 2021 commemoration activities! The tokens (bookmarks with CCE lesson theme prints) for boys who participated have arrived and are in your class pigeonholes. Please give them out to the pupils who have earned at least 5 stars by 20 August 2021.

RHD SLS Results 2021.pptx