Staff Bulletin 2023 T1W1

Published on Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to a brand new year! 

There is much info to fill our minds at the start of the year, but let us take the time to study the various programmes so that we can have a good week to start off the year effectively.

As with every kind of beginning, we enter 2023 with a mix of apprehension and optimism. But let us put our faith in God and in each other as a community, and trust that we go about serving with zeal, we will reach the other end of 2023 better than we started. 

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Digital Morning Announcements 2023

By:    CCE-Student Leadership Team (Elias)

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Ongoing

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be digitalizing our morning announcements on Google slides which provides students with not only audio but visual information as well. 

Please input your announcements (if any) on the respective slides on the respective week and day by 7:20am.

There will be 1 announcement per slide and you may add pictures as well.

There will not be sharing videos as we plan to keep the announcements short and to the point.

As of currently, should you require end of day announcements as well, please continue to write it on the physical announcement book in the General Office. We are looking into the matter to make this more seamless hence we seek your understanding. 

(Saving this folder/page link into your web browser might aid in quicker access.)

Thank you. 

T1W1 2023 Morning Announcements

Sample Announcement

Ad Hoc Bus Booking Form

By:    Jansher

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item:    Ongoing

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

If you require transport for CCAs, Learning Journey and other activities, please submit this form at least 2 weeks prior to your event date.

(This link is also on the Staff Bulletin Homepage Links.)

An overarching AOR for all adhoc transport services has been prepared by the admin department. Hence, do not submit a seperate AOR. 

Bus contractors (Rui Feng Chartered Pte Ltd / Sun-Gee Travel Pte Ltd) will send the bus & driver details directly to staff i/c by 8pm, one day prior to the activity date. 

For pick-up and drop-off before 8am and between 12.30pm to 2.30pm, please board and alight from the field gate (located near the playground.) The code for the lock will be shared with you nearer to the activity date.

Thank you. 

P1 First Day of School & Start Right Week 1

By:    YH Team

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:    First Day of School & Start Right Programme for Week 1

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

 Please find the Workplan for P1 First Day of School & Start Right schedule for Week 1.  Do note that the teaching resources and other key information for week 1 can be found in s drive/ level folder/ 2023/ Start Right 2023. Key information includes: Hall Seating Plan and Canteen Seating Plan 

1) From 4 to 6 January, only 2 levels will report to the Hall for morning assembly. 4 Jan is P5 & P6, 5 Jan is P1 & P2 and 6 Jan is P3 & P4. Levels not in hall are to zoom via link:

Meeting ID: 102115 

Passcode: Assembly

2) Daily Discipline Talk is conducted over zoom during the 3 days via link below :

Start Right Discipline Talk (Week 1) 

Meeting ID: 870 9341 8739 

Passcode: Discipline

Thank you. 

Week 1 School Schedule_2023_30 dec.xlsx
Programme Overview and Duty List.pdf
Week 1 School Schedule_2023_30 dec.xlsx
Programme Overview and Duty List.pdf

Morning Flag-raising Assembly

By:    Student Management 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:     

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

We will continue to have one or two Levels in the hall for morning assembly while the rest zoom from the classrooms.

The zoom details for morning flag-raising assembly is the same as 2022.

Meeting ID: 965 658 6196

Password: Assembly

For Week 1, do follow the assembly arrangement that has been planned by the YH team.

From Week 2 onwards, this is the morning assembly Level schedule.

Monday: Primary 6

Tuesday: Primary 1 and 2

Wednesday: Primary 3 and 4

Friday: Primary 5

Do refer to the document for the class seating arragement in the hall.

Thank you. 

Hall Seating Plan 2023 Week 2 onwards.xlsx

Attendance and Temperature-taking Exercise (ATTEx1)

By:    School Safety

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:  11 January 

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

The exercise, which involves the whole school (students and staff), will take place on Wednesday,11 January (Term 1 Week 2).

All staff and students' temperatures need to be taken and recorded the moment they reach school. 

For staff, you will use the wall-mounted non contact thermometer located at General Office and record the temperature on the staff list. For pupils, they will use their own oral digital thermometer. 

Form Teachers will then record the pupils' temperature status on ScMobile.

FTs are to remind the pupils of the need to have a working thermometer for the exercise.

Data on both attendance and temperature status will be submitted to MOE by 10.00 am. 

Do ensure that both data sets are consistent. (For example if there are 30 pupils present, 30 attendance status need to be recorded)

Refer to the document for more information on exercise preparation.

Thank you and have a great start to 2023.

