Published on Saturday 11 May 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W9

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues

As some of you may have heard, the school will be sharing the school hall with our neighbour, OLPS Church, who has requested to use our School Hall on weekends while they renovate and replace the Air Conditioners in their Church, which will take about 6 - 10 months.  Do take note if you are planning any activities in the School Hall on the weekends, to avoid Saturday afternoons and Sundays. To support the effort, one of the storerooms will be the PE store to keep their loose PE equipment. I want to thank the PE department and OSOs for putting in lots of sweat to clear the Hall store rooms. They lived out the quote for last week by doing the necessary, then what was possible, and finally achieving the impossible! Nonetheless, we found lots of souvenirs which we will distribute in the coming weeks to the staff and students.

As we celebrate Founder's Day this week, I thought I should focus my reflection on De La Salle's thoughts about how we, as educators, should live our lives. De La Salle taught the educators of his time not only the effective ways of teaching but more importantly, an ideal way of living a meaningful life. To teach is to help others escape from poverty, and in the future achieve one’s dreams and aspirations in life. For those called to teach, this is the perfect life for us. In the eyes of God, there is no rich and no poor. There is no intelligent and there is no ignorant, and so we should not think too much about ourselves or our wealth (or lack of!), but consider how we can help others through our abilities and skills. 

De La Salle lived an austere and frugal life, and for him, living a simple and humble life is an ideal life. Concerns with wealth and honour distract us from living this ideal life. His experience shows us to be humble even if others raise themselves for God sees those who make themselves high. He always led with dignity and respect for other people. People are different in many ways. Some are cold, while some are warm. Some make life easier, while some make it more complicated. Some might talk behind our backs, but we should still pray for them. I admire De La Salle, for he treated everyone as a friend, even the robber and those people who betrayed him. I know that forgiveness is hard to share and requires great strength of character. And this leads me to the quote of the weak:

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Featured Specials

Drug Victims Remembrance Day (DVRD) AssemblyTalk

By:  SDT

Relevant Levels:   P4 - P6 Level

Date and Time of Event:   Week 9: 13 May from 12.50 pm

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Singapore has designated every third Friday of May each year as Drug Victims Remembrance Day (DVRD), from this year forth

The significance of this day is to remember the victims of drugs, and to create awareness of how family and society, not just the drugs abusers, are harmed and torn apart by drugs. This year, DVRD falls on Friday, 17 May. 

This is a whole-of-Singapore effort in our war against drugs, and in schools, let's do our part to educate and strengthen our students' resolve against drugs.

In leading up to DRVD, there is a targeted assembly talk on Monday (13 May) via zoom for P4 to P6 Levels only. 

Zoom details for the talk is the same as daily morning assembly.

P1 to P3 classes may take the time to continue with FTGP / Leaders in Me lessons.


Thank you.

Honours Day and Founder's Day 2024 

By:  Honours Day and Founder's Day Committee

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6  

Date and Time of Event:  Week 9: 15 May  (7.35am to 1.30pm)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please refer to the goggle link at

for the details of the programme and duties for the both events.

Founder's Day Gift

Each student will also be receiving a Founder's Day gift. Gifts will be left in your classes so please distribute them at the end of the celebrations before dismissal.

Please explain to your students that as all Lasallian schools in Singapore celebrate our Founder's Day, all the primary school Lasallian students will receive this gift.

To also link the water bottles to our boys, please share and encourage them with:

P.S.: Please also tell the students that they could write their names in the rectangular box at the front of the bottle, using permanent ink, so they can easily identify their own bottles. (Refer to picture.)

Thank you and God bless! 

Teresa, Yiqun and Stephen 

Student Programmes & Matters

Clothing Recycling Programme (in celebration of World Environment Day) 

By:  Eco-Green x VIA Committees

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  Week 9:  13 - 21 May

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the launch of a Clothing Recycling Programme that embodies our on-going commitment to living out our school's mission of being Men for Others while being Stewards of the Environment. 

