Staff Bulletin for 2023 T1W7

Published on Saturday 11 February 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Over the past week, a number of us are not well and have been away from school.  I want to thank everyone for helping out with relief and for supporting each other. Do take care of your health and get rest well. We have crossed the halfway mark of the term and we can look forward to the March break. For those who are planning to travel in June, just to let you know that Vesak Day has been shifted to 2 June so you can plan around it.

The highlight of this coming week 7 is Total Defence Day, and for this year, the emphasis on food security is in line with what we are doing with our Applied Learning Programme (ALP) on stewardship and sustainability. It is a good time to remind our boys at every opportunity of the part they can play to make the world a better place.

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire! Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

7 Habits @ SSS T&L:   H4 "Think Win-Win" / H6 "Synergise"  &  H5 "Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood"

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: 

Dear everyone, 

Let us continue to further reflect and sharpen our saw(s) in our T & L:

Habit 4 Think Win-Win & Habit 6 Synergise

Habit 5 Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood

When we plan our lessons, deliver our lessons, mark our boys' work and follow-up with feedback and next tasks, we could: 

We could also apply Habit 5 when we mark the students' assessment scripts ahead:

As we mark our students' work and we get either euphoric or want to tear our hair out :D because our students have learnt or not learn, do have a cuppa tea/coffee after each stack of marking to take stock.  Let us better understand our students' learning and our teaching, and help our students to better understand our teaching and their learning.

Thank you

New Recess Dismissal Route

By:    School Safety

Relevant Levels:   All Levels 

Date and Time of Event:   Monday, 13 Feb (after recess)

Information Details: 


Dear colleagues,

From feedback and observation that some Levels had to wait a little longer to enter the canteen due to delay in the outgoing Level dismissal, we will try a new recess dismissal route for all Levels starting next Monday, 13 Feb.

The current practice of going back to class using Staircase 5 will only be used during wet weather.

During good weather, the outgoing Level will be dismissed from the back of the canteen.

After meal prayers, the boys will turn and face the washing point. They will then turn right and move out of the canteen through an opening between the light brown brick pillar and the yellow wall.

They will go up to the foyer Level using either Stairway 3* or Stairway 1* before heading to the classrooms.

*Stairway 3 is the open staircase facing 1 Diligence classroom.

*Stairway 1 is the open staircase facing 1 Joy classroom.

For P1s, they will exit the canteen, walk to Stairway 3 and go up to the foyer level back to the classrooms.

For P2*, P3 and P4s, they will exit the canteen, walk to Stairway 3 and go up to the foyer level. They will then use Staircase 3 back to the classrooms. 

*2C will walk from foyer Level to the classroom

For P5 and P6s*, they will exit the canteen and walk along the passageway to Stairway 1. They will go up to foyer Level and then back to their classrooms using Staircase 1.

*6H is the only class that will continue to go up using Staircase 5 due to class location. (regardless of weather condition)

Thank you.

New Recess Dismissal Route.pptx

Foyer Dismissal

By:    School Safety

Relevant Levels:    All Levels

Date and Time of Event:   After school

Information Details: 


Dear colleagues,

To ensure that the boys understand and follow the school's expectations while waiting for pick-up at the foyer, we need to be consistent with our foyer management procedures.

There have been some differences in our management at the foyer during dismissal (be it after school, after CCA ,after remedials etc). Thus, we have put together some slides for your easy reference.

Thank you.

Dismissal Foyer Duty 10 Feb.pptx

P1, P2 and P5 CCE (FTGP) + Leader In Me

By:    CCE 

Relevant Levels:    P1, P2 and P5

Date and Time of Event:   Weekly CCE (FTGP)

Information Details: 


Dear P1, P2 and P5 Form Teachers, 

The P1, P2 and P5 CCE (FTGP) SOWs in our sharing folder have been updated with resources from Leader In Me to align our efforts to bring up men of integrity and men for others. 

The updates are in red under 'Unit (Theme) Lesson' and 'Learning Outcomes'. The list of resources are a Word document in the sharing folder or you can also click on cell A2 in the SOW to be linked to them. 





The other levels may also feel free to take a look at the resources and those aligned to P3, P4 and P6 will be up soon. 

Thank you.

Total Defence Day Assembly

By:    CCE

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   13 to 17 February 2023

Information Details: 


Dear Teachers,

As shared last week, we will be commemorating Total Defence Day next week, Week 7. 

Please refer to last week's Bulletin T1W6: Total Defence Day 2023 for the main information and FTGP activities.

