Published on Saturday 11 Nov 2023

You can perform miracles by touching the hearts of those entrusted to your care - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Staff Bulletin for 2023 T4W10

About our SSS Staff Bulletin:  This weekly Staff Bulletin is our "virtual" print version of a weekly Staff Contact Time.  All staff are expected to read each issue in full and be aware of all the vital aspects of upcoming programmes and processes. The accompanying files/slides for each news item are for your downloading. and reference..  PLUS: Please do continue checking our CES outlook emails daily, for any direct communication as well as urgent / immediate matters.

SSS Staff Handbook Online

Principal's Update

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the final week of the year. We've made it and we have brought all our boys through another year! There was and will be a lot of relief for various reasons and I want to thank you for making the sacrifice to help cover our colleagues. I also want to thank you for working hard to support the P1 Orientation and sorting out the boys for next year. 

I am also very happy to congratulate  Puwen and Haslinda on receiving the Associate of AST award for their contributions to their NLCs. I also want to congratulate Amelia for being a finalist in the prestigious Arif Budiman Malay Language Teacher Award. 

As we enter the close of the year, and bid farewell to our graduands, let us appreciate the work we have accomplished this year and take a moment to feel gratitude for the many encounters with boys, parents and colleagues, in spite of the difficult moments, and look forward to next year. As teachers, we have to be eternal optimists, always having hope for the boys entrusted to us. For some boys, you are the only one who believes in them. I leave you with this quote:

Remember the past with gratitude. Live the present with enthusiasm. Look forward to the future with confidence. 

– St John Paul II

I also wish all our Indian colleagues Happy Deepavali!

Credere et Servire!  

Keep Believing and Serving,

Timothy Goh

Deepavali Celebration 2023

By: Deepavali Celebration Committee

Relevant Levels: All staff and students

Date and Time of Event: 15 November, Wednesday

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

The Deepavali Celebration will be held on 15 November, Wednesday. To celebrate this colourful event, we encourage all staff and students to don on the Indian traditional attire on this day.


The celebration consists of recess activities and a concert. Please refer to the slides for more details and instructions.

Thank you!

Deepavali Celebration 2023.pptx

Deepavali Lunch

By: Staff Well-Being Committee

Relevant Levels: (all staff) 

Date and Time of Event: Wednesday 15 November, 2 pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

See you at our Deepavali lunch next Wednesday! 


Thank you!

Deepavali Lunch.pptx

Emergency Preparedness Exercise 

By: Assembly & Search Group  

Relevant Levels: All

Date and Time of Event: 15 November 2023

Information Details: 

Dear all,


An emergency evacuation exercise will be conducted on Wednesday, 15 November during the first two periods after morning assembly. The assembly area for this exercise will be the school field.


Once the fire drill is activated, you will receive a link via the school handphone for attendance taking. Please update the attendance of the students accordingly followed by your own attendance in the same link.


Thank you.

Partners' Appreciation 2023

By: Partnership Committee

Relevant Levels: Staff

Date and Time of Event: 15 November, Wednesday (1200hr - 1330hr)

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

The school is celebrating our partnership with various stakeholders at the Pal Rooms this Wednesday. Partners invited include the following:


Church (OLPS)


Hao Ren Hao Shi

Morning Star Community Services



SSSPARK PV and Parent Catechists

School Council

Target15SG (unable to attend)

If you have worked with any of these partners this year and have no lessons between 1200hr - 1330hr, you are most welcome to join us at the appreciation party. We hope to see you there!

Thank you!

P6 Graduation Day & Full Dress Rehearsal

By: P6 Level    

Relevant Levels: P6, all staff involved  

Date and Time of Event: 15 and 16 November 2023

Information Details: 

Dear all,


P6 students will be having their full-dress rehearsal for their Graduation Day on 15 November from

9 am to As such, the school hall will be out of bounds during this time. Subject teachers taking the classes at 9 am, please bring the boys down to the hall.


The actual day for the P6 Graduation Day is on Thursday, 16 November from 7.30 a.m. to 12 noon. The P6 boys will not have lessons on that day and the school hall will be out of bounds to the other levels during this duration. If you are available and would like to join us in celebrating our P6 boys, the P6 Teachers gladly welcome your presence!


Thank you!


Use Your Hands Campaign

By:    CCE VIA

Relevant Levels:   Primary 1 - 6

Date and Time of Event:  17 Nov, 12pm to 1.30pm

Information Details: 

Dear all,

Use Your Hands Campaign will be conducted on the last day of school, 17 Nov. Please take note that the last 3 periods will be suspended for Cleaning and Reflection Time. 

