Staff Bulletin for 2023 T1W10

Published on Saturday 4 March 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We have finally come to end of a very short week 10 and we'll be spending a lot of time meeting the parents. Do share with their boy's strengths and areas for growth, and hear what's on their mind. From experience, majority of parents are grateful for the work we are doing with the boys. Take this opportunity to also affirm these parents. 

And there will be a few who may be more demanding and difficult. They are usually carrying a lot of fear, anxiety or hurts. My approach to managing some of these unpleasant conversations is to exercise patience and compassion, practicing Habit 5 to seek to understand where they are coming from and to help them understand us. Sometimes, all they want is to be heard, and so practicing empathic listening is very helpful for them and a good way for us to cope with our own anxiety when managing these difficult parents. And if they are continuing to go on unproductively, then we politely disengage.  

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. 

Without them humanity cannot survive”

~ Dalai Lama.

Have a great week ahead and a restful March break!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7 Habits @ SSS T&L:   H1 "Be Proactive"

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

We reach the end of term and as we exhort our boys to Sharpen The Saw (H7), the next step preparing ourselves and our students be Proactive (H1), going back to the beginning of the 7 Habits.

1) Be Proactive in empowering our boys to Be Proactive & being able to Seek to Understand

As we study our boys' performance progress and gaps from the WAs and how to help our boys close learning gaps and/or extend their learning, one untapped potential is the boys' own motivation to learn and understanding of how to help themselves learn bettter. That is the proactiveness we could help them in.

For that to effectively take place, the question we want to address will be how to equip them or structure their learning such that they know how and what to be proactive in, example:

2) Be Proactive in empowering ourselves: Begin With The End in Mind 

As we plan ahead within our Dept, PLTs, Level and as individual teachers in our subjects/classes, for our boys in Term 2, what do we anchor on and take reference from, so that our work with our boys are amplified when we are in a concerted direction and effort?  

(a) A most relevant roadmap, metaphorically, is our SSS School Strategic Plan.  

(b) One other important roadmap is at the curriculum lesson design level, to proactively begin by planning well. 

Cheers everyone! :D

SSS Strategic Plan 2022-2025 (Staff Copy).pdf
SSS Guide to a Good Curriculum Unit _ Lesson.pdf

On WA (Removal of MYE) and Schedule Clashes between WA & MOE/School Events


Relevant Levels: All Affected Levels

Date and Time of Event: WA / Term Review Period 

Information Details: 

Dear staff

As a deepening of our nation's Joy of Learning & Learn for Life movement, MOE latest national policy change - removal of the Mid-Year Examinations - have practical-implementation implications on: academic assessment date clashes with non-academic holistic development events/programmes.

At the holistic development end, the freed-up space from the removal of MYE allows the richer and deeper set of life and character experiences. 

At the assessment end, there is a paradigm shift here: 

Our WAs have thus also shifted away from a common-day-slot summative model to that of within-class-periods formative assessment:

Should there be a clash of WA dates with external events/programmes, for consistency of practice in our school, please follow the following SOP for a student taking your subject (in ranking order):

We will also as a school educate our students to understand the purpose of WAs and to adhere to a code of honour and truth in taking WAs

The above process is for 2023, we will further review it for 2024 and put into the 2024 Student Diary.

"In recent years, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has introduced several policy changes under the Learn for Life movement to nurture our students to be confident and resilient learners. The removal of mid-year examinations for all remaining levels in primary and secondary schools by 2023 is another step towards inculcating a joy of learning in our students, and is part of ongoing efforts to move away from an overemphasis in academic grades.

Schools that have removed the mid-year examinations shared that they have more time to design and provide a variety of learning experiences. Students enjoy more opportunities to discover their interests and strengths, as well as to act on teachers' feedback. We believe this will strengthen students' intrinsic motivation to learn, and help them become more self-directed in learning."

Mr Sng Chern Wei

Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum)
Ministry of Education 

Thank you.

Week 10 Level Zoom for Experiential Learning during CCE (FTGP)

By:  YH team & Learning Journey Owners

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  6 March, during FTGP period

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

As mentioned in Bulletin in week 9, we will be using the CCE (FTGP) next Monday, 6 March 2023, for level zoom meetings to brief the boys on the Whole School Experiential Learning on 20 & 21 March 2023, Monday & Tuesday. It is important that Form Teachers also take note of the information shared as we need you to reinforce the instructions to the boys. Please find below the zoom details for the respective levels.


Meeting ID: 893 5015 3060

Passcode: P1


Meeting ID: 885 4237 0114

Passcode: P2


Meeting ID: 863 3864 8918

Passcode: P3


Meeting ID: 895 8873 2039

Passcode: P4


Meeting ID: 885 2040 2788

Passcode: 667711


Meeting ID: 825 1365 1132

Passcode: P6

Thank you 

CCA Fair

By:  CCA Comm

Relevant Levels:  P3 (participants), P4-P5 Selected Student Presenters

Date and Time of Event:  6 March during curriculum

Information Details: 

Dear staff

There will be a P3 CCA Fair conducted in school on 6 of March at the school canteen. The P3 students will be involved before selecting their CCAs with their parents through ParentGateway starting Monday afternoon.

