Published on Saturday 16 March 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W1

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear colleagues,

I hope you had a good and refreshing March holidays. As we begin the new term, we have our experiential learning days to look forward to on Tuesday and Wednesday. As you would expect, there are also some changes to the timetable and we have had to unexpectedly adjust deployment for various reasons. Both Amirah and Safarina will be away for personal reasons, and younger Amirah will be posted out from 1 April. I wish them well and let's provide them the time and space to attend to their family matters. In case you did not already realise, we have a new Tamil untrained teacher, Raj, who just joined us so let us welcome him if you haven't already done so. We also welcome back Royston and Timothy D'Cruz from their respective courses.

I particularly like our quote of the week, because it is the basis of our 7 Habits and generally of our moral life. Let's patiently cultivate our thoughts, words, actions, habits and character as well as that of our boys. 

Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
- Lao Tzu

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Experiential Learning 19 & 20 March  (Latest Deployment & Logistic Plan)

By:   SDT Team

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   19 & 20 March (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Welcome back to school! Hope that we are all energised for the new term to kick start the exciting learning journeys for the boys.


Please note that the deployment has been revised taking into consideration latest staff movement and recent updates on staff who will be on leave on 19 & 20 March.  Do use the link to view the 2 days' timetable and deployment.

Logistic Plan (See Slides)

We will be expecting a huge crowd of Parent Volunteers and massive bus movement during boarding/ unboarding at the foyer these 2 days.  We will need you to pay attention to the slides attached for instructions on:

1) PVs

2) Boarding at foyer

3) First-aid kits

Thank you for making the experience a positive one for the boys and for yourself.

2024_Experiential Days Logistic Plan
2024 Timetable & deployment_Experiential Learning 19 & 20 March.xlsx

Term 2 Timetables (wef 21 March, Thursday)

By:   Timetabling Team

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Term 2

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note there are some changes in the deployment of teachers as well as minor changes to your class and personal timetables. 


Please DO NOT send out the new timetable to your classes yet

We will follow the old timetable on Monday.  Please only share the new timetable with the class during FTGP on Monday, afterwhich you could send the new timetable out..  

VP will also send out PG to the parents of the affected classes which have a change of teachers on Monday after FTGP.

The new timetable will start on Thursday.

Please do alert Irene / Lishan / Jansher if there are any issues.

You may access the timetables in the Staff Management folder.

Thank you

2024 Deployment TERM 2 (WEF 21 MAR) - FOR STAFF.pdf
2024 PLT (UPDATED 15 MARCH).pdf
2024 TERM 2 TT (WEF 21 MAR)-Classes.xlsx
2024 TERM 2 TT (WEF 21 MAR)-Teachers.xlsx

Term 2 Safety Duty (wef Thurs 21 March)

By:   School Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will follow Term 1 Safety Duty List for the first 3 days (18 March - 20 March) when Term 2 starts.

However, recess duties during the Experiential Learning Days (Tuesday 19 March and Wed 20 March) will follow the deployment list planned by the SDT Team.

Attached is the Term 2 Safety Duty List (wef from Thursday 21 March). Do look through this list as there are a number of changes to Term 1 Safety Duty List. The changes are highlighted in blue.

Safety of the pupils is of upmost importance. Thus, we need everyone's co-operation in being punctual and pro-activeness in the duty of care towards our pupils.

Thank you

Term 2 Safety Duty List 2024 (wef 21 Mar).docx

Relief Matters -Term 2

By:   Murni and Elias

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note the relief team for Term 2 are :

Do do go through the deck of slides on  SOP for relief matters.

Please be reminded to text the school mobile (91717075) by 6 am. 

Thank you

Term 2 Discipline Check

By:   Discipline Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:    18/3 to 29/3

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


The second Discipline Check will be conducted in Term 2 Week 1.

Please check your class students for long hair, long nails, inappropriate attire and name-tag.

Take the first three days of Week 1 to complete the check and give the boys till the following week to get them corrected.  

Key in the name of boy/s with offence/s in the goggle sheet

If they have been corrected by Week 2,please indicate 'Yes' in the last column. If 'No', please follow up with the parents and update the sheet when it has been addressed.

Thank you

Term 2 Discipline Check 2024

Term 2 CCE (FTGP and MTL) SOW 

By:   CCE (FTGP)

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   CCE Lessons

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

You may refer to the following link for our CCE (FTGP and MTL) SOW:

For FTGP resources, you may download them on OPAL via this link:

For P1 and P2 classes, please take note that we will be starting our Leader In Me school-based lessons from T2W2 onwards that take place weekly, during the extra FTGP period (1 period).

