Staff Bulletin for 2021T3W7

published on Thursday, 5 August 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Our Stephenians did us proud at the recent CBS story-telling competition and came in tops in many categories (please see updates by MT dept). Congratulations to the MT teachers who prepared the boys for the competition. Well Done!

Please ensure that you read the Staff Bulletin as it is intended to communicate critical information. So do spend some time as you prepare your work for the following week to read the Staff Bulletin, and it is an expectation for all staff, including FAJTs and long term relief teachers to do so.

With effect from 11 Aug 2021, Soon Weng will join the Year Head team and support the P4 level. Covering his duties as LH/EL will be Charlene, and I would like to thank her for agreeing to step forward to help.

Inspired by our boys' achievements in MT, here is my quote for the week:

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm Possible!' - Audrey Hepburn

Discipline Updates

By: Discipline

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: On-going

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

Dear Colleagues,

I will like to thank teachers who have been dutifully reporting offences through the Discipline Record System for the past few weeks.

Many discipline reports have come in on classroom disruptions, open defiance to staff and pupils who are not doing homework.

Putting offences on record is important for us as a school, in order to improve our discipline climate in SSS. These recorded offences will let us achieve the following:

  1. We will know the challenges on the ground teachers face on a day to day basis;

  2. Support teachers when there are incessant classroom disruptions and open defiance so that we can take these offenders to task and learning can continue in the classrooms;

  3. To signal to these troubling pupils that their actions are not condoned and there are levels of consequences they will face; and

  4. To teach these pupils how to self-regulate and provide the necessary school support when needed.

So do continue with the discipline reporting and as a school we will better understand how our boys are and provide that targetted support for them.

Beyond just detention for offences committed and being called down to see SLs, the school does suspend and cane. "Warning Letters" to offenders are also issued as another form of a deterrent measure. These warning letters are issued by DM and signed by both DM and Principal.

To share, a sample of the warning letter is enclosed. The contents will have to be acknowledged by the parents and returned to DM and the letter clearly spells out what happens when the offender is recalcitrant.

Do have a read and feel free to share with me or the Discipline Team your views on it.

Cheers & Happy Hols...


Warning Letter (Serious Offence)_Template.pdf

Updated Details on National Day Celebration


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 6 Aug 2021

Deadline to Note: 5 and 6 Aug 2021

Information Details:

Dear FTs,

By 5 August...

Please copy and paste the Classroom Activity folder: I:\National Day 2021\6 August 2021\Classroom Activity onto your desktop. Look through the packages and prepare.

There are 4 items in the Classroom Activity:

  1. CCEB Lesson Package

  2. Making a Collage

  3. Stephenian Dance

  4. Actual Day Music Action Songs

Please send out to all parents through ClassDojo about the staggered dismissal for Friday:

Odd registration numbers will be allowed into the school compound first from 1045 to 1100. Thereafter, cars with either even or odd registration numbers are allowed in.

On 6 August...

Classroom Activity (Materials are in the Class Pigeonholes)

Lower Primary (P1 to P3)

The pupils will be required to colour a small SG Trait cutout. Pupils can colour more than 1 piece if they are good at decorating it. They are encouraged to colour all the white spaces and draw designs that are relevant to Singapore.

Teachers will have to use double-sided tape to stick all the cutouts, filling up an A3 size drawing block in landscape format. Please do choose the cutouts that are nicely coloured. Send the class monitor with the piece and the double sided tape to the General Office as soon as it is ready. CCE department will put up the collage at the foyer.

Upper Primary (P4 to P6)

The pupils will follow instructions and use a rectangular piece of red paper to fold a heart. Then, write their wishes for Singapore and name on the heart.

Teachers will stick the hearts onto a given A4 sized paper in portrait format.

There will be 2 different sizes of red paper provided. Teachers can overlap the hearts of different sizes when pasting. Please do fill the whole A4 paper with hearts. Send the class monitor with the piece and the double sided tape to the General Office as soon as it is ready. CCE department will put up the collage at the foyer.

Updated National Day 2021.docx

Preliminary & PSLE (Oral) Examinations Briefing Materials

By: EL/MT & Examinations Committee

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Information Details:

Dear all, please refer to your CES Outlook Email for all the Briefing materials relating to the following 2 Examinations:

1) Preliminary Examinations - "Prelim Exam Briefing" from Irene.

2) PSLE (Oral) Examinations - "2021 PSLE Oral Briefing Materials for Staff " from Rachel.

iROAR Training for P6 Prelims LC Invigilators.


Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 4 August to 18 August

Deadline to Note: 6 Aug 2021

Information Details:

The invigilators for P6 Prelims LC exam have been assigned an SLS lesson titled "P6 EL & MT Prelims Listening Comprehension iROAR Speaker Familiarisation Training for Invigilators (2021)", from 4 August to 18 August, by Mdm Hafizah.

You are to complete the lesson at SLS before the P6 Prelims LC exam.

Do approach the AV Team (Hafizah and Quan Kai) if you need hands-on session before the P6 Prelims LC exam.

Appreciating Our Team SG Spirit

As presented this morning by the PE/CCA Department, let's show our appreciation and support for our TEAM SG @ Tokyo Olympics, for their unwavering determination, perseverance and hours put in on their road to the Olympics. As one SGrean society and nation, we support our athletes through all the ups and downs and that indomitable spirit representing us and our SG dream! Contribute your verse of appreciation at

And, to end this issue of the Staff Bulletin, here are 2 NDP Songs for all of us - Home which we practised this morning and this year's 2021 NDP Song The Road Ahead!

Majulah Singapura! Happy 56th Birthday to Singapore and all of us!

Our National Songs, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SG!

And, to end this issue of the Staff Bulletin, here are 2 NDP Songs for all of us - Home which we practised this morning and this year's 2021 NDP Song The Road Ahead!

PLUS, here in this subfolder are the practice movement videos of Home, Our Singapore and We Are Singapore featuring our very own Darren, Lerraine and Belle! (Files are huge, hence do access directly at this link.

Majulah Singapura! Happy 56th Birthday to Singapore and all of us!