Senior Spotlight:

Ally Kaufman

Senior, Ally Kaufman, is taking on her future at Hiram University! Kaufman plans on getting a degree in nursing, as well as continuing her soccer career. 

Ally says that she’s known that she’s wanted to be involved in the medical field: “I have always known that I wanted to do something within the medical field as I have been drawn towards science for as long as I can remember. I have enjoyed science because it makes me think creatively in order to come up with a solution. Additionally, I believe that nursing is such a rewarding job as it would allow me to help others.” Kaufman explains that throughout her time at high school, she’s felt that there’s always been a part of her that felt the need to volunteer. Now that she’s majoring in nursing, this would allow her to take volunteering and helping others to the next level. Along with that, she says that her passion was reaffirmed when this past summer she had the opportunity to watch an open heart surgery at Cleveland Clinic. 

Ally explains that she’s really excited for graduation, and is ready for her next chapter: “Ultimately, I am really excited for graduation. I cannot wait to embark on this next chapter of my life as it contains many new and unique opportunities.” Although excited about graduation, she also explains that she’ll miss the community of Aurora: “...I will greatly miss the supportive community of Aurora, especially my teachers, friends, and coaches. I owe a lot to this community for creating the person I am today.”

Kaufman explains that her favorite high school memory is being on the soccer team: “My favorite memories of high school come from being part of the soccer team. I loved coming to practice each day knowing that there will always be someone to gossip or rant with. I will forever value the relationships this sport has given me.” Ally also explains that the teacher who has most impacted her was Mrs. Brancazio: “Mrs. Brancazio’s fun personality demonstrated to me that learning could be fun when you let loose and use your creativity.”

When asked where she sees herself in 10 years, Kaufman hopes to have achieved her Nurse Practitioner license and hopefully work in the pediatric field. 

Ally wants underclassmen to know this, “My advice for underclassmen would be not to be afraid to try new things. Whether it be joining a new club or making friends outside of your typical group, it is more important to put yourself out there because you can never be certain of the impact it might have unless you try. From high school, I have gained some of the best experiences and long-lasting friendships all because I stepped out of my comfort zone.”

Ally’s senior quote is: “It's a celebration every time we link up, we done did everything they can think of, greatness is what we on the brink of." - Nicki Minaj, "Moment 4 Life"

Written by: Maddie Mink