Published on Saturday 24 June 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T3W1

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the start of a brand new Semester! Before the busyness of the new term overwhelms us, let us "waste" some time to help our boys reconnect with the school and each other, and emotionally engage them before we engage them academically. We should also continue to, as the Founder says, be as firm as a father and tender as a mother, and continue to reinforce our class routines and expectations consistently, while also sparing no effort to also foster strong relationships.

The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today. 

~ St Francis of Assissi

Have a great start to the term!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Start Right Term 3 Week 1

By:  SDT & CMT Team   

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Monday & Friday (26 Jun & 30 Jun)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

 Please see "Start Right_Sem2" slides for an overall view and also find the schedule.  Timetable is partially suspended on both next Monday & Friday.          

Do note that the Classroom Mgt Plan & Circle Time resources can be found in S drive/ level folder/ 2023/ Start Right_Sem 2_ 2023 for both days. 

1) Start Right Discipline Talk

Discipline Talk from 0730 to 0800 is conducted over zoom via link below :

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196

Passcode: Assembly

2) Student Well-Being- Counsellor Connect  Assembly Talk 

Our school counsellor will be giving a talk to the various levels in the following schedule (30mins in 3 blocks physically in the hall), hence the following staggered timing for assembly in Week 1.  Please see "Start Right_Sem2" slides for more details.         

3) Celebrating our Successes (Friday)

 In line with our Student Leadership Week's theme "Celebrate & Inspire", we are initiating a new intiaitive to consolidate all types of winnings & successes of our Stephenians.  By doing so, we are able to bring across a more robust messaging on having a Growth Mindset --to be inspired and inculcate the desired character traits and values required behind each win & success.  Our very first celebration  will be on Friday from 1300-1330pm, via zoom first and then offline, class-based prize-presentation.  Please see "Start Right_Sem2" slides for more details.                        

       Join Zoom Meeting

  Meeting ID: 896 6361 9839

  Passcode: celebrate

       Thank you!


Student Leadership Week

By: CCE - Student Leadership Team (Elias)    

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: T3W1 Mon - Fri  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having the Student Leadership Week in Term 3 Week 1 in which the objective is to:

We require the support from form teachers to share at least 2 world leaders which you and/or your class feels most connected with / inspired by from the slides given during FTGP period. There is also videos and reflection questions that facilitates their understanding of these leaders.

Thank you!

Student Leadership Morning Announcements

Affirmation of class committee student leaders

Student Leadership Week Posters

Posters of world leaders displayed in canteen

Stephenian Leadership Challenge (SLC) P5s only

By: CCE - Student Leadership Team (Elias)    

Relevant Levels: P5s only  

Date and Time of Event: T3W1, Monday (2023) to T1W10, Friday (2024)  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

The Stephenian Leadership Challenge (SLC) is an annual challenge which started in 2022. 

It is created with reference to the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) 


Q: How can P5 students register to take part?

A: Students will request for the registration form from the P5 Form Teachers whom they will submit it back to.

Q: Do participants have to pay to participate in this challenge?

A: There are school-led opportunities for all participants which do not require any financial commitment. Participants may also approach external-led opportunities at their own expense.

Q: What is the benefit of taking part in this challenge?

A: Participants who successfully complete all 3 components of the challenge will be awarded the Terence Tng Leadership Award.

The details will be announced to all Stephenians during the Student Leaders Investiture on T3W1, Fri, 30 June.

A separate briefing will be conducted for P5 students who have registered for the challenge.

Thank you!

SLC Student Booklet 2023.docx

Stephenian Leadership Challenge (SLC) Booklet 2023/24

Stephenian Leadership Challenge 2023

Stephenian Leadership Challenge Policy

Student Leaders Investiture

By: CCE - Student Leadership Team (Elias)    

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: T3W1, Fri, 30 June 2023, 0735 - 0830 hours

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having the student leaders Investiture on T3W1, Fri, 30 June, in the parade square or hall (wet weather).

All students are to report directly to their respective classrooms upon reaching school. Form / Co-Form teachers will bring their form classes from the classroom to the parade square / hall (if there is wet weather) at 7:15am. A PA system announcement will be made on the day to remind teachers.

Form/Co-Form Teachers are to be with your form classes from 0735-0830 as timetable will be suspended.

