Staff Bulletin 2022T2W6

published on Saturday 30 April 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

My heartiest congratulations to all our sports boys and teachers who have been working hard to prepare for the National School Games (NSG). Win or lose, I'm glad to observe that the teams are experiencing and learning more important lessons beyond winning or losing about having a growth mindset, a winning mindset, perseverance and teamwork. I want to encourage all CCA teachers to take the effort and time at the end of each CCA session to facilitate reflections among the boys on what they have felt emotionally, observed about themselves and their friends, and what opportunities there are to do better, and in so doing set in a habit to think about their learning.

On a separate note, I heard a casual remark by a colleague that some staff are quite unfriendly, perhaps it was early in the morning and we might not have been as alert to acknowledge others. For us as Lasallian educators, having a sense of community as educators, young or old, is vital and I hope we all realise that we do have an effect on each other. Let's continue to bring joy to others and if you see that someone does not have a smile, give them yours.

“Your face should be happy, showing gentleness and respect.”

~ St John Baptist de La Salle

To all our Muslim colleagues, I also want to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Updated SMMs 26 April 2022

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Information Details: -

Dear all,

Please find attached the brief updated SMMs for schools based on the latest national posture on COVID-19 - we are now in DORSCON Yellow, and SMMs are eased. Please read the various segments in the PDF in detail, including information on staff reporting on student cases as well as staff travel declaration. (MMs, please also refer to the earlier full document emailed - it contains the complete details.

You will also notice that there is now no group size limits - the various Level and Subject KPs will be reviewing with teachers the respective arrangements levels/subjects will wish to adopt for the best Teaching & Learning and Classroom Management configuration(s) to achieve the best learning experience for our boys.

Thank you and cheers!


Revised SMM Checklist (from 26 Apr 2022)@SSS.pdf

Please download this PDF and read it all in detail - including information on travel declarations.


By: Irene

Relevant Levels: P3 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 2 Week 8

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:


  1. WA & MYE Schedules

  2. Maths Papers 10 May Invigilation Schedules

  3. Maths Paper AA Invigilation Schedules

The AA schedules have been updated due to new requests of AA. Teachers, please disregard the previous copies and refer to the updated ones. Thank you


Please DO NOT leave your class or pupils unattended to collect or return your assessment papers.

IP Heads, you can go round to collect the papers or teachers will have to wait till they are free to return exam scripts.

Thank you and have a blessed weekend.

UPDATED 29 APRIL Maths Invigilation Schedules (P3 TO P6).pdf
P3 to P6 WA1 & MYE Schedules (2022) UPDATED 29 APRIL 2022.pdf
UPDATED 29 APRIL Maths Invigilation Schedules (AA without names).pdf

Hari Raya Celebration

By: MT Hari Raya Committee

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 9 May 2022

Deadline to Note: 30 April 2022

Information Details:

We will have Hari Raya celebration on 9 May, Monday. Hari Raya Celebration aims for pupils and staff to experience different cultural festivities and to strengthen the relationship. Pls refer to the slides attached for the celebration programme to take note. Thank you!

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim colleagues!

Hari Raya School Bulletin

Encore: World Book Day Slides & Reading Interest Survey

By: EL Department

Relevant Levels: All levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Deadline to Note: 6 May 2022

Information Details: Following this week's presentation on World Book Day, here are the slides which contain links to MC Grammar's World Book Day song, his book recommendations, reading activity sheets as well as the link to our Reading Interest Profile. We would like to thank the teachers who have completed the survey. For classes which have yet to complete the survey, please do so by 6 May 2022. Keep your eyes peeled for our revamped Reading Bingo Cards which will be launched soon, in conjunction with the MT Department. Thank you for inspiring our Stephenians to make reading a way of life.

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks.

Copy of World Book Day 2022.pptx

World Book Day 2022 Slides

Reading Interest Profile

Mother's Day Activities


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 4 May 2022

Deadline to Note: 9 May 2022

Information Details: Dear teachers, Mother's Day is around the corner! We want to encourage the boys to show their love and appreciation for their mums or mother figures especially on this special day.

The following activities will be shared with the boys on Wednesday during Morning Assembly and on SLS. For levels with activity sheets, please collect them from your class pigeonhole and give them to your pupils on Wednesday.

P1: All About Mum

P2: Mother's Day coupon

P3: Handprint flowers

P4: Origami heart and acrostic poem

P5: Recreating a photograph

P6: A Recount of a special memory with Mum

Let's encourage our boys to spend some time and effort to show their Mother, Mama, Mummy, Mum, Ibu, their love this Mother's Day.


By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Daily

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear teachers, we have introduced 2 prayers to the end of day prayers.

Regina Caeli

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. Because the Son you were chosen to bear, alleluia! Has risen, as He said, alleluia! Pray for us to God, alleluia! Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia! Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.

O God, who by the Resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, granted joy to the world, grant, we beseech you, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may enjoy the happiness of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Michael Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do you, O Prince of Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil sprits, who prowl through the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Do also encourage the Catholic boys to join the morning prayer in Parmenie Prayer Room from 0705 t o 0720

Mondays: Primary 1

Tuesdays: Primary 2

Wednesdays: Primary 3

Thursdays: Primary 4

Fridays: Primary 5 and 6

TEACHER LEADER Conversations

By: Teacher Leader Council

Relevant Levels: Staff PD

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

HOLISTIC ASSESSMENT - Session 2 Follow-up

Who is Assessment for?

The Teacher, the Parent or the Student

What is your Belief?

Assessment is

  • integral to the learning process

  • begins with clarity of purpose

  • to gather information to inform practice

How have you included Assessment Practices in your Classroom?

This is how we would like our school to move forward. at the teacher and school level.

Have you started?

HAPPY Moments

(Teacher & Strategies)

Weekly Practice of one assessment routine in our classrooms

PLT Sharing

(Subject Specific/WSA)

Weekly sharing of what went well or what did not go well for our assessment routines

Visit the school sharing folder if you are looking for resources


Student WB Newsletter: April

By: Student Well-Being

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details: Read on to find out about Dyslexia as we embrace all pupils as part of our Culture of Care. Click the link to explore additional information on the services provided by DAS!

Do complete these microlearning units (MLU) on OPAL to extend your learning about Dyslexia.

  • SEN:se Online PD Unit 2.2A - Dyslexia (10 mins)

If you're interested in watching a documentary film, The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia provides personal and uplifting accounts of people experiencing dyslexia. It can be found here: S:\@STUDENT WELL-BEING\Resources for Teachers\Learning

April Newsletter


By: Project Refresh Team

Relevant Levels: Staff Matters

Date of Event/Programme/Item: NA

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

UPDATE 01/22

(2nd Call for Suggestions and Ideas)

Last year Team members reached out to ask for your input.

To help us to move forward, we have created a Padlet to help us capture your ideas and suggestions for the 'refresh' of the staff 'work and rest' spaces at SSS.

Do not miss this opportunity to have your voice and ideas heard before we start to consolidate the plans.

Thank you.




Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.