Published on Saturday 20 April 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W6

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear colleagues

Welcome to week 6. Thanks for giving your votes and inputs to our De La Salle Awards. I'm happy to announce that the De La Salle Award recipients for 2023 are Rauf, Melissa, Jeff and Mrs Sandran for the staff category, Puwen and Sheikh for the KP category and Hidayah and Farhan for the EAS category. I found the process of shortlisting the winners really hard as there are many of you who are exemplary Lasallian staff and I want to thank you for not giving up on the students you have. 

Just a reminder that the P5  & P6 classes will be having their T & L Survey scheduled for this week so do take note in your planning. 

Our quote for the week is a good mantra to drum into our boys and I hope you take the time this week to share your own stories of perseverance and not giving up with the boys. It is also powerful quote to hold in our hearts to also have that optimism to keep trying, and don't give up on our boys and on each other. 

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

– Thomas A Edison

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Featured Specials

Teaching & Learning Survey 2024

By:    VP, TLC & GO

Relevant Levels:    All Levels

Date and Time of Event:    (according to schedule)

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We will be having our T & L Survey over the next few weeks, as shared in P's Note in the last Bulletin. This year, it will be an online survey, to be done in the Comp Lab, for ease of administrating and completing the survey.  

We are starting the T & L Survey with the P5 and P6 first in Week 6.  Attached is the schedule for P5 and P6 classes.  

The survey will be administered by Rosshini or Yong Seng. Please accompany the students to the Com Lab at the scheduled times and remain in the Comp Lab to help ensure discipline before and during the survey. Suggestion is to stand in front or at the back of the Lab, and to give the students their personal space to complete the survey.

As a refresher - our T & L Survey is based on the 7Cs Tripod Survey, and we hope to continue using it as a reflection/affirmation/improvement tool for each of us, to keep honing our craft and better our classroom experience for our students. Attached here is also the introductory PDF on the 7Cs Tripod Survey that was shared last year.

Thank you

T & L Survey Schedule 2024 - P5 & P6 (Updated0.xlsx
Exhibit C_Guide to Tripods 7Cs Framework of Effective Teaching.pdf

Earth Week 2024

By: Eco-Green Committee

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event: 22 - 26 April 2024 

Information Details: 

Earth Day is on 22 Aprl 2024. We are excited to share that our school will be celebrating Earth Week from April 22nd to April 26th, 2024, with a special focus on the theme "Planet vs. Plastics".  This week-long event aims to raise awareness about plastic pollution and inspire actions towards a more sustainable future.

Activities for the Week:

We encourage all teachers to incorporate discussions and activities related to the "Planet vs. Plastics" theme into their lesson plans throughout the week. Let's empower our boys to become environmentally conscious citizens and stewards of our planet.

Thank you for your support in making Earth Week 2024 a meaningful and impactful event for our school community. Together, we can make a difference in protecting and rejuvenating our planet for future generations.

Thank you.

Eco-green Committee

MT Reading Campaign 2024

By:    MT Reading Team

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  T2W6

Information Details: 

Dear all, 

World Book Day is on 23 April 2024. It is also the first day of MT Reading Campaign 2024. There will be activities during MT lessons, recess and before flagraising this week. Please refer to the video for more details. 

Thank you. 

Copy of MT Reading CampaignWorld Book Day 2024.mp4

The Concert for Hope; heARTs -Teacher Volunteers Needed!

By:    Staff VIA Activity (Aesthetics Department)

Relevant Levels:    

Date and Time of Event:  Friday 17 May from 4pm to 6pm

Information Details: Held in the School Hall 

Dear Staff,
We will once again be organising The Concert for Hope to support the activities of Hope House.  As you know, Hope House is a registered charity under the MSF and is a home which provides residential programmes for youths at risk run by our Lasallian Bro Collin Wee (FSC). This year we have also added an Art Auction for the guests.

