Staff Bulletin for 2022T2W1

published on Sunday 27 March 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes.

PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you had a good start to Term 2. I want to reiterate what I mentioned last Wednesday about creating order to set up the class for successful learning. I’m glad to see more teachers emphasising the message to their boys on getting them ready for learning. Let’s continue our efforts to keep our classes clean throughout the day, and continue to train our boys to set in the routine to open the windows, arrange the tables and chairs, and switch off fans, lights, and projectors when leaving the class. Let us also role model our expectation for order in the classroom by also ensuring that the class is orderly and ready at the end of our lessons so that the next teacher for lessons. Do try to remember to clean the board and settle the boys down so that we leave the class and a better state for the next teacher.

I want to thank the Teachers who have put aside some time to meet up with me. For the others whom I have not met up with this year, do try to find some time to meet up. I would really like to meet everyone individually.

“The way you behave should be a model for those you teach.”

De La Salle

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Updated CCA Dismissal Plan

By: CCA Comm

Relevant Levels: P3-P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 2 onwards

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear CCA Teachers,

With the changes to SMM as well as National School's Competitions and SYF AP taking place, CCAs will be going out of school again for various programs, a very much welcome move for the student experience!

As a result, the deployment of teachers for CCA dismissals will also evolve as the scheduling and timing of CCAs will be fluid. Starting term 2, every CCA will need to have at least 1 CCA teacher on dismissal duty with each CCA taking charge of their own students. Please do refer to the slides attached for dismissal arrangements.

Updated CCA Dismissal Term 2 2022.pptx

SOP for relief matters

By: Relief Team 2 - Mr. Stephen Tan and Mr. Chee Soon Weng

Relevant Levels: For all staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Nil

Deadline to Note: Nil

Information Details:

Dear Staff, please refer to the attached file for the SOP for relief in term 2.

Thank you very much for your cooperation .

Relief Team

SOP for Relief Matters for Staff_23 Mar 22.pptx

English Language Literary Week 2022 & Mother Tongue Reading Campaign

By: EL & MT Departments

Relevant Levels: All levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 28 March 2022/Assembly Launch

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details: We will be launching English Language Literary Week 2022 in conjunction with the Mother Tongue Reading Campaign 2022 on Monday, 28 March 2022. There will be an assembly programme via Zoom. Please log in by 12.40 pm with the following details:

Topic: EL Lit Week and MT Reading Campaign

Time: Mar 28, 2022 12:00 PM Singapore

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 5855 5989

Passcode: Read

We would also like to seek your support in encouraging all pupils to participate in the activities which have been planned for them. Feel free to go through the slides with them in class. Thank you in advance for your support in raising our Stephenians to be avid and lifelong readers.

EL Literary Week 2022

Student Leadership

By: Student Leadership Committee

Relevant Levels: All Levels

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Monday, 28 March 2022 (FTGP Period)

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details:

Dear Teachers, please note that the student leadership training for the 3 leadership roles of i) IT Leader, ii) Green Leader and iii) PE Leader will be conducted on Monday, 28 March during the FTGP period.

Students will be seated according to their classes with the SMM of 2m between each class and 1m between each students.

Do refer to the attach slides for the venues students should report to.

Training Plan for the Students

Charities Week

By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 28 March 2022

Deadline to Note: 1 April 2022

Information Details: Charities Week 2022 provides much needed funding to support the work of Caritas Singapore and the Catholic charities and organisations under their umbrella. The donations will help the Caritas Singapore family to serve diverse and marginalised groups including low-income families, youths at risk, the incarcerated, people with physical disabilities, and people with mental health problems.

Please show the short video and distribute the Charities Week 2022 envelopes on Monday, 28 March to your classes during FTGP. All who wish to make their donations will drop their envelopes in the DropBox in the General Office by 1 April 2022.

Caritas Charities week 2022

Stephenian Samaritans Pack (SSs Pack)


Relevant Levels: All staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 2 April

Deadline to Note: 1 April

Information Details: Dear teachers,

Partnering Hao Ren Hao Shi, we will be having our March run of the monthly staff VIA programme on 2 April 2022. We would like to invite Stephenian Samaritans, YOU, to help pack into sets (about 25-30 items, 2 plastic bags per recipient) for pupils under the FAS, OSOs and cleaners.

Thank you, Yasmin, Juminah, Yong Seng, Rosshini, Sandran, Rajeswari, Zhang Li and Mr Chew for the March run!

The next session is on 2 April 2022, 10 am to 1215 pm and we will be packing 40 sets.

We currently have 5 staff who have signed up for April and we are hoping for 8 teachers per run. Looking forward to more staff joining in this meaningful project!

Stephenian Samaritans Pack Teachers' Schedule

Founder's Day and Prize-giving Day

By: CCE - Catechism and Lasallian Celebrations + Prize-giving Working Committee

Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 7 April 2022

Deadline to Note: -

Information Details: Dear teachers, please refer to the Google Slides and Google Sheet for information on the events on 7 April 2022. Activity sheets for all classes and the Founder's Day gift will be left in your class pigeonholes.

Soft copies of activities and other resources can be found in the Google drive:

Duty List and Programme for Prize-giving 2022 :

Founder's Day 2022 Schedule.pptx
23_3_22_ Prize giving 2022 Proposed Plan).xlsx