P4 and P5 subject teachers, please note that some students will be the presenters for the CCA fair at various allocated time and will not be in class for a certain period (Indicated on the classroom whiteboard)

Thank you 

Z Primary 3 CCA Fair 2023.pptx
P5 Student Host (CCA Fair)

Artists of the Term @Assembly

By:  Art Department

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  6 March, Monday, at Assembly

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

2023 "Artists of the Term" will continue to recognize students' talent in the visual art, and strive for excellence while celebrating success.  At the end of each term, we will feature best curriculum artworks done by our student artists from each level during the school assmbly in week 10. Each student artist will be presented a token from the art department (6 levels X 3 winners) via their form teachers.  

NOTE: Form teacher, please present the token to your student in the presence of the whole class and congratulate him on the art department's behalf.  (The token will be left on your table on Monday morning if you have a winner)

Thank you 

Charities Week 2023

By:  CCE

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  4 March to 14 May

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

Lent is a time for reflection, sacrifice, and giving. Your contribution to Charities Week can help feed the hungry, provide shelter for the homeless, and support those struggling with poverty. Your generosity will not only make a difference in the lives of others, but it will also bring you closer to God. So let's make this season of Lent count and give what we can. Together, we can make a positive impact in our community and beyond.

Make a difference at:

Please show the video ( to the boys on 6 March's CCE (FTGP). Parents will be informed of Charities Week 2023 through School Story on ClassDojo to make their donations. 

Thank you 

Appeal envelopes.pdf

SEN Newsletter #1 - Zones of Regulation

By:  Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels:  All levels

Date and Time of Event:  NA

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

Following on from our PD Sharing on Self-Regulation and the Zones of Regulation (ZOR), we have put together a quick reference sheet for all to access information on the above-mentioned topics, as well as to share some tips on how to create a safe space in the classroom.

Scan the QR code to learn more!

Thank you 

Term 1 Self-Regulation (2).pdf

Term 2: Use Your Hands Campaign (UYHC)

By:  CCE - VIA

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  20 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear Form Teachers,

We will be starting Term 2 with UYHC. Once the boys reach school on Term 2 Day 1, they will wipe down their tables and chairs before morning assembly begins.

Please inform your pupils to bring wet wipes or a rag. You may also want to use a portion of CCE (FTGP) in Week1 to wipe down open areas like shelves and ledges. 

Thank you 

Term 2: Social Studies Teachers' Meeting

By:  CCE 

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  22 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear SS Teachers,

We will be having a meeting for all SS teachers on 22 March 2023 from 2.15 to 3.30 p.m. 

Thank you 

NE Quiz 2023

By:  CCE

Relevant Levels:  Primary 6

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear P6 Teachers,

All P6 boys will be sitting for NE Quiz (Primary) 2023. It continues to focus on the acquisition of basic knowledge of Singapore along the current four themes through an interactive game hosted on SLS. 

Mission Time Period Place & Story Featured

1 1960s to 1970s Kampong life

2 1980s to 1990s Telok Ayer Street

3 1990s to 2000s Life at the HDB estates

4 2030 Marina Bay

P6 SS Teachers, NE Quiz Link: SS Teachers will need to assign the Quiz to students for the purpose of administrating the Quiz in school. A make-up session has to be done for absentees. The quiz (45-60 min) has to be completed between 28 February and 30 August 2023. 

Please indicate a suitable date and time for your class by 20 March 2023 so that the computer laboratories can be booked for the quiz. 

Thank you 

NE Quiz Primary 2023 - Teacher's Guide.docx
P6 SS NE Quiz 2023

Stephenian Birthday Programme Badge Reprint

By:  CCE

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  By 31 March 2023

Information Details: 

Dear Form Teachers,

We will be doing our next round of reprinting Stephenian Birthday Programme badges for pupils new to our school. Please fill in the Google Sheet if you have pupils who need a badge to be printed for him. The list will be sent to the vendor on 1 April 2023. 

Thank you 

Stephenian Birthday Programme Badges Reprint

Staff VIA - Project Ihsan "The Gift of Giving"

By: Hari Raya Committee & SWBC 

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date and Time of Event: 5 April 2023, Wednesday (2.15pm - 5.30pm)


1) Door-to-door Distribution: Blk 872A & 872B Tampines St. 88, or

2) Void Deck Collection Point: Blk 885A Tampines St. 83

Attire: School Corporate Polo T-shirt, comfortable pants and shoes

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

We will be having our Staff VIA Project Ihsan on 5 April 2023 during our Wednesday Contact Meeting. It is organised in conjunction with the Hari Raya Celebration. The collection of donated food items will be done in the Foyer from 21-24 March 2023. All staff may also contribute to the donation.

Only one-way bus transport will be provided as you will be dismissed from the venue after the session.

Please indicate on the Google Sheet:

1) your availability for the Staff VIA on 5 April 2023,

2) your need for the one-way transport arrangement from school.

Please respond by Friday, 10 March 2023 (5.00pm).

If you have any queries, do approach either Norhazli or Hidayah.

Thank you 

Staff Response (Staff VIA Project Ihsan).xlsx


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.