Newest bobcat: Nina Riemenschneider

By: Willa Sabelko

As senior year comes to a close, Nina Riemenschneider is “excited to graduate” but “also sad to think it’s the end of high school.”

Despite emotions running high, Nina has decided to attend Ohio University in the fall with a major in sociology-criminology. She explains, “I’ve always been interested in the criminal justice program and have [wanted] to do something with it as a career.”

Specifically, she says, “I want to go into investigating, focusing on helping missing children be found and human trafficking cases. I want to help people who are in those situations come home.”

Following that career path, by 2034, she sees herself “living either in South or North Carolina, hopefully working in the criminal investigations field, surrounded by people who support [her].”

Similarly, throughout high school at Aurora, Nina has built a network of friends and teachers who support her. For example, she claims Mr. Pinzone had the biggest influence on her. She expressed that she “enjoyed his class every time…and he made class something to look forward to. He has also given [her] great advice [she] will take throughout college.”

Riemschnieder finished voicing her appreciation for Mr. Pinzone with, “I really am going to miss him as my teacher and just as somebody I could go to for advice and help.”

Moreover, reminiscing on the last 4 years, Nina has “made so many life-long friendships that [she’ll] cherish forever.” 

One of her favorite memories with her friends and the senior class “was winning powderpuff last year and painting the rock before the game.” She said, “I felt like I got to come together with a lot of the students in my grade, and it was a great experience.” 

To enjoy senior year as much as Nina has, she recommends “underclassmen to make the best out of high school and enjoy it. It goes by really quickly and makes you realize how much you’ll miss it. Have fun and make lots of memories, and don’t worry about what others think or say. Just enjoy high school and getting to see your friends every day. There will be rough patches you go through; a lot can change in high school, but that’s the beauty of it. Nothing is forever, so make the most out of it.”

As Nina moves on to the next chapter of her life, she wants “to thank all the teachers, staff, and students that have made high school a time to remember.” She continues: “Being a part of Aurora has given me strength and knowledge that I will take to college. The friendships I’ve made here at AHS will forever be held close to my heart, and I thank Aurora for the family community they gave me.”

Nina Riemenschneider leaves The Greenhouse with this: “Smile because of how far you’ve come. Trust the future and where you’ll end up. But never forget to enjoy the journey; it’ll be a great one.”