Published on Saturday 16 Sep 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T4W2

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you once again for your understanding and help with relief duties to allow staff to attend the funeral and various memorials with the boys. A big thank you also to our MT teachers for a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival. It was heartwarming to see so many boys and their families turn up with their lanterns and enjoy the festivities. 

As we enter week 2, you will be receiving your feedback from the T&L survey conducted earlier in the year. As your RO does not have access to your feedback data, do take some time to reflect on the feedback and explore with your RO ways to improve our craft to become an even better teacher, and do discuss with your RO should you need any support or help.

We are in the last stretch of the year. Do continue to persevere with the boys and help them to reflect on the quote for the week on the value of patience and perseverance in their learning:

It’s not that I am so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. 

- Albert Einstein

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

T & L Survey Feedback

By:   VP

Relevant Levels:   All Staff 

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear everyone,

We will be placing your T & L Survey feedback in your respective pigeonholes this week.  

We have included in the feedback the following data points for your relative reference:

As shared, this is our personal direct feedback from our classes and students to help us keep honing our craft, be it in our pedagogy, our curriculum/lesson design, our classroom management and our TSR.  The 7Cs Tripod Survey tool that we used this year is very well-scoped in dimensions, and we hope it will provide each of us with very clear and targeted feedback, both in our strengths and our improvement-growth areas. 

Also attached here is the Reference Guide PDF of the Tripod Survey tool and suggested strategies for the various component areas, to spark and inspire our continuous improvement.

Do feel free to discuss your feedback with your ROs, buddies or mentors, or come approach the SLs too, if you like. Let us all keep growing and helping each other to grow, together.

Many cheers!


P1 to P4 World Car Free Day Assembly Seating Plan

World Car Free Day Assembly and Programme

By:    CCE - Eco-Green

Relevant Levels:   P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  Term 4 Week 2

Information Details: 

Dear all,

To commemorate World Car Free Day, we have some programmes lined up for our boys to gain awareness about this movement.

18 September, 'Make The Switch' Assembly Programme - 1230 to 1300

Discover how small changes in our commuting habits can make a huge difference in our fight against climate change! 

P1 to P4 

CCE (FTGP) 1200 - 1240

Please leave the classrooms at 1240 with bags for the assembly programme, we hope to start at 1250.

P5 and P6 

CCE (FTGP) 1200 - 1250 

Please join through the morning assembly Zoom link at 1245 

18 - 22 September, Canteen Exhibition

There will be an exhibition in the canteen for everyone to learn how taking "green transportation" benefits the environment. Look out for our electricity generating bicycles!

22 September, World Car Free Day

All staff and pupils are encouraged not to travel around in cars but to take other forms of transportation such as bicycles or take public transport (bus/train).

Thank you!

P1 to P4 World Car Free Day Assembly Seating Plan

1)PSLE Listeing Comprehension AAR & 2)PSLE Written Briefing

By:    IPE

Relevant Levels:   All staff

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Please assist the CPE, IPE & KPs in improving on our planning and implementation of the PSLE Listening Comprehension Examination which took place on Friday,15 September. Click on the link below and do share your feedback to help us improve further latest by Friday, 22 September.


Reminder: There will be a PSLE Written Exam Briefing this coming contact time.

Thank you!

P6 Exam Mass Before PSLE

By:    Catholic Teachers Mass Team

Relevant Levels:   P6

Date and Time of Event:  21 September 2023, 0735 - 0830

Information Details: 

Dear all,

We will be having a mass for all Primary 6 pupils before their PSLE on 21 September 2023. It will be from 0735 to 0830 in the school hall. 

Let's pray together for the boys to be calm, have focused minds and a sharp memory. No matter the results, they will live in God's goodness and walk with Him always.

Thank you!

P6 Mass Before Exam 2023 Deployment

P5 Social Studies Mini Test

By:    CCE- SS

Relevant Levels:   Primary 5

Date and Time of Event:  Term 4 Week 3 - 4

Information Details: 

Dear P5 SS teachers,

The P5 level will be attempting their SS Mini Test in Term 4 Week 3 or Week 4. It makes up 30% of their overall grade. 

The P5 Mini Test has been shared on SLS. Do make a copy and assign it to your respective classes. It is an open-book, online test based on both 5A and 5B books so do remind them to have their books with them when they attempt it. The pupils can attempt the test in school or at home. 

Please approach Ezri if you have any questions. 

Thank you!

Parade Square Conversion to Artificial Turf

By:    PE Dept

Relevant Levels:   All

Date and Time of Event:  18 September to End of November

Information Details: 

Dear all,

The parade square will be cordoned off and out of bounds from the 18 September till the end of November or earlier when it is ready. 

Due to the current surface, there have been multiple injuries to students. For the safety of students and to increase the safe usage of the space for activities such as PE, CCAs, Outdoor Education and other wider school events, the field will be converted to an artificial turf.

Please note that when it is ready, there will be black rubber beads placed within the turf. The rubber beads are to keep the artificial grass upright, provide a cushion layer for students joints, prevents abrasions should students fall and will keep the artificial turf sustaining for a longer period.

Do take caution to stop any students from carrying, collecting or throwing these rubber beads should you be using the venue for their safety as well as to keep the artificial turf lasting longer. Looking forward to a brand new looking parade square!

Thank you!

PARADE SQUARE to Artificial Turf.pdf

Parade Square Turf Conversion Design

ICT Updates

By:    Murni Masuath

Relevant Levels:   All Staff 

Date and Time of Event:  

Information Details: 

Dear Colleagues,

1) Please be reminded to set up your MIMS 2FA,if you have not done so. 

Step-by-step instructions given at CES email from MOE ITD on 12 Sept(reminder email). 

From 27 Sept, login to your iCON(include suite of google apps -eg google drive, google calendar etc) will be via MIMS portal with your MIMS 2FA enabled.

You can approach DEs or Mr Tan Yong Seng if you have technical issues.

2) Computer Lab 2 is out of bound to staff and students on 19 Sept (Tue) and 20 Sept (Wed). 

NCS team will use the venue for SSOE2 Seat Sanitization. 

3) HBL for P1 to P4 (During PSLE Written)

HBL Schedule :

28 Sept 2023, Thursday - Primary 3 HBL

29 Sept 2023, Friday      - Primary 2 HBL

2 Oct 2023, Monday   - Primary 1 HBL

3 Oct 2023, Tuesday  - Primary 4 HBL    

The P1 to P4 subject teachers are to prepare and assign HBL work to the students of their respective classes. The type of HBL assignments and the mode to communicate the HBL instructions to your students for the different levels are in the table attached:

A few reminders when assigning HBL lessons at SLS :

a)     The naming for the SLS lessons is as follows: Date_Class_Subject_Title of Lesson



  28 Sept_P3E_Maths_Length

  3 Oct_P4D_EL_ Comprehension OE


b)     All SLS lessons created and assigned to students at SLS, are to be assigned at least one day before the actual HBL date. End time for all SLS lessons is 7 days from assigned date.

c)     A reminder to make the subject IP KPs as co-teachers for your HBL lesson/s for monitoring.


d)     For lesson content during HBL, approach the respective IP heads.

Do ensure that your students have active SLS accounts prior to the HBL dates.

Thank you!

Sept to Oct 2023 table.docx


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.