Sem 1 Temperature Taking Exercise 2023.docx

Chinese New Year Classroom Decoration

By:    CNY Celebration Team

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:    Term 1 Week 2 to 3

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

Chinese New Year is fast approaching. The school will be celebrating the festival with the theme “瑞兔报喜, 同欢共庆” ("Prosperous rabbit comes to share joy").


Many of us will be or have even started preparing for the New Year by spring cleaning and decorating our homes. We would like to encourage all teachers to also spruce up the classrooms together with your students in celebration of the joyous occasion. Teachers may use FTGP in Week 2 or Week 3 to clean and put up CNY decoration. Before engaging the class in this meaningful activity, please share the attached slides on the tradition of Chinese New Year spring cleaning with the students.

NOTE: Could we also be very mindful to use tape/materials that can be easily removed later from the walls and doors without leaving behind residue scars or tears of paint and material. Let's keep our school Nice, Beautiful and Well-Maintained!

Deadline to note: Put up by 17 January, remove by 10 February.

We hope you have a fruitful time with your students. Thank you!

CNY 2023 Classroom Decoration Briefing.pptx

Chinese New Year Celebration

By:   CNY Celebration Team 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:  20 January 2023  

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

We will be celebrating CNY as a school on 20 January, Friday. The theme this year is ‘瑞兔报喜 同欢共庆" ("Prosperous rabbit comes to share joy"). We will help our students understand the Chinese culture through CNY concert and classroom activities. Pls refer to the slides attached for the celebration programme and admin matters to take note.

The school will be gifting all staff with oranges on that day. If you  prefer to receive oranges not blessed by the Father during the morning prayer, do use the link below to opt-out by 13 January, 2pm.

All staff are encouraged to come dressed in the Chinese ethnic attire or red on the day of the celebration.

A blessed Chinese New Year in advance!

Thank you!


The Positive Classroom Award 2023

By:    YH Team

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6 

Date of Event/Programme/Item:    Judging Date: 31 Jan 

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

To create opportunities for TSR, let our boys claim ownership and take repsonsibilities, we have initiated "The Positive Classroom Award". This award celebrates classes which put in efforts to make their physical classrooms conducive and inviting in a sustainble manner (not only the aesthetics, it must be neat, suggests a sense of belonging and collaborative efforts among the boys).  We would also like to make the boys think hard about the class name which is based on values and decorate the class based on this theme.  Every deserving class which meet the baseline of our judging criteria will receive prize money of $50.  All classes can be a winner!

Budget: $80 (For both FTs to claim up to $80)

Judging date: 31 January

Theme: Class Name (for e.g. 4 Courage, 4 Diligience, they can use a character or icon which symbolise this value in their design)

Thank you. 


By:   Sheikh (Discipline Committee)

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item:    

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

Discipline is a core component for effective teaching and learning. Thus, it is important that we know what the word 'discipline' means.

Is discipline about meting consequences for wrong choice of actions/behaviours?

The root word 'discipline' is 'disciple' which comes from the Latin word 'discipulus' meaning student and the word 'discipline' actually is the Latin word 'disciplina' which means to study/learn. To develop our boys holistically, we need to teach, be consistent and ourselves,role model good behaviour. It is not just about actions and consequences. 

Every staff needs to understand and adhere to a consistent set of disciplinary measures so that there wont be comparison and unfairness.

For a start, the Level Disciplinary representative will take time during the upcoming Wednesday Level meeting (4 January) to go through with you the school disciplinary reporting form and guidelines.

Let me introduce the 2023 Level Disciplinary Representatives to you.

P1: Mr Rauf (i/c), Mdm Huang Jie (2 i/c)

P2: Ms Tan Tse See (i/c), Mdm Huang Jie (2 i/c)

P3: Ms Amelia (i/c), Mrs Charmaine Yoo (2 i/c)

P4: Ms Leraine Leow (i/c), Mrs Charmaine Yoo (2 i/c)

P5: Ms Eileen Leong (i/c), Ms Elizabeth Lee (2 i/c)

P6: Mdm Rozita (i/c), Ms Elizabeth Lee (2 i/c)

Disciplining the boys is everyone's responsibility. It is not a situation when things happened, report submitted, the follow through of the cases becomes the discipline representative's responsibility. The disciplinary representatives will be around to guide and advise you as you follow through with the cases. 

With a positive growth mindset, we can make SSS a school where the boys Enter to Learn and Leave to Serve. 

Have a great 2023.

Thank you. 


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.