Published on Saturday 29 July 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T3W6

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank you all for your hard work helping out with the oral exams. Just a quick update on the staff room renovations. There will be a delay in the timeline as they need more time for the repair of the leaks in the wall which if not done will damage the new flooring. It is not likely that we will be able to move back by the end of the term, and might have to stay in the temporary staff room a little longer than expected. We will update on the works as soon as we get to the next milestone. 

I would also like to thank those of you who have completed the leadership feedback survey. As not all have not completed the survey, we will extend it to Wednesday 2 Aug, so do take some time to complete the survey and give this gift of feedback to help in the KP development effort. 

Recently, I've been pondering about why some of boys seem to be struggling in their learning and feel discouraged or lack confidence, and in turn feel frustrated or listless,  leading to them being very anxious and giving up and worst of all acting up in class. So I thought maybe for this week, I would urge all of us the see the boys as glasses which are half full, affirming what is there, and be an encourager to help every boy you encounter fill up their self worth. Especially those silent majority "lost" in the masses. Let's reframe and change our perspective and not see them as not good enough, but help to build the confidence and mastery of their subject content. Maybe by doing so, we can make a difference to that one more boy. 

Nine-tenths of education is encouragement. 

~ Anatole France

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Teacher's Day Message Cards (FTGP)

By: CCE - Student Leadership Team (Teacher's Day Organising Committee - Elias)  

Relevant Levels: P1-P6

Date and Time of Event: 31 July (Monday), FTGP, 12pm-12:15pm.  

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

With regards to teacher's day, we will need your help in tasking your form classes with writing an appreciation message on T3W6, Monday, 31 July, during the 1st 15min of FTGP. 

A morning announcement will be made and please use the slides provided to enable our students to appreciate our teachers on a deeper level and also to give them ideas on what to write. 

Each student are to be issued with 2 pieces and they will use the 1st 15 min of FTGP to write their appreciation message for 2 different teachers. 

FTs are to collect from those who have completed it and return them to the YHs on the day itself (if possible please!).

Students who have yet to complete/wants to complete at home may do so and submit it via the boxes which will be placed in the foyer and library

There will be additional message notes at these 2 areas for students to write additional messages for the whole of T3W6 only. 

We will close all entries on T3W6, Fri, 4/8.

Thank you!

Teacher's Day Organising Committee

Message Cards

Peer Support and Relationship: Staff PD

By: PSR Team (Shahidah)     

Relevant Levels: P1-P6  

Date and Time of Event: 2 August (Wednesday), 30 min    

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

On Wednesday, 2 August, we will be having a PD session after the briefings. We will share on the use of sociogram in our Peer Support efforts and the role development for the Peer Support Leaders.

You may wish to watch a video (1:42) on how to create a sociogram on LeaderboardX as you will be creating it for your class!

Thank you!

School Emergency Exercise 2

By:     Safety Comm

Relevant Levels:   All Levels

Date and Time of Event:   3 Aug (Thursday), 8.00 am to 9.00 am

Information Details: 

Dear collleagues,

This coming Emergency Preparedness Exercise will consist of 2 separate drills; a lockdown and an evacuation to an Internal Holding Area (school field). 

Following up on the slides that were shared in Week 4 Staff Bulletin, there will a short briefing to all staff on attendance reporting during next Wednesday Contact Time. 

As the briefing will cover mainly on attendance reporting, do approach your respective functional group i/c if you are still unsure/need clarification about your role on that day.

For attendance reporting, familiarise yourself with the attached template and you can clarify (if any) with Elizabeth/Elias (Head/Asst Head ASG) during the briefing.

As per practice on Thursday,FTs/Ethics and Catechism Teachers will need to update attendance by 7.35 am via SC Mobile.

Year Heads will help to confirm that all classes have input the attendance.


During a lockdown, this link ( will be shared via the school mobile phone. 

Attendance and location for both pupils and staff must be updated immediately in this link once lockdown is activated.


Subject teachers will update the attendance and information for their respective classes in the columns that are highlighted in yellow. Reference to SC Mobile is required to ensure that attendance and information is accurate. Then, input the number of missing students (if any) and input lockdown location under the ‘Present Location’ column. Staff will also need to indicate their location in staff attendance tab.


There will be an assembly zoom briefing for the pupils on Monday afternoon. 

Do log on from 12.50 pm so that we can start at 1 pm.

31 July Emergency Preparedness Assembly Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 828 2516 9236
Passcode: DaisySit

Thank you.

4 Aug 2023 Emergency Preparedness Exercise_Lockdown Attendance
HBL Assignment and mode of instructions to students (Aug 2023).docx

HBL :P1 to P5 (15 and 16 Aug 2023) 

By:    IP Heads and Murni  

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P5

Date and Time of Event:   15 Aug (Tue) and 16 Aug (Wed) 2023 

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

The P1 to P5 subject teachers are to prepare and assign HBL work to the students of their respective classes. The type of HBL assignments and the mode to communicate the HBL instructions to your students for the different levels are in the table attached:

A few reminders when assigning HBL lessons at SLS :

1) The naming for the SLS lessons is as follows: Date_Class_Subject_Title of Lesson


  15 Aug_P4E_Maths_Symmetry

  16 Aug_P5D_EL_ Comprehension OE


2) All SLS lessons created and assigned to students at SLS, are to be assigned at least one day before the actual HBL date. End time for all SLS lessons is 21 August 2023.

3) A reminder to make the subject IP KPs as co-teachers for your HBL lesson/s for monitoring.

4) For lesson content during HBL, approach the respective IP heads.

Do ensure that your students have active SLS accounts prior to the HBL dates.

Thank you.

HBL Assignment and mode of instructions to students (Aug 2023).docx

Police Pal Booklet

By:     CCE

Relevant Levels:   P1, P3 and P5

Date and Time of Event:   1 August to 15 September 2023

Information Details: 

Dear Teachers,

P1, P3 and P5 Stephenians will be receiving a Singapore Police Force (SPF) flagship Police Pal Programme Booklet for youths in primary school. It aims to get them interested and educated about crime-prevention and

police-related activities. The booklets will be placed in your classroom on the teachers' table on 1 August 2023.

Please spend 5 minutes of CCE (FTGP) to go through what the booklet is about using the Police Pal Programme.pdf. You may also share the answer key in the upcoming weeks with your classes or post it on ClassDojo for the parents. 

Please collect the booklets from boys who have completed at least 1 activity, in Term 4 Week 1, 15 September 2023. 

Thank you!

Police Pal Programme.pdf
SPF Police Pal Teachers Aid_Primary 1.pdf
SPF Police Pal Teachers Aid_Primary 3.pdf
SPF Police Pal Teachers Aid_Primary 5.pdf

7Hs -Think Win-Win-Win & Synergise:   CNA Video on SBB

By:     VP

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:   -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone,

A New School of Thought: Full SBB - mewatch 

CNA current affairs programme, 'A New School of Thought: Full Subject-Based Banding', was aired on 13 July and 14 July.

This is the full video, for our viewing and further reflection / inspiration - how we now have the capacity to bring out the best from every child, regardless of aptitude, attitude and altitude of performance, readiness and ability. There are multiple routes and peaks of successes, and each child will stand tall on his peak that we support him towards, and as a community, we raise each child well and good.

Thank yo and enjoy!



Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.