Here are additional Updates:

Assembly on 13 February 2023

Military Defence

Please find the seating plan for P3 to P6 boys in the hall in the Google Sheet attached. Do start moving to the hall at 1250 and we will start at 1300. P1 and P2 will join through daily morning assembly Zoom.

We would like to strongly encourage all colleagues to come in National Service Uniform or military defence themed attire on 13 February!

Actual Day Commemoration

15 February 2023 (Flagraising)

Total Defence Day 2023 Video:  


With the increasing uncertainties and shifts in geopolitics, the risks of supply chains being disrupted are high. SG relies very much on international supply chains not just for our position as a trading hub, but at an even more basic level is that of our food supply chains. 

Singapore has, with great consistent work behind the scenes and as one united nation, managed it well, and we need to stay cognizant, adaptable and proactive ahead. 

Couple that too with SG's existential challenge of climate change, and we have much ahead for our boys to learn and contribute to. 

There is a very direct link to our ALP on sustainability and our whole-school effort on eco-green.  There is a part that everyone of us can play in this, as individuals and as a community, for our Singapore.

Here are further complementary resources:

Total Defence

P6:  P6 SG Unite! 2.5 card game will also be placed in the class pigeonhole by Friday, 10 February 2023. 

Digital Defence

P5: Cyber Security - The Interactive Handbook. This will be placed in your class pigeonhole by Friday, 10 February 2023. Please give them out on Total Defence Day (15 February) and encourage the boys to read it. 

Social Defence

P4 to P6:  Check out the resources in What's Up: which you might want to go through next week (EL)

Special Package 1: Stories of Casual Racism

Special Package 2: Regardless of Race

Thank you.

P3 to P6 Total Defence Day Assembly Seating Plan

e-Meet The Parent (e-MTP) in week 10

By:    YH Team

Relevant Levels:    All levels

Date and Time of Event:   

Deadlines for Action: Before 15 February & thereafter (see slides attached)

Actual Event: 8 & 9 March (Wednesday & Thursday)

Information Details: 


Dear colleagues,

This e-MTP follows Subject Teacher-Parents meeting format. Thus, all subject teachers will be involved in this e-meet.

Date: 8 and 9 March (Wednesday and Thursday of Week 10)

Time: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Venue: Zoom

Please read the attachments and carry out the necessary:

1) eMTP_2023_Instructions 

2) PG_eMTP_2023

Thank you.


Lasallian Formation Day

By: Chor Kheng

Relevant Levels:  (all staff)  

Date and Time of Event: 

Deadline for Action: 17 February

Actual Event:  Friday 10 March, 8 am to 2 pm

Information Details: 


Dear colleagues,

Lasallian Formation Day is on Friday 10 March. It will be held at SJI (Malcolm Road). Please see attached for the programme and details. Will need everyone to access this link and fill in your details by Friday 17 Feb:

Lasallian Formation Day 2023 - Year Grouping and bus booking ( 

Thank you.

Lasallian Formation Day 2023.pptx

Ash Wednesday 2023

By: Catholic Teachers   

Relevant Levels:    P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:   22 February 2023

Information Details: 


Dear teachers ,

Ash Wednesday is the first day in the season of Lent, a 40-day period which represents the temptation of Christ. Cristians honour it by abstaining from certain things (typically meat or other foods), praying and taking part in daily devotional activity. It is an important day of repentance too, remembering that man is dust and to dust we will return. Christians will go to church on Ash Wednesday and have the sign of the cross marked in ash on their foreheads.

Lessons will be suspended on 22 February 2023 from 0735 to 0830. 

Please refer to the excel for teachers' deployment and do arrange with the teacher partner in your class if you need a break that day.

 Thank you.

Ash Wednesday 2023 Deployment
Lower Primary Ash Wednesday 2023 Ethics lesson
Upper Primary Ash Wednesday 2023 Ethics lesson.docx

DAS Webinar: Gaining the Dyslexia Advantage through a Growth Mindset

By:    Student Well-Being / SSD

Relevant Levels:    Staff of all levels

Date and Time of Event:    15 February 2023, Wednesday

Information Details: 


Dear colleagues,

This free webinar by the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) is recommended for all who are interested to learn about developing children with dyslexia. Seems like, it all begins with our mindset!

If you are keen and are available, access the link to find out more. Registration is required.

Date: 15 February 2023, Wednesday

Time: 12pm-1pm

Speaker: Dr June Siew, Head of DAS Academy


Thank you.


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.