The SOW for the FTGP LIM P1-P2 can be found in the link shared above which is highlighted in red.

Lesson Plan for FTGP LIM P1-P2 is the same for 2024: 

It can also be found in the shared folder:


Hard copy lesson resources for FTGP LIM P1-P2 will be printed for students and teacher's copy to be distributed to FTs by T2W1, Fri.

Should you have any questions/suggestions with regards to the FTGP LIM P1-P2, please do not hesitate to approach Elias.

Thank you!


PSR Day (Peer Support and Relationships) 18 March Monday

By:   PSR Team (Haslindah and Shahidah)

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Monday, 18 March, 1200-1330

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

As we begin a new term, let's spend some time to promote greater and stronger bonds between our students (SSR) and with our students (TSR)! We will have our first PSR Day in Term 2 Week 1 during FTGP and Assembly periods. Please refer to the Drive for the programme and level resources!

Do look out for the updated deployment will be sent via School Handphone on Monday morning.

1200: Log in for Zoom

Meeting ID: 816 4258 5280

Passcode: PSR2024 

1230: Classroom Activities


Thank you!

PSR Day 2024_Programme

Code For Fun (CFF) for Primary 5

By:   Ed Tech Team

Relevant Levels:   P5 FTs and Subject Teachers

Date and Time of Event:   21 March to 17 April (P5 Classes are scheduled for the CFF lessons)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

1) A reminder that Code for Fun for all P5 classes will be carried out in Term 2. Periods affected are highlighted in the timetable found in the schedule. You can also refer to the schedule via the link:

(Pls access the tab for your class at the bottom of the sheet)

2) The Venue for Code for Fun lessons : Teaching Lab (ISH H2-01)

FTs , do remind your class students to bring their iPads for their CFF sessions.

3) Teachers are to be present for the Code for Fun lessons during their affected periods to manage class discipline and to exercise the duty of care in event of unexpected circumstances.


4) Mother Tongue teachers will continue with their lessons as there are students from other classes who are not having Code for Fun lessons on that same day. 

Thank you

2024 P5 CFF Schedule

Earth Hour and Singapore World Water Day 2024

By:   Eco-Green Committee 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:  22 March 2024  

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Earth Hour and Singapore World Water Day (SWWD) 22 March 2024 Morning Assembly Special Programme 

We will be commemorating Earth Hour and Singapore World Water Day on Friday, 22nd March 2024.

Conservation of our limited resources is a priority especially for Singapore, and Eco-Green Stewardship and Sustainability is a key theme of our ALP for our boys, ranging from our P2 PAL Germination Programme to P4 Science and Harvesting to P5P6 Social Studies Sustainability Project. As such, we will be commemorating/celebrating the important conservation/eco-green international days this year, beginning with Earth Hour and World Water Day this coming week.

1) *St Stephen’s Turns Blue!*

To support Singapore World Water Day, all staff and pupils are encouraged to come to school dressed in blue on Friday, 22 March 2024, as a display of solidarity for water sustainability and spread the message of water conservation. 

(This will be shared with the boys on Monday during flag-raising announcements, and PG will also be sent out after that.)

2) There will be a sharing (~15 mins) on World Water Day 22nd March (Friday) morning, immediately after morning assembly.

Join Zoom Meeting at 

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196 (usual morning assembly link)

Passcode: Assembly


3) Other activities include:

a. Half an hour for Earth: Switch off

To commemorate Earth Hour we will be turning off all lights and non-essential electrical appliances at 1.00pm on Friday, 22 March 2024, for 1 period (30min). Please do plan ahead for your lessons with the classes. After this, do encourage the boys to share with their families and to observe Earth Hour too on 23 March, Saturday itself.

b. Water rationing exercise

To help spread the message that water is a scarce resource, we will be having a water rationing exercise on Friday, 22nd Mar 2024, during the respective level recesses.


As this is the first time that the eco-green committee is conducting the exercise, we seek the understanding of all teachers that the recesses may be delayed slightly on that day. We also hope that class teachers who are free during the recesses will come and be part of the water rationing exercise with your classes.


We will also be having a trial exercise with the Primary 5 pupils on 21 Mar 2024. More details will be shared closer to the event. 

c. SLS Lesson Packages

There are also SLS lesson packages assigned for all levels. The start date for all assignments is 22nd March. FTs, Science and Social Studies teachers, please do encourage your classes to complete the assignments.

Let’s develop our Stephenians into stewards of our planet!


Thank you,

Eco-green Committee


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.