Zach Willams

Current senior, Zach Williams plans on making his way down to Ohio University to continue his education this fall, majoring in Management Information Systems. 

Zach has high hopes for himself, “Because I want to pursue higher education and get a good job out of college.” 

Like many others, Zach is having some mixed emotions about graduating, “My feelings are bittersweet. I am excited to move on and continue in life but I am also a little sad to leave everything I know and my childhood behind.” 

Zach's baseball family has helped create some of his best memories,“ My favorite high school memory was during my junior year with the baseball team going to Orlando for spring break.” Hopefully this spring break Zach will create even more memories with his team/family. 

Although there are many teachers at AHS who have impacted him, there is one who stood out. “Mr. Rakow has most impacted me as he convinced me to take his computer programming class which I am now pursuing in college.” 

Zach wants to share, “Advice I give to underclassmen is to not be too focused on school that you lose sight of activities out of school.” 

In a few years, Zach sees himself “having graduated college pursuing a well-paying job, and getting ready to start a family.” 

Zach wants to end off by sharing, “You only get to experience high school once so make the most of it.” 

“Live life to the fullest” 

Written by Lana Witmer