Maddie Holohan: Future Kent State flash and past Aurora Greeman  

Senior at Aurora High School, Maddie Holohan, is gearing up to graduate and preparing to start a new chapter at Kent State University. Maddie will major in business and minor in something creative. Maddie wants to study business due to her desire to one day start her own company. Maddie says, "I hope to one day own my own business. I enjoy economics and business management but founding something that is my own means I can incorporate all of my other passions into it as well." 

Regarding graduation, Maddie is mixed emotionally. Maddie says, "I’m excited to move on to this next chapter in my life, but there is a lot I will miss about High School, so I’d say it's bittersweet." Graduation is less than two weeks away now, and Maddie reflects on her favorite high school memories. Maddie tells, "I have many great memories, but my favorites will always be from football games and homecoming season in the fall with my friends."

Out of all the wonderful teachers at AHS, one stuck out to Maddie. Maddie's art teacher, Mr. Berridon made the most impact on her throughout her time at Aurora. Maddie says, "Each day I am motivated to work my hardest in his class while at the same time enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere he creates in class. Mr. Berrodin has proven to me the great things you can accomplish when you put your full effort into a project." After reflecting on all of the positive memories at AHS, Maddie has some advice for underclassmen. Maddie advises, "for underclassmen to get involved in everything you can, it opens you up to so many new people and fun experiences. Many of my fondest high school memories have come from my involvement in our clubs and school functions."

Looking ten years down the road, Maddie will have graduated from Kent State and hopefully have started her own business. To add, Maddie says, "I hope to be well-traveled, running my own business from my dream location." The countdown till graduation is closing in on one week. Maddie's final message before starting this new chapter in her life is, "Time really does pass by fast so take advantage of the experiences at hand and always be present in the moment so you don’t miss out on anything!" Maddie's optimistic and kind energy will be certainly missed throughout the halls of AHS. 

For Maddie's senior quote: “Never be ashamed of trying… effortlessness is a myth” -Taylor Swift   

By: Harrison Mullin