Published on Saturday 17 Feburary 2024

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2024 T1W8

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to week 8 and I hope that you are continuing to enjoy the CNY festivities. On Wednesday, we will be having a Lohei with the P6 boys and I encourage the P6 teachers who are free to join them. We will also be having our Staff CNY celebration with Lohei that afternoon.

This week, the Scouts will also mark World Scouts Day (supposed on 22 Feb) on Friday 23 Feb. The boys will be in their Scouts uniform for the whole day.

During the Catechism/Ethics lesson this week, the Catholic boys will have their sacrament of reconciliation. This is a special spiritual exercise for the Catholic boys to ask God for forgiveness for their wrongdoings. As they may not complete by 8 am, do excuse them if they return after 8 am, but it should not go beyond 8.30 am.

I would also like to ask you to spare me some time to catch up with everyone. I hope you can find 30-45 minutes for me to catch up with each of you and also for you to ask about or share your thoughts, concerns or aspirations or whatever is on your mind or in your heart. You can check my calendar for our common availability or come see me or any of the office staff who can also help you to find and book a slot.

As a community of imperfect human beings, sometimes we may inadvertently say or do things that hurt each other. Very often, emotions would not escalate if we can help our boys and each other exercise this virtue of generosity, mixed in with magnanimity and patience, while at the same time exercising our authority with gentleness to correct the unacceptable behaviours. During such times, our weekly quote is very apt.

Put up with the faults of others and be generous towards them. 

– St John Baptist de La Salle

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Weighted Assessment Procedure

By:  IP Heads

Relevant Levels:  All Level

Date and Time of Event:  Week 8 -9 

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having our Weighted Assessment in Week 8 and 9. Please read through the procedures for the implementation of the weighted assessments.

Please adhere to the procedure outlined.

If you need any further clarifications, please approach your respective IP heads.

Thank you!

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Weighted Assessment Procedure

Term 1 Assessment School Cockpit Timeline

By:  Data Management Team

Relevant Levels:  All Levels

Date and Time of Event:  NA

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the trimeline for school cockpit entry and returning of WAs for signature. Please return the WA papers before we commence out e-MTP as scheduled.

Thank you!


Staff Lunch & Lo Hei

By: Staff Well-Being Committee

Relevant Levels: (all staff)

Date and Time of Event: Wednesday 21 February @ 2.15 pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Let’s come together and celebrate Chinese New Year over lunch and lo hei in the canteen😋😘

See you! 

Staff Lunch & Lo Hei

Sacrament of Reconciliation

By:  Lasallian Programmes and School Heritage

Relevant Levels:  P4 - P6 Catechism Boys

Date and Time of Event:  22 February, 7.35am

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will be having confessions in the school hall on 22 Feb, Thursday, during Ethics and Catechism period. P4 - P6 Catechism boys will report to the school hall for morning assembly with their bags. Confessions will start after morning assembly. 

Due to time constraints, some students may only be able to return to class after 8am. Next period teachers, we seek your understanding. 

Thank you!

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Deployment and Instructions can be found in the tabs here.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Training Programme Flow

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Deployment and Instructions can be found in the tabs here.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Training Programme Flow

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Deployment and Instructions can be found in the tabs here.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Training Programme Flow

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Deployment and Instructions can be found in the tabs here.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Training Programme Flow

Class Committee Training Update

By: CCE - Student Leadership Development (Elias) 

Relevant Levels: P1-P6 

Date and Time of Event: T1W9, Mon, 26 Feb, 12pm-1:30pm (1 day only)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

There is a change in our class committee training for this year in which it will be held on 1 day only at various venues in the school with all teachers to be deployed during that duration.

Timetable will be suspended although form teachers need to report to your form classes at 12pm as P1-P2 FTs will be bringing their form classes to the hall while P3-P6 FTs will be logging into the Zoom meeting conducted by Elias where further instructions will be given to them.

We seek your help in ensuring the following:

Class Committee Training 2024 Deployment ("Ctrl F" to find your name in the sheet): 

Class Committee Training Programme Flow (Please read): 

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 883 7384 3881            Passcode: Leadership 

Should you not be in school or are unable to carry out any of the duties assigned, please kindly inform Elias ( by T1W8, Tue, 20 Feb, 1:30pm.

If you have any feedback / suggestion / concerns, please feel free to approach Elias.

Thank you for your support and let's believe in ourselves, each other and our boys!

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Deployment and Instructions can be found in the tabs here.

2024 Class Committee Student Leader Roles

Class Committee Training Programme Flow

HBL (Friday 8 March 2024) 

By:  Murni & IP Heads

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  8 March 2024

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

Home Based Learning (HBL) will be conducted on 8 March (Fri) 2024. Please refer to the attached on the subjects and type of lesson assignment during HBL.

The subject teachers are to prepare and assign HBL work to the students in their respective classes. The work given must be adequate for the students to do that day.

Subject Teachers are to monitor that your students complete their HBL. Do follow up with the necessary if your students do not complete their HBL work.

A few reminders when assigning HBL lessons at SLS (applicable for P3 to P6 students only) 

1) The naming for the SLS lessons is as follows:

Date_Class_Subject_Title of Lesson


  8 Mar_P4A_Maths_Addition of Fractions

  8 Mar_ P5I_EL_ Comprehension OE


2) All SLS lessons created and assigned to students at SLS, are to be assigned at least one day before the actual HBL date. End time for all SLS lessons is 17 March 2024 (last day of Term 1 school holidays).

3)     A reminder to make the subject IP KPs as co-teachers for your HBL lesson/s for monitoring.

4) For SLS lesson content during HBL, approach the respective IP heads.

Do ensure that your students have active SLS accounts prior to the HBL dates (P3 to P6).

Thank you.

HBL 8 March 2024.docx

Whole School Experiential Learning 2024

By:  SDT Team

Relevant Levels:  P1 to P6

Date and Time of Event:  19 & 20 March (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

You have been informed at your recent level meeting on the Whole School Experiential Learning Programme which is happening on 19 20 March 2024 in Term 2 week 1.  This is SDT team's new structure and effort to bring about positive learning experiences for our students by consolidating and cooridinating all Learning Journeys (LJs) and character building programmes championed by the various departments to coincide programme implementation on specific common date(s) across all levels.  The aims are:

1) Make good use of the free-up time for holisitic developement when mid-year examinations are removed for all levels

2) Minimize curriculum disruption when half of the Mother Tongue class is missing due to staggered level LJ dates.

Please fill in the staff unavailability link attached if it applies.  This is for our deployment planning on 19 & 20 March. 

Timeteable will be suspended on these 2 days, more details on deployment and timetable will be shared in the subsequent Bulletin.

Thank you.

2024 Staff Availability for Experiential Learning.xlsx


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.