Staff Bulletin for 2021T3W9

published on Friday 20 August 2021

About our new SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is the new "virtual" SCT that replaces our previous Wednesday afternoon's face-to-face SCT. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Week 9 is already upon us and soon it will be Teachers' Day. Just wanted to add my thanks to the Music teachers (Leraine, Belle and Darren) on top of my note last week on the National Day celebrations especially for putting the movements to the National Day song this year. Its been really challenging for music teachers with the SMM in place, but they have found creative ways to get round it. We will also be hosting a visit by our Zonal Director, Mrs Wendy Lim, on Friday 27 Aug from 9 to 11 am. There will be a staff engagement session with her for about 25 staff (see below) who do not have lessons during that period. If you are not on the list and do have issues or questions to discuss, please feel free to ask any colleague to raise them for you.

Please also take the opportunity to give your inputs on the colour scheme for the school repainting. So far only 27 have responded. Your opinion matters so please do respond.

As we enter the test and exam season, do expect that the boys may start to be more easily agitated. Do keep vigilant and be a calm and assuring presence for our boys in class. On this note, I will leave you with this quote:

“The children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most unloving ways”

― Russel Barkley

Term 3 Results Processing

By: School Cockpit Team

Relevant Levels: All Teachers

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Term 3 Week 10 to Term 4 Week 2

Deadline to Note: Refer to attachment

Information Details:

Please note the change in process from previous years: P6 pupils will be getting their report books in Term 4 at the end of the year. This will allow us to provide up-to-date full-year feedback on academic and conduct / behavioural asepcts for the students. Meanwhile, for Prelims results, parents will still be kept updated based on signing the Examination Papers when they are returned.

Term 3 Results Proessing Schedule.pdf

Zonal Director Visit on 27 August, Friday

By: SLs

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 27 August, Friday, 9am to 11am

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

Zonal Director / East, Ms Wendy Lim, will be visiting our school on 27 August, Friday, 9am to 11am.

We will be bringing her on a walk-through visit of the TRANSIT class from 9:30am to 9:45am; the boys will be having their EL lesson then. Teachers involved are:

  • Haslindah

  • Siti

After that, we will be having a staff session with her from 9:45am to 10:45am and based on timetable availability, the following are the staff members involved:

  • Amirah

  • Annie

  • April

  • Elizabeth (Abraham)

  • Elizabeth (Lee Norlawati)

  • Hafiza

  • Mdm Hanifa

  • Herdawati

  • Hong Ying

  • Jansher

  • Jeffrey

  • Leraine

  • Meng Thong

  • Nicole (Tham-Venturi)

  • Nicole (NAT)

  • Rachel

  • See Ting

  • Si Lin

  • Sheikh

  • Soon Weng

  • Stephen

  • Suhaili

  • Vickie

  • Weixin

  • Yong Seng

We will be having the session in PAL Room 2, please do come to the room once you finish your earlier lesson.

Do think of questions or ideas you have to raise, they can range from education issues/policies to subject-based ones or queries/clarifications/bug-bears you might have. This is a good time to share your views as well as get a better understanding on issues/policies, so we can all together help to improve our school and education at large.

Peer Coaching

By: Teacher Leaders Committee

Relevant Levels: All Teachers

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: On-going (Term 3 Week 1 to Term 4 Week 4

Deadline to Note: Term 4 Week 4

Information Details:

A gentle reminder for peer coaches who have yet to complete their peer coaching to do so by Term 4 Week 4.

Should you require guidance or clarification, you may approach Annie, Cherlyn, Ka Bee, Puwen or Timothy.

If your timetable clashes with your peer coachee's, you may consider asking your coachee to have his/her lesson video-recorded. Should you require the support from ICT department, you would need to submit the ICT request form via this link:

Alternatively, you may approach Annie for other solutions.

Quick Guide for Peer Coaches

Singa Mission Term 2 Results


Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: -

Deadline to Note: 23 August 2021

Information Details: Dear FTs, please give out the tokens to your pupils and encourage them to participate in the next 2 terms' missions found in the Kindsville Booklet or A-OK Newsletter!

Singa Campaign Term 2 Results.pptx

CCA Matters (for Term 4)


Relevant Levels: CCA OICs / CCA Teachers

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Term 4

Deadline to Note: 26 August (Post Letter on PG)

Information Details:

1. Generic CCA letter Template;

a. Please send out the letters by 26 August (Template sent to CCA OICs by email)

b. Please delete the CCA days which are not applicable in the schedule

c. For point A under “Holiday CCA sessions”, CCAs can delete that component if you do not have competition (NSG/SYF etc) and do not require students back during the holidays. Otherwise, please leave it there to give parents time for planning. (The dates will be cleared closer to the date pending SMM)

d. Parents to respond by 7 September, Tuesday.

2. Update google drive on the “Groups of 5” as well as “lunch seating”;

a. Do update the list so that if/when we transit back to f2f CCA, we will be able to conduct the sessions without massive tweaks

b. If you have issues making the changes, or are making massive changes, please find Jansher for assistance

3. Dismissal Duties (Should we return back to F2F in Term 4)

a. Please refer to the dismissal duties below (sent via mail and attached)

4. CCAs with Vendors in 2021 will need to prepare AOR and ITQ documents

a. As we are moving to a July to June CCA schedule, contracts will be 1.5 year + 1 year (Jan 2022 – June 2023 + July 2023 – June 2023)

b. Will advise further on this before end of term

c. This may also affect the budget planning we send to AM Yong Seng


a. As of now we are going ahead with e-CCA until further notice (details of F2F sessions for parents are in the letter to assist their planning should we revert back to F2F)

b. CCA SMM will be updated and sent to CCAs for various changes should f2f resumes.

CCA Sub Groupings & Grps of 5

CCA Dismissal Term 4.pptx

Primary 5 Sexuality Education


Relevant Levels: Primary 5

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 25 August to Term 4 Week 2

Deadline to Note: End of Term 4 Week 2

Information Details:

Dear teachers, the schedule is confirmed and there are no changes to the previous copy. Please take note of the dates and periods for your classes.

The resources in the same Google Drive folder.

Boys who have opted out will go to the library.

P5 Sexuality Education 2021.docx

MT Term 3 Celebrating Little Successes

By: Mother Tongue Department

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: Term 3 Week 10

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

The MT Department would like to share the achievements and successes of students for various events (namely, Fo Guang Shan Penmanship Competition, CBS Storytelling, Mother Tongue Language Fortnight, Reading Campaign) with the school and will be presenting the prizes and awards to the winners and deserving students during pre-assembly:

CBS StoryTelling Competition (11 August - Done)
Reading Campaign (31 August)

Fo Guang Shan Penmanship Competition (1 September)

MTL Fortnight Level Competition (1 September)

The list of winners for CBS Storytelling and FGS Penmanship can be found in the PPT attached. Winners' list for Reading Campaign and MTL Fortnight will be revealed at the respective prize presentations during pre-assemblies.

MT Celebrating Little Successes Term 3.pptx

Change of Date: SPD on Student Management

By: Student Management & VP

Relevant Levels: All Teachers / AEDs

Date(s) of Event / Programme / Item: 1 September 2021

Deadline to Note: NA

Information Details:

Take note that the SPD (Staff Professional Development) on Student Management on 25 August 2021 (as indicated in the school calendar) has been postponed to 1 September 2021. This is also to give everyone time to catch up on marking in the very busy end of Term 3 period.