Published on Saturday 23 March 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T2W2

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to week 2 and we have the Good Friday long weekend to look forward to. For Catholics, it is also known as Holy Week and the most sacred week of the year, and we will mark Maundy Thursday with the washing of feet on Thursday Morning.

It was been a tough week with many staff away for various reasons, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks again to everyone for covering classes in spite of our own busyness. Let us remember the quote this week from our Founder to always treat everyone we encounter, students, staff and parents with love:

Be warm-hearted to everyone, speaking to others in a gentle and respectful way. 

~ De La Salle

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Open Classroom (OC) and Lesson Walk Through (LWT)

By: Teacher Leaders Council

Relevant Levels: (all staff) 

Date and Time of Event: Term 2 to Term 4

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

As shared by Mr Goh during Contact Time last Wednesday, please see slides for OC and LWT. You may access the booking link to sign up for the OC that you would like to participate in. OC Host will also schedule a time for post-lesson discussion.

Thank you

OC & LWT_staff

Maundy Thursday Paraliturgy

By:   Lasallian Programmes and School Heritage

Relevant Levels:    ALL students

Date and Time of Event:   28 March 2024, Thursday, 7.30 - 8am

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


This upcoming week is Holy Week, the week leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Thus for EC this Thursday, we will be having a Maundy Thursday Paraliturgy that constitutes a service with the washing of feet. 

All students are to put their bags in their form classrooms (not EC classrooms) before proceeding to the hall for morning assembly. Thereafter, we will have the paraliturgy. Please remind your students of this arrangement.  

Thank you!

Easter Assembly and Carnival

By:   Lasallian Programmes and School Heritage

Relevant Levels:    ALL students 

Date and Time of Event:   1 April 2024, Monday, 12.45pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Easter Assembly

As part of our Easter Celebrations, on Easter Monday, 1 Apr, we will have a fun-filled programme for afternoon assembly. 

P3 to P6 students will go to the hall with their bags for assembly. Dismissal will be from the hall. Please start proceeding to the hall at 12.45pm as assembly will start at 12.55pm.

While P1 and P2 students are to log in to zoom using the usual morning assembly zoom link.

Mini Easter Carnival

There are also exciting Easter recess activities lined up for the week. Students can enter our very own "empty tomb" and participate in an Easter Carnival (on 4 Apr) with games and prizes to be won! 

Thank you!

Habits in Action Term 2

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6   

Date and Time of Event: Ongoing  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be continuing our Habits in Action of catching and affirming our students who have demonstrated any of the 7 habits during morning assembly.

This is to affirm students who have demonstrated the 7 habits as well as inspire others to follow.

We invite you in affirming the boys through this platform and we will work to link the entries based on the habits displayed to the habit of the day. 

Let's continue to believe in our boys and each other!

Thank you!

T2 Habits in Action

FTGP LeaderinMe (LIM) P1-P2 only

By: CCE - FTGP and Student Leadership Development  

Relevant Levels: P1-P2 only   

Date and Time of Event: Term 2 Week 2 onwards  

Information Details: 

Dear P1 and P2 Form Teachers,

As mentioned in last week's bulletin, please take note that we will be starting our Leader In Me school-based lessons from T2W2 onwards that take place weekly, during the extra FTGP period (1 period) for P1-P2 classes only.

The SOW for the FTGP LIM P1-P2 can be found in the link shared above which is highlighted in red.

Lesson Plan for FTGP LIM P1-P2 is the same for 2024: 

It can also be found in the shared folder:


You will need to log into your LeaderinMe account on the LeaderinMe website to access most of the resources:

Username: OR

Password: 123456789000

Hard copy lesson resources for FTGP LIM P1-P2 have been printed for students and teacher's copy  and it will be available from the respective Year Heads in T2W2.

Should you have any questions/suggestions/feedback with regards to the FTGP LIM P1-P2, please do not hesitate to approach Elias.

Thank you!

FTGP LIM P1 Lesson Plans 2024

We Love Our School Grading Poster


Relevant Levels:    All levels

Date and Time of Event:   Term 2

Information Details: 

Dear Form Teachers,

You will be receiving Term 1 WLOS Grading Poster for your class by your Year Head. 