Teachers who have to teach for more than 6 consecutive periods or have more than 8 teaching periods on Friday because of the timetable suspension, please do inform relief team by Tuesday, 27/6 for them to plan relief for you!

Please refer to the movement plan when bringing the class down to the parade square / hall and seating plan when seated.

Thank you!

Investiture 2023 Overall Programme

Student Leaders Investiture Programme 2023

Movement Plan

Inaugural Art Exhibition "Ode to Gaia" in Bedok Public Library 

By:  Art dept   

Relevant Levels:   All levels and staff

Date and Time of Event:   Official Opening (26 June 3 to 4pm)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We are proud to organise a public art exhibition presenting our boys' artworks from Semster 1.  The art exhibits consist of curriculum artworks, CCA Art Club artworks and SOTA competition entries.   The exhibition will be from 26 June to 2 July at Bedok Public Library in Heartbeat@Bedok.

There will be an official opening ceremony where we have invited Guest-of-Honor, Mr Kenny Rebeira, Chairman, CBS Board of Management and many parents of the featured artists.  Do come and join us on this joyous occasion!

PS: A lot of good food nearby too

"Ode to Gaia" Opening Ceremony

Venue: Bedok Public LIbrary

Time: 3 to 4pm

Guest-of-Honor: Mr Kenny Rebeira, Chairman, CBS Board of Management 

Thank you!


PROGRAMME BRIEF Art Exhibitionv1.docx

Ethics and Catechism Term 3 SOWs

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Term 3

Information Details: 

Dear Ethics and Catechism Teachers,

The SOWs for Term 3 will start in Term 3 Week 2 as the first Thursday is a public holiday (Hari Raya Haji). 

Worksheets will be distributed by the end of Week 1. The softcopies can be found below:



Thank you!

Term 3 Discipline Check

By:     Discipline Committee

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   Term 3 Week 1 (check)

                                            Term 3 Week 2 (follow-up)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will conduct the Term 3 Discipline Check in Week 1. The check can be conducted before the start of morning assembly or later part of the day. 

You will be checking for long hair, long nails, inappropriate attire(including shoes) and name tag.

Do key in the names of the boys who are not observing school expectations in the attached google doc by latest Friday (30 June). FTs are to follow up with the boys before the end of Week 2 and key in whether the necessary follow-up has been done by the boys under the 'Remarks' Column.

Thank you.

2023 Term 3 Discipline Check

Student Management & Case Referral

By:     Case Management Team (CMT)

Relevant Levels:   All Levels

Date and Time of Event:   N.A.

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

As shared during Staff Meeting on 23 June 2023, please find the slides on Student Management & Case Referral attached, for your reference.

The slides can also be found in S:\@STUDENT WELL-BEING\Resources for Teachers\Staff Professional Development\Student Management & Case Referral Process.

Thank you!

Student Management & Case Referral Process.pdf

Semester 2 -Deployment, PLT, Timetables

By: Timetabling Committee

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6  

Date and Time of Event: Semester 2  

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Please note the new timetables for Semester 2. We will let it run for Week 1 before confirming it for the rest of the term.

The files can be found in the Staff Management folder.

S:\@Staff Management\Timetable (2023)\2023 SEM 2 TT (UPDATED 22 JUNE)

Thank you!


Term 3 Safety Duty

By:     Safety Committee

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event: Term 3   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

There are a number of changes to the duty list as compared to Term 2. Do look through the document for your duties. All staff will have one safety duty and KPs will have two duties.

Do be punctual and stay alert during your duty as we strive to bring the best possible schooling experience to the boys.

Staff with recess duty would have their duty reflected in their personal timetable. When they are away from school due to medical leave or courses, the relief team will be arranging relief.

Staff with before or after school safety duties would not have their duty reflected in their personal timetable. You will need to let Sheikh know if you are unable to do or be late for duty. You may text or call him at 96939629.

Approach Sheikh if you need clarification about your duty. 

Thank you.

Term 3 Recess duty SOP 2023 updated 23 June.pptx
Term 3 Safety Duty List 2023 21 June.doc

Road Safety Within School Premises During School Dismissal   

By:     VPA

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   Semester 2

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

The Period (1.15pm to 1.45pm) is very busy time for school operations staff and security officers to prepare for school dismissal at 1.30pm. There are about 30 school buses coming into school premises, starting at around 12.30pm to 1.15pm, to assemble at the designated parking lots for their buses. Both the Entrance Gate and Exit Gate will be closed during this Period. At school dismissal from 1.30pm, students taking school buses will make their way and board their stationary school buses by themselves. The Exit Gate will only open at 1.40pm exactly for the school buses to leave and for the parents’ transport to start to come into school at 1.45pm via the Entrance Gate.

