Future Attorney: Payton Griffith

Senior, Payton Griffith, is climbing her way through the government! Griffith plans on majoring in political science and possibly minoring in psychology. After college, she plans on attending law school, so that she can eventually become a civil rights attorney, and maybe a future politician. 

Griffith explains that this has been an interest to her because she enjoys helping people: “I have always been very interested in this career path because of its direct capability of changing other people’s lives for the better. I feel it’s very important to cycle in new ideas and pave the way for inclusive and sustainable change so that people can live their happiest lives.” 

With that, Payton also explains that her AP Government, Service Learning, and AP Comp. Government Teacher, Mr. Rubin, has most impacted her: “I say this because he has managed to change my mind on things I had previously not considered, and only furthered my deeply rooted interest in helping others and making intelligent decisions. He has truly helped me to become a well-rounded leader.” She hopes that in 10 years she’ll be living in Washington D.C. while pursuing her dream of becoming an attorney.

Griffith explains that although she’s excited to graduate, she’ll miss Aurora: “I am excited to graduate and move onto the next chapter of my life, but I am also, of course, going to miss the tight-knit community of Aurora, and all of the wonderful memories of friends and family.” 

Payton also took a look back on her senior year, and said that her favorite memory would’ve been the weekend of homecoming: “My favorite memory has been getting to experience the homecoming weekend as a senior. Getting to spend that time in the stands and at the dance with my friends was so special, and I’m so thankful that I got to have so much fun with them.”

Payton wants underclassmen to know that anything and everything will change: “Things have the capability of changing so quickly. Social drama or a bad grade can change overnight, and a lot of that capability comes from you and what you decide to do about it. No negative feeling will last forever.” 

Payton wants to leave Aurora with one final message: “I am so lucky to have gotten to attend Aurora Schools, and to have been given numerous opportunities to succeed. The relationships I’ve made are ones I will cherish forever, and I hope to continue... the work ethic, problem-solving skills, and community involvement I have experienced in Aurora.” 

Payton’s senior quote is, “Never have regrets - because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted to.”

Written By: Maddie Mink