Please use the grading achieved in Term 1 as a discussion with the class, before setting the cleanliness goal for Term 2.  The grading poster should be pasted in the classroom to serve as a visual reminder on our cleanliness goals set. 

As mentioned during Assembly sharing last term, assessment of the classroom this term will be done by the VIA ambassadors from various classes. Ambassadors from each class will assess two classes in the same level and it will be done twice a term. 

Let's be proactive and emphasize the importance of positive habits by reminding our students' to clean up before the start and end of lesson:) 

Thank you

Project Men for Others Trial


Relevant Levels:    All Form Teachers

Date and Time of Event:   Term 2

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Are you still hesitant in joining us in the Trial for Project Men for Others? 

Wait no more, we warmly invite you to pilot with us and join us in empowering our Stephenians' to lead in service. 

Find out more from the detailed slides as attached.  

If you're interested, but yet to sign up with our QR code, here it is! 

Sign-up will be open till 27 March:) 

We look forward to your participation!

Thank you

Project Men for Others - Teachers' Briefing

Book Hunt and NLB Talk

By:   Library Committee

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   T2W3 to T2 W6

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

There will be a Book Hunt activity at Library for P1 to P6 pupils during recess from Term 2 Week 3 to Week 6. Please refer to the slides for more details and encourage your pupils to participate in. There will be a short briefing for all pupils during Assembly on 25 March 2024. 

P1 to P6  classes, please join the zoom at 12.40pm on 25 March for the briefing.  

After the briefing, P3 to P6 classes will stay in the zoom for a National Library Talk, P1 to P2 classes can exit the zoom.   

Meeting ID: 917 1253 3194

Passcode: SSSLibrary

Thank you!

Book Hunt @ Library

EL Buddy Reading Programme 2024

By:   Buddy Reading Team (Haslindah, Safarina, Suhaili and Siti)

Relevant Levels:    P2-P5

Date and Time of Event:   Every Monday and Wednesdays (0710-0725) at the PAL Room

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Starting Term 2 Week 2, we are starting the Buddy Reading Programme for selected Primary 2, 3 and 4 students who require additional support and practice to enhance their reading skills. The program aims to pair the selected students with Primary 5 buddies, facilitating reciprocal reading sessions where they take turns reading to each other. This approach not only encourages genuine reading practice but also provides a model of fluent reading for the students. You can find the program details below.


Program Details:


The students are to report straight to the PAL room with their school bag once they reach school. The parents of the selected boys have been informed via PG.


Please refer to the attached timetable for the schedule of Buddy Reading sessions and the list of participating students.


Thank you for your support in enriching our students' reading experiences.

Buddy Reading 2024 Term 2.pdf

Feedback on Experiential Learning & PSR Day (Start Right)

By:   SDT team

Relevant Levels:    All Staff

Date and Time of Event:   23 Mar to 31 Mar

Information Details: 

Thank you for all the hard work in the implementation of the "Experiential Learning Progrmame" and "Peer Support and Relationships Day" in week 1

We are glad that we are able to secure the many learning journey slots/ programmes and many buses (46 buses ordered in total).  We definitely face less competition in securing these resources given that implementation is at the start of Term 2 and not the post exam period.  We are sincerely grateful to have everyone's support in one way or another in fostering the Peer Support spirit among our boys.  

It has been a wonderful 2 days for the boys, albeit physically tiring esp for many of us - of great authentic learning in the world beyond the classroom/school! 

All these experiences for the boys over the course of 6 years will help to build their personhood into interesting and interested individuals, and become the final men of integrity and men for others, the caring and concerned citizens, and the reflective servant leaders who better their world.

Credere et Servire, Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve, truly Lasallians in the making, and we walked with our boys together as one community in that journey!

Do help us improve on our programme and planning processes by completing the survey attached.

If you have photos taken during PSR Day, please upload them into this folder!

Thank you

Thank You Note (Earth Hour & S'pore World Water Day 2024)

By:   Eco-Green Committee

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:   Ongoing

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

The Eco-Green committee expresses sincere thanks to all staff and OSOs for their support during last Friday's Earth Hour and World Water Day activities. We appreciate your contributions and hope that these activities have been beneficial for our students, fostering an understanding of the significance of conserving energy and water resources.

Your feedback on the activities would be greatly valued as it will assist us in planning even more engaging events for future occasions.

Link to feedback:

Thank you!


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.