Staff Bulletin for 2023 T1W8

Published on Saturday 18 February 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Please welcome Nur Farhanah who joined us as an untrained teacher on Thursday. I want to thank the team for planning a memorable Total Defence Day skit and thanks to our volunteer defenders who put up an unforgettable skit. We will be hosting a visit on 2 March from 8 to 10 am to our STeP classes, and I would like to open this to you if you are keen to learn and happen to be free during that time.  

It has been some weeks now since we started the weekly 7 Habits reflections in the morning. Next week we will focus on Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. I want to encourage everyone to find every opportunity to practice the 7 Habits yourself as well as with your boys throughout the day to hopefully intentionally cultivate in them the 7 Habits so that become more effective people in life. 

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; 

sow an act and you reap a habit; 

sow a habit and you reap a character; 

sow a character and you reap a destiny.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Credere et Servire! Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7 Habits @ SSS T&L:   H7 "Sharpen The Saw"

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

As we reach Habit 7 Sharpen The Saw, I thought it will be nice to model that - get outside perspectives, new ideas, an outside different voice, to grow. Below is a short article that Google Search threw up in its top search results. Enjoy, and again, do have a cuppa, take a break, in between our frenzied end-of-term marking. Take care and press on everyone! And after that intense marking and prep, let's go do something you enjoy to unwind and recharge, swim, eat, walk, play, shop, rest, sleep :D



As a young adult, one of my favorite books was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It gave me the tools that I needed to make it in any space of human endeavor, and for that, I am forever grateful to the author, Stephen Covey (rest in peace). One of the areas of my life that applied the principles of this book was my career as a teacher, professor, and education administrator.

As I walked by one of the bookshelves in my study this morning, I glanced at the book and smiled. Before I spied it, I was in a minor rut, as I was unsure of what to write for my next article. This chance encounter inspired me to write an article entitled, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teachers, an homage to one of my favorite books.

Have a great weekend!

School Cockpit Entry 

By: Data Management Committee  

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6   

Date and Time of Event: T1W8 to T2W1   

Information Details: 

Dear teachers, 

Please see the two attached documents with regard to School Cockpit entry for 2023 and the detailed schedule for Term 1.

We seek your cooperation to ensure that all necessary data are entered by the given time frames.

Thank you.

Checklist for School Cockpit Entry (2023).pdf

Term 1 Assessment Matters

By:  Exam Committee   

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6     

Date and Time of Event: T1W8 to T1W10

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please note the attached document with regard to the conduct of Weighted Assessments for Weeks 8 & 9.

Thank you.

Term 1 Assessment Matters.pdf

P4 to P6 Penitential Service

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:     P4 to P6

Date and Time of Event:    2 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear P4 to P6 Teachers,

After Baptism, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the “second plank” Catholics can count on when we get shipwrecked by sin. Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) brings about a change of heart through God's mercy and forgiveness.

P4 to P6 Catholic boys who have made their First Confession will be part of the Penitential Service on 2 March 2023. These boys will report to the School Hall with their school bags once they reach school. 

Thank you.

Penitential Service 2023

HBL (8 March to 10 March)

By: Murni  & IP Heads

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:   8 March to 10 March

Information Details: 

Dear Teachers ,

Home Based Learning (HBL) will be conducted on the scheduled dates 8 March to 10 March (Wed to Fri) 2023. Please refer to the attached on the subjects and type of lesson assignment during HBL.

The subject teachers are to prepare and assign HBL work to the students in their respective classes. The work given must be adequate for the students to do during the three HBL days.

Subject Teachers are to monitor that your students complete their HBL. Do follow up with the necessary if your students do not complete their HBL work.

A few reminders when assigning HBL lessons at SLS :

1) The naming for the SLS lessons is as follows: Date_Class_Subject_Title of Lesson


  8 Mar_P4A_Maths_Addition of Fractions

  8 Mar_ P5I_EL_ Comprehension OE


2) All SLS lessons created and assigned to students at SLS, are to be assigned at least one day before the actual HBL date. End time for all SLS lessons is 19 March 2023 (last day of Term 1 school holidays).

3)     A reminder to make the subject IP KPs as co-teachers for your HBL lesson/s for monitoring.

4) For SLS lesson content during HBL, approach the respective IP heads.

Do ensure that your students have active SLS accounts prior to the HBL dates.

Thank you.

HBL (8 to 10 March 2023).docx

SSOE2 Seat Refresh 2023

By:     Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:     Staff

Date and Time of Event:    27 Feb to 3 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

The school is scheduled for another Seat Refresh. More than 30 staff are involved in this exercise. 

Please click the link, view the document "Copy of Techers List" to check if you are involved.

If you are involved, book a time slot at the same link, at document "Handover Schedule" . At your booked scheduled time, you are to handover your current SSOE2 computer notebook and collect the new SSOE2 computer.


1)  BACK UP your data in your current SSOE2 computer before your scheduled time slot.

(Your current SSOE2 computer will be sanitized, and all data erased. Once sanitized, you are NOT ABLE to retrieve any data.)

2) During your scheduled ‘handover’ time slot, you are to bring your current SSOE2 computer to Computer Lab 2:

3) Return your current SSOE2 computer (including ICT accessories eg mouse, adapter, computer bag, cable lock etc) to the ICT Team.

If you have any queries on the matter, please approach Siddiq or any DEs.

Thank you.

Staff Interest Groups Day

By: Staff Well-Being Committee (SWBC)

Relevant Levels: (all staff)

Date and Time of Event: Wednesday 22 February, 2.30 pm to 4 pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

It's Staff Interest Groups Day! Let us put aside our work and have a good bonding time. There will be six interest groups for this. Please access the link and indicate the group that you are interested in joining.

As this afternoon is set aside for us, please inform your RO and Jia Jing if you are on official duties or on leave. 

Thank you.

Staff Interest Groups Day.pptx

Whole School Experiential Learning in Term 2 Week 1 (20 & 21 March 2023)

By:  SDT Team   

Relevant Levels:     P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:    20 & 21 March 2023, Monday & Tuesday

Information Details: 

 Dear colleagues,

You have been informed at your recent level meeting on the Whole School Experiential Learning Programme which is happening on 20 & 21 March 2023 in Term 2 week 1.  This is SDT team's new structure and effort to bring about positive learning experiences for our students by consolidating and cooridinating all Learning Journeys (LJs) and character building programmes championed by the various departments to coincide programme implementation on specific common date(s) across all levels.  The aims are:

1) Reviving and commiting to Learning Journeys which create joyful and meaningful learning experiences in both academic and non-academic subjects/ areas with the current "Dorscon Green" status.

2) Make good use of the free-up time for holisitic developement when mid-year examinations are removed for all levels

3) Minimize curriculum disruption when half of the Mother Tongue class is missing due to staggered level LJ dates.

Please fill in the staff unavailability link below if it applies.  This is for our deployment planning on 20 & 21 March. 

2023 Staff Unavailability for Experiential Learning 

Timeteable will be suspended on these 2 days, more details on deployment and timetable will be shared in the subsequent Bulletin.

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.