Cailor Roche on her past as a Greenman and future as a Redhawk

Senior at Aurora High School, Cailor Roche, is gearing up to graduate and attend Miami University to study finance and minor in pre-law. Cailor chose Miami after visiting the grand business school and beautiful campus. Cailor states, "I plan to major in finance because I have always been interested in pursuing a career in business or law, and I can do either with this major. I also plan to minor in prelaw for a background in law and for preparation for law school."  

The graduation date is a little more than two weeks away, and the feelings of leaving are starting to get real. Cailor talks about her feelings on graduation, "I am feeling very excited to graduate and start a new chapter, but I am sad to leave my friends and family. I am definitely scared of what the next chapter has to bring, but nevertheless, I know that I will thrive in my new environment and make the most of my experience."  

Cailor was part of the suburban winning volleyball team, which was the first winning title in school history. This win was rightfully Cailor's favorite memory of high school. Cailor says, "This moment will forever stand out to me because of the excitement and happiness we felt after accomplishing a goal we had talked about for so long."  

In terms of teachers who made the most impact on Cailor throughout her high school career, one stands out. Cailor reveals, "Mrs. Dirda has impacted me the most because of her kindness, understanding, and respect she shows her students. I always knew I could count on her if I was stressed out or in need of help." Mrs. Dirda has been a mentor for Cailor emotionally and mentally. Furthermore, Cailor says, "I found a lot of reliability in Mrs. Dirda and often found her very similar to myself which made her very easy to talk to and work with."

Cailor's biggest piece of advice for underclassmen would be to stay as involved as possible. Cailor says, "Some of my most memorable moments throughout high school have occurred during school-orchestrated events." Whether it be in school clubs, or going to school games, Cailor stresses the importance of getting involved to make the most out of your high school experience. Finally, Cailor states that "supporting the school and finding things to get involved in that interest you help create your own identity within Aurora and leave a mark on the school." 

The biggest and best piece of advice that Cailor has ever received is, "do what you believe is the best for you and do not consider the judgment of others. No matter what you do someone is always going to have an opinion that differs from what you want to do but ignoring it and following your heart and your goals will leave you the most satisfaction and happiness in the end." Cailor's empathy and sensibility will be missed in the halls of AHS as she starts a new chapter of her life at Miami University. 

Ten years down the road from now, Cailor hopes to have a job relating to law or business. She hopes to have settled down somewhere in North Carolina. Cailor says, "I see myself settling into my job, getting married, adopting a puppy, and buying a house on a lake to start a family in."  

Finally, Cailor takes a moment to reflect on her hometown. Cailor's final message before she leaves relates to appreciating growing up in the small town of Aurora. Cailor says, "Aurora can be taken for granted, but it is a truly amazing place to grow up. Our supportive, opportunistic, and spirited community can provide lifelong connections, enriching experiences, and a foundation that will set you up for the rest of your life." 

As for Cailor's senior quote is, "you only live once."

By: Harrison Mullin