Staff Bulletin for 2021T4W4

published on Saturday 2 October 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

These 2 weeks have been filled with many uncertainties and I sense that many colleagues and students have experienced some anxiety. Nonetheless, let us all keep faith with each other and hold together as a community. Let us do whatever good we can to be of service and make a positive difference to those around us, and I leave us with this quote to ponder this week:

"Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful."

- Hazrat Inayat Khan

Outstanding Contribution Award (OCA) Nomination Exercise 2021

By: Annie Low

For: All

Date: 1 October 2021

Deadline: 29 October 2021


Dear Staff,

It is that time of the year to nominate your colleague(s), team(s) and/or even yourself for the Outstanding Contribution Award (OCA) via the link below:

The due date to submit your nomination is 29 October 2021.

Weekly ART Test

By: VPs

For: All

Date: 4 October 2021

Deadline: Weekly


Background Information from HQ:

As our country moves to living with an endemic COVID, testing will have to be more extensive across our population and become a “new normal” for homes, workplaces and schools.

To date, MOH and PSD have rolled out three testing regimes as part of the national efforts to expand vaccine coverage and mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission:

  • Fast and Easy Test (FET) Rostered Routine Testing (RRT)

  • Vaccinate or Regular Test (VoRT)

  • Weekly Testing for Public Officers

Complementing the suite of protectionary measures already in place, these testing regimes would enable the detection and ringfencing of cases more quickly. This would dampen the transmission of COVID-19 and reduce risk of overwhelming the healthcare system.

Moving Forward:

Please refer to Mr Chew's Zoom Meeting briefing on 1 Oct afternoon or the slides attached here for more information.

Link for the Sg Form for weekly submission is

Weekly ART Test.pdf