Staff Bulletin for 2022T1W9

published on Saturday 5 March 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

As I stay isolated at home (tested AG+ but asymptomatic), I hope that all of you will continue to support each other and I want to thank those of you who've had to take on more relief duties during this period when many of our teachers who, like me, are not able to be in school.

Next week is our e-MTP, and I would like to thank everyone in advance for your heart-work with the students and their parents and wish everyone a fruitful session. As we share with the parents and listen to their concerns, let us empathise with them and work in partnership with each parent, and focus on the development and well-being of each boy. Do make it a point to share at least one positive aspect of the boys on top of other areas of concern, and if you are lost for words, do check with other colleagues who also teach them. It takes a village to raise a child.

There is also the CCA Fair on Monday for the P3 boys. Hopefully, they will discover an area of interest and pursue it with passion. I would like us to see CCA as a key learning activity in the school where it is up to us to actively facilitate and develop their social skills, leadership, team spirit, and most important of all, character. Thanks to all CCA teachers for putting the Fair together, and let's all give our best advice and encouragement to the boys if they come to us about what to choose.

At the Student Leadership front, we have also put together training programmes for Class Leadership. I want us all to reframe and see the boys as potential leaders as there is a leader in each of them. When we are able to make them feel valued and realise that there is that potential within them, and guide them in their service to the class, CCA or school, we will unleash a positive energy in the class and shift their negative behaviours to create a truly positive school. Every child wants to be valued, especially the hardest ones. So here's my parting thought for this week::

What can I say this week to help that one or two difficult boys, that they are loved and valued?

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Student Leadership (Class Leaders)

By: Student Leadership Committee

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 28 March & 4 April (T2 W 2 and 3)

Deadline to Note: *23 March (T1 W2)

Information Details:

Dear Form and Co-Form Teachers of Primary 1-6.

1) Please refer to the updated Class Committee Slides for your classes. Please note that wef from Term 2, the class monitors will double up as the 3rd and 4th line leaders when the class moves from point to point. There are also 2 roles included (1 more PE monitor as well as NE ambassador. This can be the "new" roles for the current 3rd and 4th line leaders if they are compatible (Lower Primary). Students will be serving their roles till end of the year to provide them the opportunity to grow as leaders and fulfil their roles throughout the year for a deeper learning experience.

2) Please fill in the names for the Class Leaders (Class Committee) roles in the google sheet provided by 23 March (T2W1). This data will be the same one used by FTs when keying in to school cockpit in the later half of the year for the class leadership/committee segment. Additionally, students marked in yellow in the google sheet will undergo F2F class leadership in Term 2, Week 2/3.

3) The Student Leadership Committee and respective Heads will be conducting F2F Class Leadership Training for the identified leaders on 28 March and 4 April during FTGP period. Please refer to the training venue in the google slide provided in the third document attached.

Class Committee 2022.pptx
Class Committee List 2022
Training Plan for the Students

CCA Fair 2022

By: CCA Committee

Relevant Levels: P3-P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 7 March 2022

Deadline to Note: 7 March 2022

Information Details:

Dear Teachers,

1) Please note that St. Stephen's School Inaugural's Face to Face CCA Fair will be conducted on 7 March 2022 in the school hall. The school Hall will be out of bounds during curriculum time except for those involved in the CCA Fair. There will also be a practical segment conducted in the hall as well. Students will return back to class earlier than the allocated timing if they are able to clear the stations within a shorter timeframe. Do refer to the CCA slides prepared by the CCA Teacher ICs that will be shared to the P3 students in the link below to view the respective CCAs.

2) P4-P5 teachers, please take note that some of the students from the P4-P5 classes will be involved in the CCA Fair as student presenters at various timings to share with the P3s on their CCA experience as well as keep the legacy of their CCA very much alive for their younger brothers. Due to SMM, the timings are stretched this year to ensure safe distancing and prevent intermingling. This also serve to assist the P3s in making a well-informed choice when selecting their CCAs. The timing of the P4-P5 involvement can be found in the google sheet attached. Additionally, it has been pin up in the respective class whiteboards (bottom right) for the students and teachers to keep track of the timing. Please assist in ensuring that students are punctual.

A huge appreciation to all staff that have been and will be involved in making this CCA Fair for the students possible. Appreciate all the support and understanding. Looking forward to an informative and enjoyable CCA Fair 2022 in St. Stephen' School for our Young Stephenians as they embark on their CCA journey with us.

Primary 3 CCA Fair 2022.pptx
CCA Fair Student Presenters.xlsx

7 March Assembly - Bring Out The Thoughtfulness In You And Me


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 7 March 2022

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear FTs, next Monday's assembly programme will be a musical by the Land Transport Authority on the importance of gracious commuting on public transport.

Please log in to zoom punctually and we will start as soon as possible.

Meeting ID: 720 759 7784

Passcode: ZSS2022

Remember to set the laptop cameras to face the class. Pin the playing video during the zoom, go full screen and hide thumbnail video to enjoy the show. Some boys may be selected to participate during the interactive segments.

Please do not leave the zoom when the programme ends as the Art Department will be showing a 5-min video on Artists of the Term.

Artists of the Term

By: Mdm Belle Taw Ai Hiang

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 7 March, Monday (Every Week 10 of each term @ Monday assemblies)

Deadline to Note: 7 March 2022, Monday

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

The art department has started a new initiative--"Artists of the Term" in recognizing students' talent, striving for excellence and celebrating success. At the end of each term, we will feature best curriculum artworks done by our student artists from each level. Each student artist will be presented a token from the art department (6 levels X 3 winners) via their form teachers.

NOTE: Form teacher, please present the token to your student in the presence of the whole class and congratulate him on the art department's behalf. (The token will be left on your table on Monday morning if you have a winner)

The photos of the featured artworks are stitched into a video and will be aired to the school this coming Monday during assembly. This video will also be looped in the canteen's TV screen over week 10.

School Partnership Programs

By: Jansher Khan

Relevant Levels: All levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: March holidays and weekly sessions

Deadline to Note: NIL

Information Details:

Dear staff,

In moving forward to continually build strategic relationships with the broader community, as well as creating opportunities for more involvement of team programmes and activities for our students, there will be 2 additional programs that will kickstart in March for our Stephenians.

1) Epic Football Holiday Camp: St Michael's Soccer Association which is also part our wider "Lasallian Family" will be conducting a Football Camp for our students. The response has been encouraging with all slots filled up within a working day of the program being publicised to parents. More information on SMSA and the Football program can be found in the 2 links below:

2) Badminton Enrichment: Students can take part in the badminton enrichment sessions which will take place on the weekends. It is headed by former Singapore National Player and champion as well as current National School Games (primary) champion, coach Hamid and his team of coaches. Similarly, the program is also popular with our students and parents with all slots filled up within 2-3 working days of its publication to parents.

It is hope that such Strategic Partnership Programs will be effective in providing further guidance and support to our students to develop character, team spirit and a strong sense of belonging to the school.