Maddie Dalessandro

2024 senior, Maddie Dalessandro, is on her way to Xavier University to study nursing. The STEM field has always been an interest of Maddie’s, and she’s always had a passion for helping others, which is something that she plans to do with her degree. 

Regarding graduation, Maddie claims to be nervous and excited: “Although I am nervous to leave behind the town and the people I have grown up with, I am beyond excited to meet new people and learn more about myself through this experience!” 

When it comes to a high school, Maddie has one memory that sticks out: “My favorite memory of high school was definitely being given the opportunity to play with my younger sister, Abby. We played soccer and softball together for 2 years and it was amazing to see us grow together!! Not many people have this opportunity but I am beyond grateful to be able to do this!!” 

Along with that, Maddie says with a smile that Mrs. Taylor has impacted her the most during her time at AHS: “Mrs. Taylor has made a great impact on me! She has provided an enjoyable, supportive environment and is always willing to help out.”

In 2034, Maddie sees herself having a family, and not living in Ohio: “I see myself somewhere warmer than Ohio, with a family and most likely some dogs!”

Maddie wants underclassmen to know that it’s okay to put yourself out there: “My advice for underclassmen is to not be afraid to put yourself out there. You never know what things you may learn about yourself, or other people unless you just try it!!” 

Maddie’s final message is, “ in the moment!! High school goes by so fast so take a minute to look around even in your busiest moments.” 

Maddie’s senior quote comes from Eleanor Roosevelt: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Written by: Maddie Mink