Staff Bulletin 2022 T4W6

published on Sunday 16 Oct 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

We are now at the mid-point of term 4 and very soon the school year will be ending, so let's continue to do our best in spite of the rising number of COVID cases as we already experienced last week. We are anticipating a further rise so let's step up our vigilance, especially for those of us who will be out for marking next week. If you come down with COVID and are deployed to a marking centre, do let the centre KPs know.

In case you missed the announcement from MOE on the Service Excellence Award, I would like to congratulate the following colleagues for winning the MOE Service Excellence Award (Silver). The MOE Service Excellence Award (MSEA) is an MOE-wide award that recognises staff who demonstrate desired qualities for service excellence.

  • Mohammad Yusoff Bin Hussin

  • Nirosshini D/O Tamothiran

  • Nuraini Bte Abdul Samat

  • Nurul Hidayah Binte Mohamed Yatim

  • Tan Lay Koon Christine

My heartiest congratulations to all our winners for their exemplary sense of service. In the spirit of having a sense of service, one of our Lasallian values, I leave you with a quote for our reflection this week:

The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.

~ St Francis of Assissi

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

The updated P3 to P5 Enrichment/ Remedial Programmes during PSLE Marking Days

By: IP Heads

Relevant Levels: P3 to P5

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 17 to 19 October 2022

Information Details:

Dear all,

Please see the update arrangement for P3 to P5 Enrichment/ Remedial Programmes during PSLE Marking Days next week. P5 pupils will report to their MT class in the morning. P4 pupils will report to 4N classroom. P3 pupils will report to PAL Room 1. Pupils who need to wait for next sessions will stay in their form classes. Canteen Stall 8, Stall 1 / 7 will be opened from 9 to 10.30am on these three days. Thank you!


OIC : Mr Lim Meng Thong

EL IC: Ms Teresa

P3 MA IC: Mrs Veronica Goh

P4 MA IC: Mrs Cherlyn Frances Raeburn

P5 MA IC: Mrs Tan Chor Kheng

SC IC: Mr Lim Meng Thong

MT : Mdm Ouw Li Shan

P3,P4 & P5 programme during PSLE Marking Days

Semester 2-Conduct Grade

By: Discipline Committee

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Holistic Development Report

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

Do keep in mind the guidelines shared in the powerpoint slides when we enter the conduct grades of our pupils in the upcoming Holistic Development for Semester 2.

As a general rule, ALL students by default should be accorded a “Very Good” conduct grade if they have shown behavior that is consistent throughout this Semester in exemplifying the school values of Faith, Service and Community.

For those who have shown consistent exemplary behaviour, they should be accorded an “Excellent”. A general rule may be, where, in a class of 40 pupils, the breakdown for the pupils' conduct grade can be as follows:

10%-20% - “Excellent”

50%-60% “Very Good”

10%-20% “Good”

Do surface those who are recommended for a "Fair" grade or below to your YHs for further discussions. We have done a preliminary discussion at CMT this week.

To further assist you in your assessments, please take note of the following:

  1. The conduct grade accorded is strictly based on the pupils’ behaviour in this Semester;

  2. Do refer to the descriptors for those who would fall under the “Fair” grade assessment;

  3. Consideration should be given to those who have shown improvement in behavior after their 1st serious offence.

  4. To be consistent across cohorts, those with more than 1 serious offence in the Semester, should be accorded a “fair”;

  5. Do seek inputs from subject teachers, e.g. MT teachers, PAM teachers to have a more holistic assessment of the pupils’ conduct;

  6. SL’s will approve the “fair” grade assessments of our pupils.

Yasmin Angullia (HOD, Discipline)

for Discipline Committee

Conduct Grade_Semester 2_2022.pptx

Follow-up for P4 VIA


Relevant Levels: Primary 4

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 14 Oct (VIA) and Week 7 FTGP (Reflection)

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

Have you seen a Nai Bai plant or ever harvested one before?

During the recent Primary 4 VIA programme, pupils from Primary 4A, 4E, 4H had their first try of harvesting edible vegetables from our SSS Plant Tower. Thanks Yasotha (P3 YH) for coordinating the event with the level teachers.

These harvested vegetables will be going out to "Willing hearts" beneficiaries during the weekend, special delivered by the parent representative of these 3 classes. The harvested vegetables will be contributed to the meal preparation given to the needy in our society. Follow up after action reflection will be done with the pupils by the FTs during week 7 of FTGP lesson.

Attached sharing some photos of the growing plants and boys in action. Take a glimpse at others edible growing vegetables, such as the Brazilian Spinach and long beans! It has grown so well, thanks to the daily watering and monitoring from the Science and Green Club members! :)

Kindsville Booklet - Term 4


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 4 Week 7

Information Details: Dear colleagues, the Term 4 issue of Kindsville Times and A-OK Newsletters have been delivered and will be in your class pigeonhole by 21 October 2022. There is a Sharity Care and Share Contest found in this issue, do encourage your boys to participate!

You may find the softcopies here:

You can also enjoy Kindsville videos with your classes here:

P6 Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Day


Relevant Levels: Primary 6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 27 October 2022

Information Details: The primary 6 pupils will be having their ECG Day on 27 October 2022. This year, we have invited 9 Old Boys to share about their passion and occupations with the boys. St. Patrick's School will also be coming to share the different pathways available in their school.

Through the event, the boys will

  • Explore viable career options through interactions with Old Boys

  • Appreciate various occupations and how they contribute to the society

  • Strengthen student-student and teacher-student relationships through conversations on ECG

Primary 6 subject teachers will follow their timetables and be with their classes in the hall.

Form teachers will be with their classes from 1300 to 1330 for the reflection session.

P6 ECG Day 2022.pptx
P6 ECG Hall Layout - 27 October


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.