Published on Saturday 6 January 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T1W2

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your hard work this week to start right with the boys. Do remember to continue to rehearse and correct the boys until you get them to follow procedures to our expectations. On Monday, we will have the Inaugural Ceremony to welcome the new students and staff. It will be the first time we are using the newly turfed parade square with the whole school if the weather holds up. Do remind the boys not to play with the black infill or pluck the grass (it won't grow back). We will pivot to the Hall in case of wet weather.

This year, the Lasallian schools in Singapore would like to bring all the schools together annually at the start of the year for a Lasallian Commencement of the School Year mass. The mass will be held on 19 Jan at 2.45 pm at Novena Church. The P6 catechism class boys and all Catholic staff and SLs will be attending. Non-Catholic staff are also invited, and Novena Church is quite interesting and worth a visit.     

Once, there was a blind man who lived in a small town. He lived alone alone, always carrying a lamp with him. One day, he was passing by the street when a group of young travellers saw him with a lamp. They started to make fun of the blind man. One of them laughed, saying, “Hey, look at the blind man with the lamp.” The man heard it and replied to the young travelers, “ I am carrying this lamp not for myself, it's for people like you who can see but don’t notice me that I’m blind unless I'm carrying this lamp and pushing me in a hurry.” The young travellers felt ashamed of their behaviour and apologized to the blind man. As we start the new year and develop new relationships with students, their parents and colleagues, let us remember this quote from our Founder:

Have great respect for each person you are with.

-St. John Baptist de La Salle

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Inaugural Service 2024

By:   Lasallian Programmes and School Heritage

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   8/1/2024, 7.30a.m. - 8.15a.m.

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues

We will be having our Inaugural Service 2024 to welcome our new staff and students to the Stephenian Family! It will be on Monday, 8 Jan, after morning assembly.

New staff inaugurated, please be in formal attire. Gentleman to wear a tie:

P2 - P6 FTs and co-FTs, please be in your classes before 7.15am and wait for the announcement on whether the programme will proceed at the Parade Square or in the Hall (wet weather). Then you may bring your class down at 7.15a.m. to the venue.

P1 FTs and co-FTs, please gather your class at the foyer or outside the Pal room (wet weather) at 7.20a.m.

Please see the attached Google Document for the seating plan in either venues. 

Thank you!

Inaugural Service 2024 Seating Plan

Updated Safety Duty List (wef from T1Wk2)

By:   Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:   wef from 8/1

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

There are minor changes to the safety duty list sent earlier and they are highlighted in yellow.Please refer to this updated safety duty list (5 Jan) and seek clarification early if you are unsure on the scope of duty.

For the teachers managing Recess, do look through the Recess Duty slides. As we have not started field play, all 3 teachers on duty will be managing recess and recess dismissal.



Thank you  

Term 1 Safety Duty List 2024 5 Jan.doc
Recess duty SOP 2024.pptx

Morning Announcement Slides

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias)

Relevant Levels: NIL  

Date and Time of Event: 2024  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


This is the Google Folder for the morning announcement slides.

Please click the "2024" folder to add your announcements in.


This Google Folder can also be found in the Staff Bulletin home page. 


Thank you.

Feedback on Start Right Programme 2024

By: SDT Team

Relevant Levels: All

Date and Time of Event: To be completed by 12 January, Friday

Information Details: 

 Dear colleagues,

Thank you for carrying out the Start Right Programme in week 1.  We want to hear your precious feedback so that we can improve on our work moving forward.  Please find the survey form link below to feedback on the various components of the Start Right Programme by 12 January, Friday.

Thank you and have a nice week ahead!

Safety in PE, CCA and PAL sessions as well as knowing the medical condition of the pupils and usage of the PE equipment room 

By:   PE/CCA Department 

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:   8/1/2024 onwards 

Information Details:  

Dear colleagues,

As safety is a priority, we would like the PE, CCA and PAL teachers to adopt a safety mindset when we are conducting the PE, CCA and PAL activities for our pupils. These include conducting RAMs and be aware of the medical condition of the pupils. Please check the health status of the pupils via the SC Mobile and be familiar with the chapter on Safety in PE and CCA via the google link.    

On a different note, please  assist to tidy up the PE equipment room after each PE/CCA session. 


Thank you for your cooperation in creating a safe and caring environment during PE, CCA and PAL sessions.    

God Bless ! 

7 Chapter 5 - Safety in Physical Education and Co-Curricular Activities_Jul2023.docx

                     PE Equipment Room

Learning Technologies Matters 2024

By:   Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:   All Staff

Date and Time of Event:   8/1/2024 onwards

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Please note the following :

1) Self Help Guide Classroom Connections (VGA and HDMI)

The classrooms in our school use 2 type of connections , either VGA or HDMI. Do spend some time to look through the attached Classroom Connection Self-Help Guide on connecting your computer notebook to the projector and the audio setting in the classrooms

We hope that the guide would help you troubleshoot any technical issues in class.