For the safety of all our school population during the Period, all staff are reminded to strictly adhere to the followings:

1. Teachers doing last period class lesson must not hold back any student in class beyond 1.30pm. Students who are released late for the school buses tend to run carelessly to their school buses in the bus parking area.


2. Visitors (parents, vendors, contractors, etc.) are not allowed to come into school during this busy Period. As such, afternoon meeting with visitors should be scheduled no earlier than 2.00pm, which means that visitors can drive into school only after 1.45pm. Also, parents who are picking up their children for early dismissal must come in before 1.00pm.


3. Meeting with visitors in the afternoon between 12.00pm to 1.00pm is strongly discouraged (unless there’s urgency for this meeting) as there are high chances that the meeting will end after 1.00pm and will be affected gate by the gate closure Period.


4. The Period where both the gates are closed also applies to staff who need to leave the school earlier by car. Should you need to leave earlier, please do so before 1.15pm.


5. Pedestrians are not affected by the closure of both gates during the Period as they can leave from the Side Gate.


Vehicle movement during the Period is restricted to a case-to-case-basis, such as emergency, and must be closely managed by the responsible school staff.

Thank you.

CCA Semester 2 Lunch and Dismissal 

By:  All CCA Teachers   

Relevant Levels: P3-P5 and P2 Performing Arts CCA students

Date and Time of Event:  Throughout Semester 2

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note the CCA lunch and dismissal plan as attached.
Please ensure that all CCA has at least 1 CCA teacher accompanying the boys to the foyer and ensure that there are at least 3 staff managing the traffic (Rotated).

Thank you and wishing everyone a great Semester 2 ahead.

Updated CCA Lunch and Dismissal Sem 2 2023.pptx

Attendance and Temperature-taking Exercise 2 (ATTEx2)

By:     School Safety

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event: Wed, 5 July 2022   

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

ATTEx is conducted twice yearly and aims to:

FTs are to remind the pupils in Week 1 of the need to have a working thermometer for the exercise. FTs will check the pupil's thermometer from Week 2 Monday.

The exercise, which involves the whole school (students and staff), will take place on Wednesday,5 July 

                                                                                                                              (Term 3 Week 2)

All staff and students' temperatures need to be taken and recorded the moment they reach school on 5 July.

For staff, you will use the wall-mounted non-contact thermometer located at General Office and record your temperature on the staff list. For pupils, they will use their own oral digital thermometer. 

Form Teachers will then record the pupils' temperature status on ScMobile.

Data on both attendance and temperature status will be submitted to MOE by 10.00 am. 

Do ensure that both data sets are consistent. 

(For example if there are 30 pupils present, 30 attendance status and 30 temperature status need to be recorded)

Refer to the document for more information on exercise preparation.

Thank you.

Sem 2 Temperature Taking Exercise 2023.docx

Ad-hoc School Buses

By:     Ad-hoc School Buses

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   Semester 2

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Our current two contracted ad-hoc school bus operators have terminated their service, mainly due to manpower issue within the transport industry. While we are trying to get new contract for the new ad-hoc bus services, in the meantime we will be using non-contracted small value purchases to book for ad-hoc buses from this term onwards. As such, please do your forward planning for ad-hoc bus requirement by giving minimum 2 weeks for the booking of ad-hoc buses.


The ad-hoc buses must not be arranged to pick up/drop-off students during the busy morning afternoon rush hours at the foyer. Ad-hoc buses pick-up / drop-off at the front foyer should be restricted only to following timing:


a. 8.00am to 12.00pm

b. 2.30pm to 4.00pm

c. 5.00pm to 6.00pm


During the morning and afternoon rush hours, the pick-up and drop-off should be arranged at the back gate (Gate C).

Thank you!

ICT Request Form 2023

By:     Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:   All Levels

Date and Time of Event:   wef Term 3 2023

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues ,

               Wef Term 3 2023, please use this link  to make your ICT requests:

As our ICT team needs to prepare for the requests, kindly submit your requests online at least 3 to 5 working days prior to the commencement date.

Thank you!


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.