Anna Settecase: future flash and teacher!

By: Willa Sabelko

Senior Anna Settecase is ready for her journey at "Kent State University next year, studying Early Childhood Education as well as Speech Pathology!" Anna is incredibly passionate about her major. Here's what she said about it: "Since kindergarten, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. I had amazing elementary teachers growing up, which I think elevated my passion. I love to help children learn, and find their growth so rewarding to watch and be a part of! I am also exploring Speech Pathology because it has a lot of the same qualities as teaching, and I could also see myself doing that!" 

Her passion extended when asked where she saw herself in 10 years; she said, "I hope to be a first or second-grade teacher!" 

When it comes to graduation, Settecase has some conflicting feelings. She stated, "Although it's sad to think about graduation, I definitely think I am ready, and am so grateful for my four years at Aurora!" She extended her gratitude specifically to Mrs. Taylor. Anna explained, "Mrs. Taylor and her Popular Literature class had a huge impact on me as a reader. She is able to create such a warm and fun environment in the classroom. Mrs. Taylor was definitely the reason for me getting back into reading!" 

Furthermore, Anna is grateful for her time at Disney via a school trip. She expressed that her "favorite memory of high school was going to Disney with the Highlights!"

Anna wants to tell underclassmen to "appreciate the little things, and don't take yourself too seriously!" For her fellow seniors, Settecase is hoping for "the best" for them and is "excited for the future!"

She leaves you with this: "Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go."