The goal of this programme is twofold: to reduce waste and to support communities in need around the world.

By participating in this programme, we not only promote sustainability but also instil important values in our Stephenians. Together, we can make a difference in the world and teach valuable lessons about compassion, responsibility, and environmental stewardship.

Thank you.

ECO Green & Sustainability and VIA Committee

P3 VIA-Project Buddy Clean


Relevant Levels:   Primary 3

Date and Time of Event:   Week 9: 13 May FTGP Class Briefing  &  Week 10: 20 May, 9.30am-12pm

Information Details: 

Dear Primary 3 FTs and Subject Teachers, 

In collaboration with NEA, the Primary 3 pupils will be participating in a Values-In-Action (VIA) Programme on 20 May.

Project Buddy Clean aims to inculcate positive social values and norms on cleanliness amongst students. The project leverageS peer influence and feedback to shape the behavior of students. It also helps to foster shared ownership and responsibility of common spaces through regular cohort-wide cleaning.

P3 Lessons will be suspended from 9.30am to 12pm. 

P3 Form and Co-form teachers will conduct the lessons, guide pupils in the cleaning activities at various allocated venues and engage them in the reflection segment. Relief will be arranged for your other classes during the time stated above. 

Do note that subject teachers of these classes may be deployed for cover relief. 

Attached is the Programme Outline and Schedule.

Please go through the Student Briefing Slides during FTGP in Week 9 (13 May). You may refer to the google drive for the briefing slides and teaching materials. 

Thank you.

2024 Overview of Class Schedule—20 May.xlsx
2024 Programme Outline and Schedule_20 May.docx

National Family Festival 2024


Relevant Levels:   Primary 1 - 6

Date and Time of Event:   Week 9

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

From 25 May to 23 June, we celebrate the National Family Festival (NFF) to highlight the importance of families. As part of NFF 2024, Families for Life Council has prepared a Binoculars Craft Activity for all Primary School students. 

The Binoculars Craft will be placed in your class in Week 9. Do encourage the students to complete the craft together with their family members at home. 

During distribution, you can also emphasize on the family values of love, care and concern, commitment and respect towards family members. 


Thank you.

International Day for Biological Diversity

By:  ECO Green & Sustainability Comm

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  Week 10:  20 - 24 May

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

International Day for Biological Diversity is a global observance held annually on 22 May.  Our theme for this year’s IBD commemoration, “Be Part of the Plan”, is aimed at raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity in Singapore and beyond, and a call to action to conserve and protect our planet's rich variety of species and ecosystems.

(Please start logging in at 12:20pm, so we can start promptly at 12:30pm.)

Let's make this International Day for Biodiversity an unforgettable learning experience for everyone involved. See you there!

ECO Green & Sustainability Committee

Celebrating Our Stephenians (Term 2)

By:  YH Team 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:   Week 10:  20 May 12.50pm-1.30pm (after assembly talk by NParks) & 21 May (after morning assembly)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

As we end term 2, we want to recognise and celebrate the winnings & successes of our Stephenians. We will have the prize/certificate presentation over 2 days.

20 May:

We will continue promptly at 12.50pm for Monday's Assembl after the NParks assembly talk. Please tay logged in to the Assembly Zoom.

Sharing of videos for the following:

FTs to present certificates/prizes to the students after the zoom sharing. As you present the prize/certificate, do cite the 7 Habits and good behaviours displayed by these students.

Teacher-in-charge of the respective activity will pass the certificates/prizes to the form teachers.

21 May:

After morning flagraising, please stay logged in to the Zoom.

Thank you.


P3 P4 Sports Festival

By: PE Department 

Relevant Levels: P3 and P4  

Date and Time of Event:    

Week 10

Thu, 23 May (P4) 8:15am-1:30pm 

Fri, 24 May (P3) 7:35am-11:30am

(Subject teachers to follow the timetable as per normal but to be with the subject classes at the respective venues: Hall / ISH L2)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We will be having the P3 and P4 Sports Festival on 23 and 24 May in the hall and Indoor Sports Hall (level 2).