As we are organising this as a staff VIA activity, we are seeking your support and assistance for this this event. Please see the Excel sheet for the various roles that you can help in to sign uo! Thank you in advance for the support ! God bless!

Together, we make a better world!

Thank you
Organising Commitee (Concert for Hope; heARTs)

Concert for Hope VIA.xlsx

Student Programmes & Matters

NAPFA Reminder

By:    PE Dept

Relevant Levels:    P4 and P6 classes

Date and Time of Event:  22 April to 26 April

Information Details: 

Dear collegues,

As published in T2Wk 4 Bulletin, NAPFA for the P6s and P4s will be conducted next week. 

Just a reminder for all subject teachers to bring the class down to the hall 10 min before the class scheduled time (eg 6D to report at 9.10 am, 6C to report at 9.50 am)

Thank you

Teachers' Voice - P5 Prefect EXCO Nomination 2024

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development   

Relevant Levels: Nil   

Date and Time of Event:  22 April - 28 April

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We would like to hear from you about your thoughts and perspectives on who should be the Head Prefect, Vice-Head Prefect and EXCO members of the P5 Prefect Executive Committee 2024 to have a more holistic view of the nominees.

Please choose the nominees who are most suitable to take on the different appointments by 28 April.

Your voice matters. 

Thank you.

Google Form - P5 Prefect EXCO Nomination 2024

CBS MTL Story-Telling Competition 2024

By: MT Department

Relevant Levels:  N.A.

Date and Time of Event:  26 April (Friday), 2.00pm - 5.00pm

Information Details: 

Dear all,

The CBS MTL Story-Telling Competition is hosted by our school this year. We will be using the PAL Room, the old library and the new library as venues for the three different MTLs. A big thank you to CCAs which accommodated to our request for the use of these venues during their CCA session.

You are most welcome to drop by to support our P3 and P4 participants if you are free. 

Thank you!

Class Committee School Cockpit Entry

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development   

Relevant Levels: P1-P6   

Date and Time of Event: T2W7 and T4W7 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please take note of the process of entering the class committee student leader appointments in School Cockpit.

You will need to do so by T2W7.

Thank you.

2024 Class Committee Cockpit Entry Guide

Staff Programmes & Matters

7H Sharpening Our Saw - Take a Break, Read a Book  :D

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:    

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear everyone,

As we reach mid-point of Term 2, and in conjunction with World Book Day,let's take a bit of time to rejuvenate, a cuppa and a book perhaps :D

I have placed in each of your pigeon tray at GO a book 'Twelve and a Half' by Gary Vaynerchuk. The books were free, so thought to share them with all. It is very readable and an interesting read, with him sharing how certain values / qualities, or the 'emotional ingredients' as he termed them, were relevant to his life and business journey.  

Each a chapter, these 'emotional ingredients' are: Gratitude, Self-Awareness, Accountability, Optimism, Empathy, Kindness, Tenacity, Curiosity, Patience, Conviction, Humility and Ambition. Some of these are certainly familiar to us - some being our class names present/past and others very relatable to our Lasallian or educational tone, style and purpose! 

Hopefully this book and his experiences could be like a print-version of a TWA for us, as well as add to our journey in finding our personal anchor and mission-purpose especially amidst today's many challenges, crisis and opportunitiesWhile his journey is in the context of business, the insights are also transferrable to our lives, our state of mind, personal effectiveness and well-being.

A note of apology as well - there are a few instances of some vulgar expressions in the book, in the anecdotal scenarios; if you could just skip these vulgar words or blanco them out (I have shaded over them in pencil).

Thank you and many cheers!


About the book:

In his 6th business book, best selling author, entrepreneur, and investor Gary Vaynerchuk reveals the twelve essential emotional skills taht are integral to his life - and business - success and provides today's (and tomorrow's) leaders with critical tools to acquire and develop these traits.

About the author:

from Inc -

from World Economic Forum -

Further Changing Contexts with the author:

Operations & Administration



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.