Staff Bulletin for 2021T4W8

published on Sunday 31 October 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Earlier last week, we were invited to attend a webinar by Muriel Summers who was credited for developing leadership among elementary school students using the principles of the 7 Habits. She shared a quote that she wanted all the students to know: " You are Seen, You Belong, and You are Loved." It was such a powerful line that it remained with me the whole week. As I reflect on the culture of our school, I kept thinking to nice if each teacher came to work feeling that way, and how inspiring and motivating it would be if each boy came to school feeling that way.

As we come closer to the end of the school year and begin winding down our curriculum, let us take the time to focus on closing the year well by spending some time and energy helping each boy and colleague know through our thoughts, words and actions that:

You are Seen.

You Belong.

You are Loved.

Have a great week ahead and I would also like to wish our Hindu colleagues a Happy Deepavali!

Deepavali Celebration

By: Mother Tongue Department

Relevant Levels: All Staff and Students

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 8 November 2021, Monday

Deadline to Note: N.A.

Information Details:

We will be celebrating Deepavali as a school. There will be a pre-assembly sharing on the morning of 8 November, Monday and the celebration activities will be held during Assembly period via Zoom (the same link used for Assembly) on the same day.

Pls note that staff and students celebrating the festival have been granted early dismissal on the eve of Deepavali on 3 November, Wednesday from 9.45am onward.

Pls refer to the slides attached for more information.

Deepavali 2021 Staff Bulletin.pptx

Guidelines on Writing of HDP Remarks

By: VP

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: Follow School Cockpit Schedule

Information Details:

Dear all, SLs and Exco have reviewed the Remarks writing; so far, the quality and coherence have been somewhat uneven. Some are succinct, to the point and meaningful, while others appear a mix-match of expressions. Some contain vital useful insights and suggestions to improve, while others could be somewhat vague and non-committal.

Remarks writing can be a tedium and landmine, so we have compiled the attached Guide for us to follow and use, to give that meaningful feedback to help our boys grow.

Purpose of the Remarks:

  • HDP Overall Remarks provide a qualitative and holistic profile of the student to him and his parents.

  • Have a Stephenian voice and angle in our Remarks that presents the essence of each student’s Stephenian Journey.

  • In the remarks, focus on the overall personhood - character values and social-emotional development of the child, not further emphasis on trying to achieve academic excellence.

  • Remarks@SSS: saying what we mean and meaning what we say. Give quality, targeted and coherent feedback, with mind and heart.

  • Let’s help ourselves with what to write and how to write. :D

To help us write meaningful quality Remarks as feedback, this simple Guide includes

  • a brief 'template' of key areas to include.

  • outcome items from our school's VMV and the Stephenian Outcomes that we could use or reference in the Remarks.

  • a list of Language reminders non-exhaustive).

This is the link to the Guide:

A PDF copy is also attached.

Please do follow the guide, so as to ensure a baseline level of Stephenian consistency. We hope you will find it useful!


SSS Guidelines on Remarks Writing 2021.pdf

CCA membership (Report Book)

By: CCA Dept

Relevant Levels: Pri 2-6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: 5 November, Friday

Information Details:

Dear CCA OIC and Teachers,

In the link provided are the students who do not meet the 80% attendance requirement. Please update if students names in this link should have their CCA membership record included in the report book.

Type Y for Yes and N for No in the column.

If students reason for missing out is valid, we will still include their CCA membership (especially so during e-CCA period if they are unable to get to a computer due to student care etc).

Note that the 80% ruling for CCA began in July onwards and most of the students in P6s are not affected. The students from P2-5 may not be affected if they meet more than 80% attendance in Semester 2.

You can refer to the Football and Swimming CCA column on how to fill in, inclusive of remarks column.

CCA Attendance (Less than 80%) *update by 5 Nov, Friday

Umbrella Media License to Show Films / Movies in School

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

We have purchased an umbrella media license to show films / movies in our classrooms, effective date beginning 2 November Monday. This opens up possibilities for us not just for in-curriculum infusion of film as part of cultural exposure or festival week, also for end-of-year enrichment of post-exams.