If you unable to troubleshoot, please approach the school's DEs.


2) Use of Voice Enhancer in Classrooms.

Techers who are using or holding on to the Chiayo Voice Enhancer(see attached picture), please return the device and loan out a new portable Shidu Voice Enhancer from DEs.

School will soon terminate the Chiayo Voice Enhancer System in the classroom, and teachers will not be able to use the device in class. 

For teachers who do not have any Voice Enhancer device, you can also loan out one portable Shidu Voice Enhancer for use during teaching. 

Please do so by 12 Jan 2024.


Thank you 

Classroom connection self-help guide.pdf

Classroom Connection Self-Help Guide

Attendance and Temperature Taking Exercise 2024 (ATTEx)

By:   School Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   10 Jan, Wednesday (before assembly starts)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

1.        ATTEx is conducted twice yearly and aims to:


2.        ATTEx for Semester 1 will be conducted on 10 January.

3. All pupils will report straight to class on 10 Jan. No assembly in the hall.

4.    Both staff and pupils will need to have their temperature taken and recorded.

       There will be a mobile, non-contact standing thermometer outside the General Office for staff to use.

       Staff will then record the temperature on the staff list placed  in General Office.

       FTs will report pupils' attendance and temperature status in ScMobile.


5.      The trigger temperature for primary school students is 38°C.

6.    Refer to the attached document for more information on the execise.


Thank you 

Sem 1 Temperature Taking Exercise 2024.docx

LeaderinMe Staff PD

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias)

Relevant Levels: NIL  

Date and Time of Event: T1W2, Wed, 10 Jan, 2:15pm - 3:30pm, Hall (Only IC and 2IC to bring your laptop)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,


We will be having a PD session this coming Wednesday, 10 Jan, 2:15pm - 3:30pm in the hall.

We are choosing to conduct it in the hall as we will have multiple group discussions and an indoor venue might not be the most audio friendly space.

We will be reviewing and discussing about class committee matters in our groups.

Please find which group you are in by searching for your name in the Google Sheet document shown on the right.


We will require only the ICs and 2ICs (scribes) of each groups to bring their laptops. 

You are encouraged to also visit and explore the LeaderinMe website: 

Username: /

Password: 123456789000

Thank you.

Student Leaders Roles 2024

Ethics and Catechism: Deployment & Venues

By:   Lasallian Programmes and School Heritage

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   Starting 11/1/2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be starting Ethics and Catechism lessons on Thursday, 11 Jan. Thank you for those who have informed me of the changes in your students' EC choices. 

Please look at the Google Document to see your deployment and class venues. You may retrieve your EC class list in the Shared Folder.

S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Ethics and Catechism Name Lists\2024\Class Lists for Teachers

FTs, please go through with your class the venues that each of your student should report to this Thursday. For new pupils whose choices have not been captured, please inform Teresa of their name, class, and EC choice.

EC teachers, please check against your class list on Thursday to ensure all pupils are in the right classes.


Thank you!

Ethics and Catechism Deployment 2024

Attending Online Courses

By:   SSD

Relevant Levels:   

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: 

For staff attending online courses or briefings that do not take up the whole morning, you should still come to school and attend to your classes and attend the online meeting from school. This is to reduce the need for relief deployment and to reduce your make-up work with your class when you return. Your presence before school in class is very important for TSR building and management. Teachers can ask for relief half an hour before and after such online meetings for a break. 

For meetings, courses and briefings that are face-to-face, staff can continue plan to take time off 1.5 hours before the start to allow for travelling. If there is a need to work from home, you can still approach SLs.

Thank you 

School Emergency Structure (SES)

By:   School Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:   

Information Details: 

Hi colleagues,

Safety, security and well-being of students and staff are our top priorities. Thus, every school has an School Emergency Structure (SES) to deal with emergencies; to respond, recover and restore situation back to normalcy. There are 10 functional groups in the SES. Do inform Mr Chew or Sheikh if you do not see your name in the SES.

We conduct two emergency preparedness exercises yearly; one in each semester. 

Our first exercise will be on 31 Jan (T1Wk 5).

The functional groups i/c will soon be touching base with the respective members. In the meantime, familiarise yourself with your deployment and the roles of your functional group as reflected in the documents.

Thank you 

Responsibilities of Functional Groups During Different Emergency Situations.docx
2024 -SES Chart (Intact) - Rev 00.xls

SPARK request form

By:   Partnership Committee

Relevant Levels:   Nil 

Date and Time of Event:   8/1/2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Parents are our key partners in education. There are many opportunities for them to support the holistic development of our pupils at St. Stephen’s School.

To ensure that we are best able to match appropriate resources and talents to your needs, please complete and submit the form at at least one month before the event.

Thank you and God Bless!

Stephen Tan 


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.