Published on Saturday 6 July 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T3W3

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Stephenians Living in Faith, Leading in Service and Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to week 3 of Term 3. It is starting to get busy again, so let's continue to practice our mindfulness and centre ourselves throughout each day. Can I challenge each one of you this week to intentionally do a random act of kindness for a specific colleague that comes to mind? If it helps, think about our love language. This week, a new UT for PE, Abdul Khairi, will be joining us for his contract stint, so let's take the time to welcome him. 

I particularly like this quote for the week. For those who may not know, Nelson Mandela led the movement to end apartheid (a system of legalized racial discrimination) in South Africa through non-violence and won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was imprisoned for many years and when apartheid finally ended, and what is more inspiring, he sought to seek reconciliation with the oppressors. As an educator, we can learn from his conviction in life which is: to live a life well lived, it is in making a difference in the lives of our boys and colleagues.

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. 

It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.

~ Nelson Mandela  

Make this week a great one for you and everyone!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Special Feature

T3 Timetables V4 wef Week 3

By:  Timetabling Team

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   Term 3 Week 3 to Week 10

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please note that there are some further changes to T3 timetables. 

Classes affected are 3D, P4G,P6C, P2 CCE and P4 MT

Teachers afftected are Mrs Heng, Yus, Mary, Darren, Taufiq, Cherlyn, Norhazli, Hidayah and Jansher.

Safety duties affected: Yus and Mrs Heng

Please refer to the Staff Management folder and attached documents for the revised timetables (Version 4) which will take effect from Week 3. Please do just look through in case I have missed you out.

Thank you for your understanding

2024 TERM 3 TT V4 WEF WEEK 3-Classes.xlsx
2024 TERM 3 TT V4 WEF WEEK 3-Teachers.xlsx
2024 TERM 3 TT V4 WEF WEEK 3-Resources.xlsx
T3 Safety Duty (wef Week 3).pdf

Assembly Programme: Path Safety  (8 July)

By:  Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   8 July, 12.50 pm to 1.30 pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having Path Safety assembly programme by LTA on 8 July.


P1 to P3 students will go to the hall with their bags for assembly. Dismissal will be from the hall. Please start proceeding to the hall at 12.35pm as assembly will start at 12.50 pm.

P4 to P6 students are to log in to zoom at about 12.45 pm using the usual morning assembly zoom link.


Recess Activity:  During P1 to P6 recess, there will be a booth set up in the canteen for the students.

Thank you.

P4 Experiential Learning Journeys (11 & 12 July)

By:  SS Department & P4 AYHs

Relevant Levels:  Primary 4

Date and Time of Event:   11 & 12 July 2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please note that the Primary 4 students and form teachers will be out for a Road Safety Education (Road Safety Community Park) and Social Studies Learning Journey (Chinatown) on 11 and 12 July 2024. The Primary 4 timetable will be suspended, and lessons will resume from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM on both days. 

Please refer to the table for more information.

Thank you.

P4 Learning Journey Semester 2 2024.docx

P4 LJ Semester 2 2024

P4 Learning Journey Semester 2 2024.docx

P4 LJ Semester 2 2024

Student Programmes & Matters


By:  CCE (FTGP) Team 

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6 

Date and Time of Event:   CCE (FTGP) Lessons  

Information Details: 

Dear Form Teachers,

You may refer to the following link for our FTGP SOW for Term 3:


For FTGP resources, you may either find it in the following folder:

>Sharing>@Dept_CCE>Subcommittees>CCE(FTGP)>CCE(FTGP) Lessons>2024>SOW


or download them on OPAL via this link:

Thank you!

FTGP SOW 2024 .xlsx

VIA Ambassadors Briefing (8 July)


Relevant Levels:  P1-P6

Date and Time of Event:   8 July, Monday 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues, 

Take note that there will be a VIA Ambassadors briefing on Monday, 8 July. 

Please remind them to gather in the PAL room at the time below. 

P1 to P3: 12.10 pm to 12.30 pm (with bags)

P4 to P6: 12.20 pm to 12.50 pm

P1-P3 pupils will be directed straight to the hall for assembly programme right after the VIA briefing. 

P4-P6 pupils will proceed back to class after the end of the briefing. 

Thank you.

Science Practical Test Arrangements (Week 3 to Week 5)

By:  Science Department

Relevant Levels:  Primary 3, 4 and 5

Date and Time of Event:  Refer to attachment  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please be advised that the ISH Teaching Lab is reserved for the WA3 Science Practical Test from Week 3 to Week 5. We kindly request that you refrain from using the lab during this period. Additionally, please allow for some flexibility as students may return to class slightly late following their practical test.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Science Department

Science Prctical Test Timetable 2024.docx

Science Practical Test Timetable

Staff Programmes & Matters

Staff PD: Mental Health Awareness Sharing for Educators - Part 2  (10 July, 2:15pm)

By:  Student Well-Being Team

Relevant Levels:  All

Date and Time of Event:   10 July 2024 (Wednesday), 2.15pm - 3.30pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having our Staff PD Mental Health Awareness Sharing for Educators - Part 2 on 10 July 2024 (2.15pm - 3.30pm). We will begin at the Learning Hub (Old Library) before breaking out into our respective levels.

P1 & P2: Learning Hub (Old Library)

P3 & P4: Computer Lab 2

P5 & P6: Computer Lab 1

Thank you.

Staff Fruit Party (10 July, 3:30pm)


Relevant Levels:  (All Staff)

Date and Time of Event:   Wednesday 10 July @ 3.30 pm

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

Let's take a break from our busy schedules and enjoy a feast of tropical fruits! Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a fruity good time! 

Fruit Party.pdf


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.