· Do note that the films we show in class in school have to be rated ‘G’ General or ‘PG’ Parental Guidance’ (for upper levels and with teachers as the adult parental guidance, and not contain vulgarities, sex, drugs, suicide and so on.)

· Do note the terms and conditions of the umbrella licence includes no ticketing and no advertising of titles/ images in website/social media or to the general public (Dissemination of screening information to members in the licensed premises is fine) i.e. meaning no putting on FB or other social media too.

For those of us who would like to augment our P6 post-PSLE now and other levels year-end in-class enrichment for our boys, this could be a good avenue. Our boys being the youtube and Netflix generation tend to select what they watch and may not have had the pleasure and opportunity to enjoy good films that could inspire them. If the departments and/or teachers like, please feel free to co-opt this option into the post-exams / end-of-year enrichment.

There are good animation films or good G/PG literary/topical movies and so on, for sports, math, languages, science and so on. Films / movies are contemporary forms of literature, portraying universal themes of the human condition and presenting situations of the character’s dilemmas of good versus evil / right versus wrong, as well as general knowledge or other lands that form the background context. Films bring about moral imagination and further contemporary issues discussion.

· If you have your own favourite movies – it can be great to show and share on your favourite movies – as long as G/PG.

Because there is definitely something in it that makes it your favourite and you could anchor your sharing and discussion with the class on that subsequently. Even something like The Day After Tomorrow includes themes of human condition, as well as climate change possibility and so on. Or even You’ve Got Mail or Sleepless In Seattle (K I m revealing my age-group) for their take on human connection and serendipity, but all are PG. Some brilliant Disney animation/films or even Pixar too, with issues and themes to discuss. Happy Feet, Frozen, Toy Story and so on.

· For movies, while this license allows us to show a movie in entirety just for pleasure entertainment and not necessarily linked to curriculum, it is always good to find appropriate moments to pause and insert thinking questions, lead the class in a bit of discussion, before carrying on, as well as having an end-of-film deeper discussion on the issues or situations and how the boys feel or think – why the characters did what they did (empathy) and what they themselves would have done (empathy and moral imagination) etc. The boys grow in maturity of sense and sensibility, in mind and heart, as a result.

You could also show documentaries (YouTube is full of them, good ones too, including travelogues, CNA documentaries, National Geographic documentaries, and so on).

· You could also bring the world to the boys – tour various cities, virtually! Free Tours on Foot is one YouTube channel ( that you could explore as well and present to the boys, especially for places you have visited on vacation and share your tales along the way. Since internationalisation programme has been put on hold due to COVID, this is another way of helping our boys, especially in upper primary, to connect with the rest of the world and broaden their perspectives.

Hope you find this additional option available useful! You could also discuss with fellow level teachers or department heads for a level-wide module/programme. This is an auto-renewable license, so we can factor in films/movies for our curriculum/festivals next year too!

Useful Pages in Staff Bulletin

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear All,

There are 2 useful pages in the Staff Bulletin that you may not be aware of:

1) Quick Links @ Home Page - all the key links you need to have in SSS

2) Quick Contents Page - list of all the announcement items in past issues of the Term

If there are other pages you would like to include in the Quick Links @ Home Page, do just let us know. :D


Reminder: All Saints Day Mass on 1 November 2021

By: CCE - Catechism & Lasallian Celebrations

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 1 November 201

Deadline to Note: 1 November 2021

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on 1 November, dedicated to the saints of the Church, that is, all those who have attained heaven. All Saints' Day observances focus on known saints, recognised in the canon of the saints by the Catholic Church. This is followed by All Souls' Day, observed on 2 November, dedicated to those who have died and not yet reached heaven.

All Saints' Day is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation - all Catholics are required to attend mass on that day. We will be having mass in school for the pupils in Catechism Classes.

Please refer to the post in last week's bulletin, All Saints' Day Mass on 1 November, for more details such as deployment and lesson for boys in Ethics Classes. Timetable will be suspended for mass from 1230 to 1330. Pupils will be in their Ethics and Catechism Classes.

Catechism classes, please log in by 1225.

Meeting ID: 826 0874 9645

Passcode: Saints