Staff Bulletin for 2023 T2W5

Published on Saturday 15 April 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We will be welcoming the SEM team for conversations with the staff and students. As previously shared, they are here to understand the school and give feedback on where our strengths and areas for growth are, and I encourage you, if you are scheduled for a conversation, to just speak from the heart.

I would also like to appeal to every teacher during assemblies in the morning and after recess, to also role-model mindful silence so that we can, as a whole school, prepare our boys for the lesson ahead. Specifically, during mindful silence, please refrain from talking to the boys, and if you need to remind the boy to keep quiet, use non-verbal cues such as a gentle squeeze of the shoulder or a firm glance with silent signal 2. I would also like all of us to take that time to quieten our hearts and minds, and put down everything we are doing and remain still, either standing or sitting. 

Finally, I would also like to encourage you to continue to make a staff a happy place and I've always found the secret to our happiness lies in our desire to make a difference and help others, and I leave you with this quote which resonates with me very much:

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. 

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7H: Sharpening Our Saw(s) @ Mid-Term

By:  VP

Relevant Levels:  All Staff

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone,

Here's a good pause time at mid-term (time flies!) for us to re-examine our saw(s) and sharpen them, for our further effectiveness. We have shared on Sharpening the Saw quite a few times on the Bulletin, in the context of end-of-term. But is that the only time to do it? Can / should one sharpen one's saw regularly, monthy, weekly, daily? My personal reflection and take is yes, weekly, daily, and it could be in different routines, and some of us are already doing it - e.g. gym/yoga as a daily or alternate-day process, cafe nua-lazing once a week, the fortnightly solitude walk, that weekly piano/samba session, that daily ready of 30mins every morning, that daily prayer and reflection, that Saturday volunteering at Willing Hearts, and so one. Pacing our pockets of time, small pockets, big pockets, and bags!

This linked blog is worth revisiting:

Habit 7: Why It’s Important to Remember to Sharpen the Saw by Tara West September 25, 2019

Many cheers and happy sharpening!

Edwin :D

CV Site Visit: 18-19 April (Tues-Wed)

By:  VP

Relevant Levels:  -

Date and Time of Event:  18 - 19 April Tuesday & Wednesday

Information Details: 

Dear everyone,

The CV Team will be here for Site Visit and Interviews next week 18-19 Apr, 2 days including afternoons.


They will be using the following venues as Home Rooms 

Please do not use the above rooms for the 2 full days. We will also lock the Meeting Rooms’ doors from the Staff Room, access will be only from the outside corridor for the interview group participants to enter.

The CV Team is also invited to use the Staff Lounge for refreshment breaks, do welcome them and there is also no need for us to vacate the Lounge when they use. We continue to use the Staff Lounge as per normal. No stress ya, we are all fellow educators to affirm and also improve together! 😊😊


The attached document indicates the teachers and students involved.  

11.30am – 12.15pm

4-5 Student Leaders (P 5-6)

(Representatives across different types of Student Leaders)

 1. CALEB YONG ZHI AN (6C) - P6 Head Prefect

2. CHEAH MING HAN, DOMINIC (6C) - P6 Vice-Head Prefect

3. MUHAMMAD DANISH ANIQ BIN AHMAD MISWANDI (6D) - Prefect EXCO member / Football CCA Leader


5.  SHEIKH ZAYED FRAIJ (5C) - Prefect & Science Leader

11.30am – 12.15pm

4-5 Students (P 5-6)

(Representatives across different classes)

 1. ELIJAH JOSEPH (6E) Math Leader



4. TIMOTHY GOH EN WEI (5D) Prefect & Class Leader


11.30am – 12.15pm

4-5 Students (P 5-6)

(Representatives across different classes)

1. IDHANT J DEB BURMAN (5D) Peer Leader

2. MATTHEW GOH EN YI (5E) Peer Leader

3. GIAN JACOB TAPIA (5G) Peer Support Leader

4. JEROLD GOH (6E) Line Leader

5. TAN TIMOTHY (6C) Class Leader & Prefect

11.30pm – 12.15pm

4-5 Student (P 5-6)

(Representatives across different classes)


2. EVAN KIM (6C) Class Leader

3. WARREB DE SILVA (6E) Peer Support Leader & Prefect

4. OLIVER SCOTT LOH YONG HAO (6D) Line Leader & Prefect

5. ZAIN BIN ZULKIFLY (5G) Peer Leader

12.30am – 1.15pm

4-5 Student Leaders (P 5-6)

(Representatives across different types of Student Leaders)

1. MIGUEL CARLOS JANSEN-PACHECO (6D) Badminton CCA Senior Team Captain

2. DYLAN MARC TAN (6E) Football CCA Captain

3.DOMINIC SOON EN LOK (6D) P6 Vice-Head Prefect / Band CCA Leader

4. HO QI YANG (6E) Robotics CCA Leader

5. JEROLD GOH (6E) Scouts CCA Leader & VIA

And wishing all in advance again - do enjoy the process and  the conversation with the CV team members and with each other, just share our experiences, ideas, inputs, suggestions & aspirations, we are all in this in building our school together! And each of us as individuals and a collective will also grow a lot from the conversations, they make us think deeper and broader. So look forward to enjoy it ya! 😀😀

Thank you everyone!


CV Interviews Conversation Groups.docx

Earth Week 2023 and We Love Our School Assembly Programme 

By:  CCE (Eco-Green and VIA)

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  17 April 2023, 1200 to 1245 

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Earth Week 2023 and We Love Our School Assembly Programme

Join Zoom Meeting at noon

Meeting ID: 834 0374 3678

Passcode: earth

Earth Week

Earth Day 2023 falls on Saturday, 22 April.

In celebration of Earth Day 2023, we will be having our Earth Week@SSS from 17 to 20 April 2023.  

The following programmes have been lined up:

1) Assembly talk by Sembwaste on "Plastic Recycling".

2) Video screening on our collective eco-friendly efforts.

3) Gallery walk on environmental issues in PAL Room 1

4) 'Guess the number' and Kahoot games

We would like to encourage all staff and students to come and support us; to have some learning moments and fun in the PAL Room.

We Love Our School

The team will be giving an update/reminder about the revised rubrics (including the bonus points for recycling bottles) and give time for class to set targets.

Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.