Rebeca Rentfrow: Shining behind the scenes 

Senior Rebecca Rentfrow has big plans for the next few years of her college life! With plans of going to Kent State, Rentfrow has decided her major is going to be stage management! Rentfrow explains that she's been involved with theater since the sixth grade and was more than ready to continue it into high school, so it makes sense to keep going on into college. 

Rentfrow says that of all the members of our AHS family, Mr. Albrecht has been the most influential to her in her time here. She explains, “I feel like Mr. Albrecht has impacted me the most by making me the stage manager in the first place. He has encouraged me to do most with stage and to become more independent with my life and to not rely on others for things that I can do.” 

Coincidently, her most fond memory of high school was when she, as just a sophomore, was asked to be the stage manager in Aurora High School's very own drama club! She said, “I was so happy when I got the email asking me to be stage manager.” She's since maintained that position and falls more in love with the position after each production.

Where does Rentfrow believe she’ll be in ten years? Well, if you ask her, she’ll say, “I hope to be working on a Broadway show or in the middle of touring with a show seeing my family when we go to Cleveland.” 

If there is one thing Rentfrow wants the underclassmen to know, it's to do your homework on time and don't stress about the little things. Rentfrow states, “Do your homework and don’t leave it to the last second the night before it is due or the day that it is due. Don’t worry about the small things that won’t affect your future.”

This senior's final message before she leaves our greenhouse is this, “ Make sure that you have fun along with getting your work done.” It's important to balance work and play, but don’t forget to let yourself enjoy high school. Renfrow's personal motto goes as follows: "All our dreams can come true…if we have the courage to pursue them." Do as Rebecca does and follow your dreams!