Staff Bulletin for 2021T3W10

published on Saturday 28 August 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We are finally at the end of Term 3 and before we know it, the year will be over. I would like to thank everyone for being at the dialogue with our Zonal Director Mrs Wendy Lim who spoke about the need for schools to be more open and collaborative, and to keep improving to remain relevant. I would also like to thank the TRANSIT team who hosted her in their class before the dialogue. I would also especially like to thank Mr Lum, the OSOs, Yong Seng and GO staff for helping to prepare for the meeting.

Thank you to the 50+ of you for responding to the repainting colour scheme. I will end the survey on Thursday. Do also take some time to set up your email signature. Please refer to my email on 30 March for details. Please also continue to check that our boys have their name tags on their uniforms. We have made great progress thanks to your effort. Let's go further so that we can eradicate this issue before moving on to other issues next term.

As we mark Teachers' Day this week, I want to thank you for giving your heart to the mission of teaching, and urge you to take this bresk to rekindle our mission of seeing through the eyes of faith, the good in every boy entrusted to our care. I leave you with this quote

"Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story."

Josh Shipp

Happy Teachers' Day!

Edusave Character Award (ECHA) 2021

By: Year Heads

For: All staff

Date: Monday, 30 August

Deadline: Wednesday, 15 September


The Edusave Character Award (ECHA) is an award given to Singaporean students who have met the selection criteria and processes. All Singaporean students are eligible regardless of the Level that they are in.

Nominated student must have demonstrated good character and values in a consistent manner. Students may be nominated regardless of their academic results provided their academic results are not due to negative character traits but are attributed to difficulties that go beyond the control of the student.

ECHA 2021 will take a slightly different approach from the previous years.

In previous years, only Star Pupil Award recipients can be nominated. Once identified, the parents and peers will fill in their nomination forms.

From this year, we will open up the nomination to all students, staff, parents and partners (coaches/instructors).

The nomination form will be accessible through a FormSG link from next Monday 30 August to Wed 15 September.

ECHA 2021 information and the nomination link will be given to parents via Parents Gateway on next Monday.

Students will do their nomination via hardcopy in school. We will inform you of the day for the students to do their nomination.

Staff will receive further information on ECHA processes and the nomination link via email and during TTTs.

Classroom Management Plan 2021

By: Year Heads

For: All staff

Date: 30 August

Deadline: NA


A positive classroom culture is important in providing a conducive learning environment. One of the ways to develop this positive classroom culture is through setting clear expectations and procedures. A more consistent procedural practices allows the school to speak the same language and the students to have common shared experiences.

A SSS Classroom Management Plan will be rolled out in Term 4. The list of procedures in this document is the basic list of procedures and it is non- exhaustive.

This plan will be emailed to you in Week 10. Do take the time to read through the plan before the next Level TTT.

Std WB Newsletter: August

By: Student Well-Being Department

For: P1 to P6

Date: NA

Deadline: NA


Read on to find out about School based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) and Spelling Strategies for High Frequency Words. Click the link to explore additional resources too!

August 2021 Newsletter.pdf

Road Safety

By: Safety Comm

For: All Staff

Date: NA

Deadline: NA


As educators, we role model good road safety behaviours.

When you are using the pedestrian crossings (eg zebra crossing) within or outside school , we encourage you to practice the kerb drill and cross safely within the zebra crossing area. Those few seconds of being more alert and mindful are potential life saving situations.

Teachers' Day Celebration

By: Teachers' Day Committee

For: All Levels

Date: Thursday, 2 September

Deadline: NA


School timing and Dismissal

The school will celebrate Teachers' Day on Thursday , 2 September and the brief programme is as follows:

Time Activities

7.30 a.m. – 8.30 a.m. Morning Assembly and Form Teacher’s time

8.30 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Teachers’ Day Programme

10.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m. Principal’s Time

10.30 a.m. Staggered Dismissal following current daily order

Do remind the parents through ClassDojo by next Monday, 30 August, about the school hours and the staggered dismissal for Thursday, 2 September.

Gratitude Online Portal

The online Gratitude Portal is a symbolic gift from MOE to appreciate and affirm all staff in education. We would encourage all staff to write messages for educators on

This online Portal is already opened to Ministry's staff and will be opened to the public on Sunday, 29 August. School staff can continue to write messages even after public launch.

Teachers' Day Programme for Staff (Staff Recognition Day)

By: Staff Well-Being Committee

For: All Staff

Date: 2 September 2021

Time: 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Deadline: NA


Staff are to seated in the canteen by 11.30 am. Take note that seating is restricted by zones. Refer to attached canteen seating plan to see which zone you are allocated to.

Programme (Refer to attached Google Slides for details):

  • Principal's Speech

  • Presentation of Certificates to Promotees

  • Table Game

  • Lunch

  • Quiz Game

  • Wipe Down

After-School Staff Recognition Day Programme
Lunch Choice for Staff Recognition Day
Canteen Seating Arrangement for Staff Recognition Day Lunch