Please share the set of slides in the google drive, with the objective of having the boys learn to end the academic year by leaving their classrooms as clean, or even cleaner, then when they first inhabited it at the beginning of the year.  

Please return all books/files/worksheets in the classrooms and clear your subject cabinets before 17 Nov, so that the boys can do a better job cleaning up and avoid throwing away resources that you may still need. Announcement will be made for pupils to bring wet wipes/rags. 

Do also take some time to reflect on the way classroom cleaning has been done in Semester 2. If you can think of any improvements you might make to the routine, starting a new year might be the perfect time to make a change!

Deployment can be found in the same link and is subject to changes based on teachers' attendance that morning. 

Thank you!

Staff Deployment_17 Nov
VIA_UYHC_Classroom PPT 2023 Term 4.pptx

Staff Review and Retreat

By: Staff Well-Being Committee

Relevant Levels: (all teachers)

Date and Time of Event: 20 to 21 November, 8.30 am to 5 pm

Information Details: 

Dear teachers,

Please note the venue for our Staff Review and Retreat is at Park Avenue Changi Hotel. Complimentary car park coupons will be provided for the two days. However, if you need transport, please indicate in the link below : 

1 for 1 way, 2 for 2 ways. Kindly do so by Tuesday 14 November.

Thank you!

Park Avenue Changi.docx

Staff Bonding Day 

By: Staff Well-Being Committee

Relevant Levels:  (all staff)

Date and Time of Event:  Friday, 24 November, 9.45am to 2pm

Information Details: 

Dear colleagues,

We will have our staff bonding before we break for the holidays. It will be an amazing race at MBS after which we will adjourn for lunch by department. 

We will meet at MBS at 9.30am before we start the race. Please refer to the slides for details. There will be a briefing on 21 November at our retreat. Team leaders will also be briefed separately. 

Department heads are to decide on a place for lunch with department members. A maximum of $20 per pax will be reimbursed to department heads for the lunch. Please make your claims by December. 

Please access the link below for your grouping:

Thank you.

SSS Staff Bonding Day 24 Nov (Fri) 2023.pptx

7Hs Sharpen The Saw - Learning from the Greats: Ravi Shankar

By:    VP

Relevant Levels:   -

Date and Time of Event:  -

Information Details: -

Dear all,

As we wind down the term and begin our end of year reflections, here's something to start us off.

Ravi Shankar was one of the greatest musicians of our era, through his work on the sitar, his depth of music making - improvisation and connection with the listener, a philosopher through tones and rhythm, the raga and the tala.  

We could, as educators and philosophers of our subjects, and the light of our students' lives, learn much from the maestro's music making.  Beginning with an expository raga (melodic scale-pattern/motif), slowly developing it, unfolding it slowly, letting it breathe and vary bit by bit, and then adding in the tala (rhythmic pattern/motif), and then enjoying the developmental variations, that freedom of spirit undergirded by the constancy and intent of the raga and tala, as well as adapting to the mood of the moment, and finally bringing it to a breath-taking climax.

There are 3 videos attached here - a mini-interview and 2 musical performances (audio). There's lots to learn and borrow form the music making of Ravi Shankar, that we could transfer and adapt in parallel ideas/principles to the way we expound our lesson topic, expands and develop our lessons, engage our students, deepen the connection, to the passion and discovery we bring to our students, to our own musings of of subject disciplines, to the potential and development of each of our students, and to our philosophy of life! 

Every lesson of ours in the classroom is a new 'live' performance of sorts, and the possibilities of our lessons and our children are limitless, just like the boundless brilliance in a raga!


1985: RAVI SHANKAR - master of the SITAR | Maestro and Guru | Classic BBC Music | BBC Archive

Ravi Shankar - Morning Raga-

Ravi Shankar - Tenth Decade in Concert: Live In Escondido (Raga Mala)

['... Cinematographer and director Alan Kozlowski presents an intimate look at a 91-year-old Ravi Shankar performing in southern California in October 2011. Kozlowski offers a uniquely personal perspective on Ravi Shankar. The filmmaker has studied music with Ravi since 1978, and has produced a documentary honoring Ravi called "Sangeet Ratna" and co-produced with George Harrison a collection of Ravi's work called "In Celebration." The love of subject is clear in the film, but it's Ravi's raw and powerful performance that leaves the most lasting impression. Though Ravi has curtailed his busy touring schedule, his playing continues to draw intense praise. Songlines magazine says that the master has lost "absolutely nothing in the way of musical virtuosity, technical brilliance and the kind of high-energy passion that belongs in concert performances." East Meets West Music is proud to release this important testament to a great artist simply unable to stop making transformative music.' ]


Living in Faith,

, Leading in Service and 

Learning as a Community

for the Glory of God.