Staff Bulletin 2022

published on Saturday 10 Sept 2022

About our SSS Staff Bulletin: This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time. All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference.. PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome back to a brand new term. I hope that you had a good break and will come back refreshed for our final term of the year. I want to thank the SWB for orgainsing the fellowship over our teacher's day lunch, as well as the team that pulled together the 65th Anniversary Celebrations and Gallery Opening.

This term will largely be filled with the PSLE. Marking, internal exams, P5 camps, school health checks, and new P1 orientation amongst many other things. With the introduction of On-Screen Marking, there will be fewer teachers involved in the marking and MOE has encouraged schools to continue learning for some levels as most teachers will not be deployed for marking. So our term 4 this year may feel slightly different from the past; nonetheless, let us work closely with each other and trust God to see us through.

As we begin the new term with many things to work on, I leave you with a quote from our Founder for our reflection:

“Throw yourself into God's arms. He will carry you when the road is rough.”

~ De La Salle

Have a great week ahead!

Credere et Servire!

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Happy Teachers' Day & 65th Anniversary: Appreciation Tokens from School Council Chairman, SSSPARK & SSOBA

By: VPs

Relevant Levels: All Teachers

Date of Event/Programme/Item: -

Information Details:

Dear everyone, hope all of us have had a great Teachers' Day weekend and a good rest this Sept hols thus far! It was a great lunch we had together :D - great food and great company!

Other than the SLs' appreciation padfolios that we gave to everyone last Thursday, our School Council Chairman Mr Rupert Gwee has prepared a token of appreciation for each of us, and we will place them in our pigeon holes.

Our SSSPARK parents have also prepared appreciation tote bags for all teachers - those of us who came back from the Lunch on the buses would have collected it, for the rest of us, we have placed them on a trolley beside the spiral staircase in the General Office, do take yours too. Inside the tote bag is also our 65th Anniversary Music Box, sponsored by SSOBA.

Our thanks to Mr Rupert Gwee, SSOBA and SSSPARK for their very kind thoughts and gestures.

Do have a good weekend ahead! Many cheers again!

PSLE Listening Comprehension Exam 16 September

By: IPEs Belle & Sheikh

Relevant Levels: All Staff

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 16 September 2022

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

Please find the shared document on the PSLE LC Deployment which I had shared earlier on 31 August. There is only 1 edit: swap of invigilator of Bengali and Panjabi candidate. Colleagues whose names are not reflected will be on standby as reserves for colleagues who are absent. Do not hesitate to clarify with me if you are in doubt.

Please also note that there is another briefing on 12 September , Monday in the Library. This meeting is to meet your group I/C to brief the details on your duties and for invigilators to be familiar with the LC set-up.

Time : 2.15pm to 2.45pm (for Group heads only)

Time : 2.45pm to 4.30pm (for all staff by their Group heads)

Time: 3.15pm to 4.30pm (for all invigilators with e-supt)

Have a restful term break!

PSLE LC 2022 Staff Deployment.docx

CCE (FTGP) Lessons


Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Term 4

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

The SOWs and resources for CCE (FTGP) are ready in the sharing folder under the following directory: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\CCE (FTGP) & Ethics\CCE (FTGP)\CCE (FTGP) Lessons\2022.

The slides for Term 4 check-in have also in the same folder. The SLS activity will be assigned for your pupils to complete before Week 2.

Ethics and Catechism


Relevant Levels: P1 to P6

Date of Event/Programme/Item: Tuesdays

Information Details: Dear teachers, the Ethics SOWs and softcopy of pupils' worksheets are in the sharing folder: S:\@DEPT_CHARACTER AND CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CCE)\Subcommittees\CCE (FTGP) & Ethics\Ethics\2022.

For P5 and P6, no worksheets will be printed for Term 4.

The Catechism resources are in the Google Drive:

Mental Health Awareness Briefing 2022

By: School Counsellor

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 14 September 2022

Information Details:

Dear colleagues,

Our School Counsellor, Gowrie, will be conducting a facilitated workshop on 'Rumination' to raise teachers’ awareness in trending mental health issues faced by students and help teachers to recognise at-risk signs for early intervention.

Teachers will need to complete a Micro-Learning Unit (MLU) on OPAL2.0 prior to the facilitated workshop scheduled for Term 4 Week 1, Wednesday, 14 September. Details of the MLU are below:

Title: Ruminating about Rumination MLU [PRI]

OPAL Course code: SW-000043

MLU Link: Click Here

The MLU consists of 3 parts:

Part 1 - What does rumination look like and how does it impact mental well-being?

Part 2 - How do I identify students who struggle with rumination?

Part 3 - How do I support students who struggle with rumination?

Edusave Character Award (ECHA) Peer Nomination

By: YHs

Relevant Levels: All

Date of Event/Programme/Item: 12 September (12.30 pm to 1.00 pm)

Information Details:

Hi everyone. In place of the scheduled afternoon assembly talk, we will do ECHA Peer Nomination in class. I have sent you more details on this process via Outlook.

The nomination hardcopies will be placed in the class pigeon holes by Monday morning. The nomination set is differentiated. P1 and P2 pupils use the same nomination set whereas P3 to P6 pupils use a different set.

Do go through the ECHA pupil's slides with the boys to refresh their memory before letting them do the nomination. They are free to nominate one Stephenian. The nominee can be their classmate (same class),levelmate (same level) or schoolmate (different level)

Once the stakeholders' nomination period ends on Wednesday, the YHs will then work with the Level to surface and discuss potential Level recipients. The Level will do a confirmation Level ranking in T4Wk4.

Credere Et Servire


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and

Learning as a Community,

for the Glory of God.