Please refer to the programme flow for both days. 

P4 Sports Festival

P3 Sports Festival

Timetable will be ongoing but no classroom teaching will be conducted during the affected timing as they will be directly involved in the sports activities.

The PE teachers will be conducting the event and we do seek the help of subject teachers to maintain discipline of your subject classes during this period of time at the respective venues.

Do feel free to approach Elias if you have any queries/comments/suggestions. 

Thank you for your kind help and support.

P4 - T2W10, Thu, 23 May, 8:15am-1:30pm

Normal classes in timetable from 7:35am - 8:15am

P3 - T2W10, Fri, 24 May, 7:35am-11:30am

Resume timetable after the event from 11:30am in their classrooms as per normal.

Staff Programmes & Matters

ClassPoint PD [Follow Up]

By:  ICT Dept

Relevant Levels:   All teachers

Date and Time of Event:   Nil

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your active participation in the PD workshop on ClassPoint on 8 May. 

Thank you.

ClassPoint PD (Guide) PD 08May24.pdf


Founder's Day: Our Lasallian DNA

Dear Colleagues,

As we celebrate Founder's Day this week, let us take time to reflect and recommit on our Lasallian DNA - our mission, purpose and conduct of vocation as Lasallian teachers.

For us in Singapore & Asia, Lasallian education began some 172 years ago, with the first Lasallian brothers who came to our (unfamiliar) shores and started our first Catholic school at Bras Brasah Road, and during these many years since, our mission and education have spread out across the country and region.  In Singapore, our CBS schools are De La Salle School, St. Anthony's Primary School, St. Joseph's Institution Junior, St. Stephen's School, St. Joseph's Institution, St Patrick's School, and St. Joseph's Institution (International). 

Here is the video message from Br. Nicholas for the 170th Anniversary of the Brothers’ Arrival in Asia (2022), in which he shared on the mission of the Brothers and the hope, dedication and impact that they have brought to our young  and to Singapore, and that we will carry on that mission. May we in St. Stephen's continue to do the same, for all our boys and each other, and for the last, the lost and the least, and the many new categories of poor, be it in spirit, social, charity, culture, character and more, in our times. 

"That is what these 170 years of Lasallian Mission in Asia are about - 

that we continue to have that vision and the dream of serving new needs among the young." 

- Br. Nicholas Seet FSC

Bringing to the fore again 'The Conduct of Schools' by our Founder, written in the days when children had little or low quality of education, and he and the team of like-minded brothers brought the light of knowledge and hope to them through the schools they set up. Providing a code of education for the schools to follow, it lays out many of the good sensible routines and purposes - why we should do what we do, and many aspects are still of timeless relevance and usefulness to us in various ways today.  

Albeit in archaic language (and translated), it is a good read and reference for us Lasallian educators.

Finally, going back to the core of Founder's Day, here is an introduction on our Founder, from the La Salle website for the book 'The Teacher's Saint: John Baptist de La Salle, Patron Saint of Teachers' -

On May 15, 1950, Saint John Baptist de La Salle was declared the Patron Saint of All Teachers of Youth by the Catholic Church. There is something in his story, in his writings, and in his living spirit that plants itself in the hearts of teachers everywhere. Here is someone worth knowing, especially if you are involved in the ministry of education. Here is a remarkable individual who continues to shape the educational world of today in ways he could not have imagined, inspiring educators from all backgrounds and cultures, shaping how they see students, teachers, and the activity of teaching. His insights, example, and faith-filled perspective naturally resonate with that of educators everywhere, reminding them why they became involved in teaching in the first place. He is indeed a true saint for all teachers. And this little book tells his story.

Happy Founder's Day!


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.